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Museums and galleries, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: wielkopolskie

wielkopolskie X

number of results: 588


Poznan Croissant Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 2
turturi level
Poznan Croissant Museum is a vibrant centre cultivating Poznan’s tradition and culture. Located in the very centre of the city it offers fantastic views of the City Hall Tower with its legendary mechanical fighting goats. This is the place to be for everyone who wants to know Poznan better and quickly become familiar with its symbols, especially the famous St Martin Croissants. We create a...
Poznań, Wielkopolskie
St Martin Croissant shows
Croissant + goat shows
The Arsenal Municipal Gallery - GaMA
gallery, proposals for you: 2
turturi level
The Arsenal Municipal Gallery is a self-governmental cultural institution financed by the Municipality of Poznań. We are active in the fields of exhibiting, publishing, organizing cultural events, and developing educational programs. We continuously extend the Gallery collection. As a public institution, we are interested in our immediate political, social and ecological contexts. Our...
Poznań, Wielkopolskie
wykład: 2024.05.14 16:00
Demokracja vs Faszyzm. Kto dziś wygrywa?
The Arsenal Municipal Gallery - GaMA
Poznań, Wielkopolskie
wernisaż: 2024.05.24 18:00
Pod nieobecność Państwa. Luz María Sánchez
The Arsenal Municipal Gallery - GaMA
Poznań, Wielkopolskie
The Archeological Reserve Stronghold in Grzybowo - The Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica
Museum, proposals for you: 1
turturi level
Grzybowo is one of the largest strongholds which came into existence in the period of the formation of the Piast state. It was constructed 6 km to the north-east of Września. The stronghold, well-visible in the field, takes up an area of 4.7 ha. Its shape is close to a rectangle with rounded corners. The stronghold is surrounded by a rampart, whose remains are up to 9 metres high. From the...
Grzybowo, Wielkopolskie
Permanent exhibition
Nóż - przedmiot niebanalny
Museum, proposals for you: 1
turturi level
Giecz, one of the main strongholds of the Piast monarchy, alongside Poznań, Gniezno, Ostrów Lednicki and Łekno, was constructed in the second half of the 9th c. to the south of the mentioned fortresses. The enlargement of the centre took place in the second half of the 10th c. The invasion of the Czech Duke Břetislav and resettling of inhabitants of the stronghold to Bohemia in 1039 impeded...
Dominowo, Wielkopolskie
Permanent exhibition
Terra Sancta
Potato Museum of Poznan
Museum, proposals for you: 1
turturi level
Poznań, known as Pyrlandia, could not do without a place telling the story of its symbol - potato, in Poznan called pyra. We invite you to the only such place in Poland entirely dedicated to potatoes. Potato Museum of Poznan is a modern tourist facility where you can follow an interesting and humorously designed path of didactic care with guides. The Museum also has interactive points where...
Poznań, Wielkopolskie
Permanent exhibition
Potato Museum
The Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica
turturi level
The mission of the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica is to preserve in the collective memory the knowledge of the significance of Ostrów Lednicki and other Early Medieval strongholds in Greater Poland  from the period of the formation of the Polish state. It is also intended to provoke visitors’ interest in the history of Greater Poland’s countryside with its 19 th  c. positivist...
Lednogóra, Wielkopolskie
Śluza Gallery - Porta Posnania ICHOT
turturi level
The Śluza Gallery is a space intended for holding temporary exhibitions. Through our exhibitions, we want to talk about contemporary Poznań and how it has been shaped by its past. We believe that the study of the local context enables us to address universal issues which are important not only here and now. The exhibitions at the Śluza Gallery focus on three major themes. Our main focal...
Poznań, Wielkopolskie
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Museum, proposals for you: 38
turturi level
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
