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Main site > museums and galleries > The Dialogue Centre Upheavals - The National Museum in Szczecin > Memento Mori - Motif of Death in the Collection of NMS-DCU
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Memento Mori - Motif of Death in the Collection of NMS-DCU

Temporary exhibition: 2024.01.26 - 2024.04.28
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The exhibition will present collections showing different faces of death, ways of commemorating it, as well as the fear of its coming. Forms of perpetuating in the public memory the death of heroes and martyrs of the Polish nation, such as Marshal Józef Piłsudski or Father Jerzy Popiełuszko, will be shown. In addition to well-known names, there will also be anonymous victims of the crimes of... read everything »
The Dialogue Centre Upheavals - The National Museum in Szczecin
plac Solidarności 1
70-515 Szczecin
public transport
public transport
access for people with disabilities
access for people with disabilities
gift shop
gift shop
Temporary exhibition: 2024.01.26 - 2024.04.28
Day of the week Opening hours
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 16:00
free entrance
normal15.00 PLN
reduced8.00 PLN
family35.00 PLNdorośli i dzieci do lat 16, maks. 5 osób
group 8.00 PLNmin. 10 osób

The exhibition will present collections showing different faces of death, ways of commemorating it, as well as the fear of its coming. Forms of perpetuating in the public memory the death of heroes and martyrs of the Polish nation, such as Marshal Józef Piłsudski or Father Jerzy Popiełuszko, will be shown. In addition to well-known names, there will also be anonymous victims of the crimes of totalitarian states. Upheaval events from the Polish People's Republic, during which innocent people were killed and the opposition's struggle with the authorities to remember the murdered will also be recalled.

The exhibition will explore the experiences of ordinary citizens who faced the horrors of war. The letters they left behind will enrich the exhibition with individual stories frozen in time on yellowed paper. The objects depicting the sacrifice and death of innocents were intended not only to commemorate the victims, but also to motivate entire crowds to fight for the just cause. The objects will include stamps, pennants, prints and posters, which are still kept like relics in the homes of former oppositionists.

In critical situations, prayer has repeatedly accompanied people, giving them the strength to fight and soothing the fear of death. Hence, the exhibition will feature numerous references to religion in the form of various devotional items and prayer books from the turn of the 20th century. The introduction to the exhibition will be a wedding suit, which, paradoxically, often leads a man on his final journey.

Curator: Paula Sendra
Curatorial cooperation: Kamila Krężel, Iga Ranoszek-Bieńkowska

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