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Cultural centers and libraries, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland

number of results: 9445


The City Culture Institute
house of culture, proposals for you: 5
turturi level
We inspire. We support. We create. We create urban events. We analyse changes in culture. We inspire action. We support the cultural sector in Gdańsk and the region. We work for and with residents of various Gdańsk neighbourhoods. We are an open cultural institution that regularly organises lectures, film reviews, intimate concerts, handicraft workshops, and practical courses. We organise...
Gdańsk, Pomorskie
Permanent exhibition
Makieta Gdańska
koncert: 2023.11.13 19:00
Nikt wcześniej nie przyglądał Ci się równie intensywnie jak ja
The City Culture Institute
Gdańsk, Pomorskie
wernisaż: 2023.11.10 19:00
Sztuka Kryzysu
The City Culture Institute
Gdańsk, Pomorskie
wokół książki: 2023.10.04 18:00
Pomorska premiera książki „Urban” Doroty Karaś i Marka Sterlingowa
The City Culture Institute
Gdańsk, Pomorskie
wokół książki: 2023.10.07 16:00
Ogólnopolska premiera nowej powieści Janusza L. Wiśniewskiego „Stany splątane”
The City Culture Institute
Gdańsk, Pomorskie
University of Warsaw Library
library, proposals for you: 7
turturi level
The new building of the Warsaw University Library has won numerous prestigious awards and prizes in architectural competitions and polls among residents of the capital. The concept, which combines the functionality of a modern library, respect for the shaping of the Vistula embankment, and fascination with the intermingling of culture and nature, found expression in a building of surprising...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
Permanent exhibition
Early Printed Books Department
Permanent exhibition
Ephemera Department
Permanent exhibition
Manuscripts Department
Permanent exhibition
Music Department
Permanent exhibition
Print Room
Permanent exhibition
Maps Department
Permanent exhibition
19th Century Publications Department
Czartoryski Library - The Main Building
turturi level
The contents of the Princes Czartoryski Library originate from the family's personal book collections preserved in numerous residences. The beginnings of the library, founded by Prince Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski and Izabela Czartoryska nee Fleming, date back to the year 1770, which marks the creation of the first collection catalogue of Prince Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski's private library...
Kraków, Małopolskie
wykład: 2024.02.09 16:30
Izabela z Czartoryskich Działyńska. Dzieciństwo „Księżniczki Rewolucji”
Czartoryski Library - The Main Building
Kraków, Małopolskie
wykład: 2024.03.08 16:30
Najważniejsze kobiety w życiu Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego
Czartoryski Library - The Main Building
Kraków, Małopolskie
wykład: 2024.01.12 16:30
Kasper Elyan i Konrad Baumgarten - pierwsi drukarze na Dolnym Śląsku
Czartoryski Library - The Main Building
Kraków, Małopolskie
The Medical Library - University of Warsaw Library
turturi level
It started operating along the inauguration of the 2023/24 academic year. Currently, the book collection of the new library consists primarily of literature for first-year medicine students at the UW Faculty of Medicine. The collection of textbooks for the second year has also begun. The collection will be expanded as the Faculty develops. The resources of the BUW branch are already...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
The Library of Kazimierz Wielki University
turturi level
With a collection of around 750,000 items, Kazimierz Wielki University Library’s resources are multidisciplinary in character and cover all subjects taught and researched in the University. They are distributed across six library branches which together with the Main Library consitute the library and information system whose primary aim is to support students and staff of the University in...
Bydgoszcz, Kujawsko-Pomorskie
Art Inkubator
house of culture
turturi level
Art Inkubator is a new cultural institution run by Sopot local government. Its goal is to conduct activities aimed at creating and disseminating culture, promoting cultural education and supporting creative communities. Art Inkubator is involved in building a network of domestic and foreign stakeholders, organising art residencies and creative work programs. Art Inkubator will also be involved...
Sopot, Pomorskie
Workshops of Culture in Lublin
house of culture
turturi level
We are the heart and mind behind a variety of open and non-standard activities in Lublin. Our programming focuses on promoting the practice of “active culture”. We enthusiastically support and implement long-term development plans based on a sense of community among Lublin’s cultural operators and recipients, acting together and supporting one another. We create culture that is modern,...
Lublin, Lubelskie
Library - The Museum of Post and Telecommunications in Wroclaw
turturi level
The library has a rich collection of books built on the basis of the former General Library of the Directorate of the Post Office of the Kingdom of Poland. Currently, it consists of Polish and foreign literature in the field of philately and history of post and telecommunications, official departmental publications, Polish and foreign magazines and catalogs, encyclopedias, dictionaries as well...
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie
Biblioteka Główna UG - Uniwersytet Gdański
turturi level
The Library of the University of Gdańsk, apart from being an academic unit, serves as an educational and service centre of the University information system. The Main Library of the University of Gdańsk in Gdańsk-Oliwa, together with six specialised libraries constitutes the basis for the academic library and information system. It is available for all readers, with the scientific library and...
Gdańsk, Pomorskie
The Library of the Ujazdowski Castle - Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art
turturi level
The library is located on the ground floor of the Ujazdowski Castle in the Nordic Room . It is open to everyone who is interested in contemporary art . It creates excellent conditions both for scientific work , development of one's own interests and rest . The book collection , largely unique , has nearly 20 , 000 volumes . It consists of exhibition catalogues , artists' monographs and...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie