The exhibition presents window sashes from the building that housed the District Office (Kreishaus) in the years 1907-1945, and after 1945 the Braniewo City Hall.
There were six windows in the meeting room (three on the north and south sides), and twelve window sashes with stained glass panels showing views of towns belonging to the Braniewo district. After the last war, only the windows on the north side with views of Frombork (in the center), Orneta and Pieniężno survived. After a fire in the building in 1982, the seriously damaged windows were removed.
In 2002, they were deposited in the Nicolaus Copernicus Museum, and in 2007, the mayor of Braniewo, Henryk Mroziński, donated them to the museum collections. Their conservation and reconstruction was carried out in the Wrocław workshop of Sławomir Oleszczuk.