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Main site > museums and galleries > The Dialogue Centre Upheavals - The National Museum in Szczecin > Freedom at Hand. Sorbs and the Question of National Minorities
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Freedom at Hand. Sorbs and the Question of National Minorities

The exhibition "Freedom at Hand. Sorbs and the Question of National Minorities after 1918" will open on Thursday, 13 June 2023 at 1: 00 P.M. at the National Museum in Szczecin - the Dialogue Centre Upheavals. The exhibition has been developed by the Sorbian Institute in Bautzen. It is based on materials from the Sorbian Cultural Archive. The aim of the exposition is to familiarise the wide... read everything »
The Dialogue Centre Upheavals - The National Museum in Szczecin
plac Solidarności 1
70-515 Szczecin
public transport
public transport
access for people with disabilities
access for people with disabilities
gift shop
gift shop
Temporary exhibition: 2024.06.13 - 2024.07.19
Day of the week Opening hours
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 16:00
free entrance
normal15.00 PLN
reduced8.00 PLN
family35.00 PLNdorośli i dzieci do lat 16, maks. 5 osób
group 8.00 PLNmin. 10 osób

The exhibition "Freedom at Hand. Sorbs and the Question of National Minorities after 1918" will open on Thursday, 13 June 2023 at 1:00 P.M. at the National Museum in Szczecin - the Dialogue Centre Upheavals.

The exhibition has been developed by the Sorbian Institute in Bautzen. It is based on materials from the Sorbian Cultural Archive.

The aim of the exposition is to familiarise the wide audience with a comprehensive picture of the turbulent history of the Sorbian people in an international context and their place in the modern world. A guide publication in three languages, Polish, German and Upper Sorbian, is available at the exhibition. The exhibition will be accompanied by a short symposium entitled "From Bautzen to Szczecin" with Dr. Piotr Pałys, Dr. Małgorzata Mieczkowska and Michał Dłużak.

The exhibition will be available until 19 July 2024.

Dr. Piotr Pałys, Professor of IŚ (Instytut Śląski/Silesian Institute), historian specialising in modern times. Author of, among others, the following publications: Od inkorporacji do autonomii kulturalnej. Kontakty polsko-serbołużyckie w latach 1945–1950 (2005), Państwa słowiańskie wobec Łużyc w latach 1945–1948 (2014), Kwestia żytawska 1945–1949. Na skrzyżowaniu interesów czeskich, niemieckich, rosyjskich, serbołużyckich i polskich (2016), Wojciech Kóčka w serbołużyckim ruchu narodowym 1945–1950. Wybór dokumentów (2019), Jugosławia wobec Serbołużyczan i Łużyc w latach 1946–1949. Wybór źródeł (2020). During the symposium he will give a lecture entitled Swoboda kiwa. Sorbian people in twentieth-century Europe.

Dr. Małgorzata Mieczkowska (University of Szczecin), Researcher on minority and ethnic issues and recent history, Sorabist. Author of, among others, the following publications: Pomiędzy koncepcją, a praktyką. Polska wobec Łużyc w latach 1945–1990 (2002), Polska wobec Łużyc w drugiej połowie XX wieku. Wybrane problemy (2006). During the symposium she will give a lecture on the relationship between Western Pomerania and the Sorbs

Michał Dłużak (the National Museum in Szczecin), creator and administrator of the website of the Polish-Sorbian Association Pro Lusatia. During the symposium he will give a lecture entitled Polish-Sorbian Association Pro Lusatia on the Internet..

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