History of Polish plant protection and fertilisation
Permanent exhibition
Land reclamation
Permanent exhibition
Beekeeping and an open-air exhibit
Permanent exhibition
Museum of the Tarpan car
Permanent exhibition
The preserved glory of carriages
Permanent exhibition
The grange and its contribtion to the development of Polish agriculture in the 19th and 20th centuries
Permanent exhibition
Transport within a granary
Permanent exhibition
Plant and machinery for cleaning and sorting cereals, industrial plants, spermatophytes, and legumes
Permanent exhibition
Granary pests
Permanent exhibition
Food processing and agri-food industry
Permanent exhibition
Seed assessment laboratory
Permanent exhibition
Water supply to rural areas and agriculture
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Rural crafts
Permanent exhibition
History of Polish agriculture until the 20th c.
Permanent exhibition
Barn: live animals
Permanent exhibition
Wheelwright’s workshop
Permanent exhibition
Technological progress in agriculture in the 19th and 20th centuries
Permanent exhibition
Horitculture and soil studies
Permanent exhibition
Plant cultivation
Permanent exhibition
fodder studies
Permanent exhibition
Equipment of large farmsteads
Permanent exhibition
Energy sources in agriculture
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
History of green forage and cereal harvesting
Permanent exhibition
Agricultural aircraft
Permanent exhibition
Rural transport
Permanent exhibition
Produce harvesting, treshing, cleaning and storage techniques
Permanent exhibition
Farm animal breeding and husbandry
Permanent exhibition
Veterinary science
Temporary exhibition: 2024.04.28 - 2024.10.10
Chłop-niewolnik? Opowieść o pańszczyźnie
Permanent exhibition
Outdoor sculpture
Permanent exhibition
Herb garden
Permanent exhibition
Demonstration fields of traditional cultivated plants
Permanent exhibition
Sad starych odmian drzew owocowych
Permanent exhibition
Blacksmith’s workshop
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2024.06.22 12:00
Tajemnice naszej gorzelni
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
festiwal: 2024.06.23 11:00-18:00
Piwo z kulturą XIII Szreniawski Festiwal Piwa
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.07.19-2024.08.31
Makatki, dzbanki i firanki, czyli spotkanie z rękodziełem ludowym
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.07.19-2024.08.31
Struktury natury
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2024.07.19-2024.08.31
Tarpanem od wiejskiej chaty do wiaty, czyli historia motoryzacji w pigułce
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.07.19-2024.08.31
Kupa zabawy przy wiejskich zwierzakach
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.08.15 10:00-17:00
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
Muzeum Przyrodniczo-Łowieckie w Uzarzewie - Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Museum, proposals for you: 12
turturi level
Kobylnica, Wielkopolskie
Permanent exhibition
Zwierzęta z pięciu kontynentów
Permanent exhibition
Zwierzęta w czterech porach roku
Temporary exhibition: 2024.07.16 - 2024.10.20
Gatunki inwazyjne w faunie Polski
Permanent exhibition
Organizacje łowieckie Wielkopolski
Permanent exhibition
Papugi świata
Permanent exhibition
Środowiska zwierząt łownych
Permanent exhibition
Salon myśliwski z początku XX w.
Permanent exhibition
Łowiectwo w sztuce
Permanent exhibition
Broń i przybory myśliwskie
Permanent exhibition
Dawne i współczesne metody polowań
Permanent exhibition
Od kamienia do kuszy
festiwal: 2024.09.08
Muzeum Przyrodniczo-Łowieckie w Uzarzewie - Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Kobylnica, Wielkopolskie
Muzeum Okręgowe w Koninie
Museum, proposals for you: 11
turturi level
Konin, Wielkopolskie
Permanent exhibition
Sztuka polska XIX i XX w
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Historia oświetlenia
Permanent exhibition
Wielkopolskie górnictwo
Permanent exhibition
Mamuty, nosorożce… Znaleziska z okolic Konina
Permanent exhibition
Gabinet numizmatyczny
Permanent exhibition
Konin poprzez wieki
Permanent exhibition
Deski renesansowe z kościoła św. Jakuba w Rzgowie
Permanent exhibition
Słoń leśny z odkrywki Jóźwin KWB „Konin”
Permanent exhibition
Pradzieje Ziemi Konińskiej