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Main site > palaces and castles > Casimir Pulaski Museum > Warka - the town touched with history
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Warka - the town touched with history

The exhibition will present the rich history of Warka, one of the oldest towns of Mazovia. Conceptual design of the exhibition was created in 2012, based on perennial queries and work of substantive team of the museum. In 2013, the executive design of the exhibition was created. The author of the project is ARWENA – Ewa Swider-Grobelna and Adam Grobelny. Both the conceptual and executive design... read everything »
Casimir Pulaski Museum
ul. K. Pułaskiego 24
05-660 Warka
county grójecki
public transport
public transport
free parking
free parking
access for people with disabilities
access for people with disabilities
gift shop
gift shop
Day of the week Opening hours
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
free entrance
HolidaysOpening hours
2024.03.31 (Sunday) x
2024.04.01 (Monday) x
2024.05.01 (Wednesday) x
2024.05.03 (Friday) x
2024.05.19 (Sunday) x
2024.05.30 (Thursday) x
2024.08.15 (Thursday) x
2024.11.01 (Friday) x
2024.11.11 (Monday) x
2024.12.25 (Wednesday) x
2024.12.26 (Thursday) x
2025.04.20 (Sunday) x
2025.04.21 (Monday) x
2025.05.01 (Thursday) x
2025.05.03 (Saturday) x
2025.06.19 (Thursday) x
2025.08.15 (Friday) x
2025.11.01 (Saturday) x
2025.11.11 (Tuesday) x
2025.12.25 (Thursday) x
2025.12.26 (Friday) x
normal18.00 PLN
reduced10.00 PLN
children free of charge up to the age of 7
The above price list applies to the entire place.
in Polish for a fee90.00 PLN
available for a fee on the Museum's devices5.00 PLN
available for free in the mobile application

The exhibition will present the rich history of Warka, one of the oldest towns of Mazovia. Conceptual design of the exhibition was created in 2012, based on perennial queries and work of substantive team of the museum. In 2013, the executive design of the exhibition was created. The author of the project is ARWENA – Ewa Swider-Grobelna and Adam Grobelny. Both the conceptual and executive design were funded by the commune of Warka.

The exhibition is realized in 2015 thanks to a grant of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Cultural Heritage Program, the task: support of museum activities, as well as the specific subsidy of the commune of Warka and Grojec Disctrict. The sponsor of the exhibition is Grupa Zywiec – Warka Brewery.

The concept of the exhibition assumes the presentation of the history of Mazovian town, from the beginning to the present day. In the first hall, there are items related to the town in times of peace and social life concentrated. In the second hall, battle and war topic affecting the town (war times) is presented. Topics and main threads will be presented based on time axis shaped in the space. They will be identified at the same time by the references existing in Warka today the names of streets corresponding to historical characters and events. The narration of the exhibition has been conducted in an interesting and multi-layered manner, taking into account the innovative trends in museology and authorial scenographic installations. An additional exposition layer was transferred to multimedia solutions, which will enrich, make more attractive and broaden the exposition.

The exhibition will be available in two languages (Polish and English). It is intended for a wide audience. A significant part of the exhibition, in educational form, will be addressed to children and school students. We invite you from 6 November 2015.

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