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Museum of Far East Art in the Star House - The District Museum in Toruń

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The Star House is a unique historic building located in the heart of Toruń, in the Old Town Square. It is a tenement house which was first erected in the Middle Ages and rebuilt several times since its original creation. It contains elements of different eras – from the Gothic walls to a richly decorated Baroque façade – and contain a magnificent spiral wooden stairs decorated with figures... read everything »
Rynek Staromiejski 35
87-100 Toruń
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The Star House is a unique historic building located in the heart of Toruń, in the Old Town Square. It is a tenement house which was first erected in the Middle Ages and rebuilt several times since its original creation. It contains elements of different eras – from the Gothic walls to a richly decorated Baroque façade – and contain a magnificent spiral wooden stairs decorated with figures of Minerva and a lion, as well as original polychrome mannerist ceilings. All these elements make it one of Poland’s most magnificent and best preserved examples of a patrician house.

The first permanent exhibition of Far Eastern art in Poland was opened in the Star House in 1970. It was created thanks to Tadeusz Wierzejski, a collector and one of the most generous donors of Polish museums after the Second World War. His collection, which he gifted to the museum, was the source of the most valuable objects presented at the World of Orient exhibition. It includes many wonderful examples of Japanese and Chinese handicraft – ancient Chinese bronze objects, some more than three thousand years old, unique pieces of Far Eastern porcelain, representing various styles of ornamentation, jade, agate and soapstone sculptures and vessels, as well as original stone bas-reliefs from an Indian Jain temple.

The visitors to the Star House will be able to admire another unique attraction – an oriental garden located in the building’s courtyard and designed for over 200 m2 of space. An alley, paved with cobblestones and adorned with small lamps, runs through the garden, among exotic plants, boulders and stone slabs. A keen eye will notice not only examples of common pine, fine-flowered pine, and Sabine juniper, but also azaleas, bamboos, palm clone and thyme. There is also a wooden pavilion in the garden which since 2009 has been the site of tea ceremonies, educational classes and oriental-themed children’s birthday parties.

WWW muzeum.torun.pl
Day of the week Opening hours
10:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 16:00
free entrance
HolidaysOpening hours
2025.04.20 (Sunday) x
2025.04.21 (Monday) x
2025.11.01 (Saturday) x
2025.11.11 (Tuesday) x
2025.12.25 (Thursday) x
2025.12.26 (Friday) x
Day of the week Opening hours
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
free entrance
HolidaysOpening hours
2025.05.01 (Thursday) x
2025.05.03 (Saturday) x
2025.06.19 (Thursday) x
2025.08.15 (Friday) x
normal30.00 PLN
reduced25.00 PLN
when?namewhere?about what?for freefor children
Agenda - Krwawy sąd. Toruńska sprawa z 1724 roku
2024.12.08-2025.04.13Krwawy sąd. Toruńska sprawa z 1724 roku
Temporary exhibition
Museum of the History of Toruń in the Eskens’ House
ul. Łazienna 16
87-100 Toruń
city, religionsyes
Agenda - Magia Radżastanu. Fotografie Krzysztofa Muskalskiego
2025.01.11-2025.06.29Magia Radżastanu. Fotografie Krzysztofa Muskalskiego
Temporary exhibition
Museum of Far East Art in the Star House
Rynek Staromiejski 35
87-100 Toruń
Agenda - Collections of Elżbieta Dzikowska
Collections of Elżbieta Dzikowska
Permanent exhibition
Tony Halik Explorers’ Museum
ul. Franciszkańska 9 / 11
87-100 Toruń
art crafts, fabrics, travelers and explorersyes
Agenda - Expeditions of Tony Halik and Elżbieta Dzikowska
Expeditions of Tony Halik and Elżbieta Dzikowska
Permanent exhibition
Tony Halik Explorers’ Museum
ul. Franciszkańska 9 / 11
87-100 Toruń
art crafts, ethnography, folk art, traditional costumes, travelers and explorersyes
Agenda - Great Explorers and Discoverers
Great Explorers and Discoverers
Permanent exhibition
Tony Halik Explorers’ Museum
ul. Franciszkańska 9 / 11
87-100 Toruń
travelers and explorersyes
Agenda - In the Land of Head-Hunters
In the Land of Head-Hunters
Permanent exhibition
Tony Halik Explorers’ Museum
ul. Franciszkańska 9 / 11
87-100 Toruń
ethnography, travelers and explorersyes
Agenda - Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Toruń Fortress Museum
ul. Wały Generała Sikorskiego 23 / 25
87-100 Toruń
army, city, weapons and militariayes
Agenda - Polish Exploration and Description of the World
Polish Exploration and Description of the World
Permanent exhibition
Tony Halik Explorers’ Museum
ul. Franciszkańska 9 / 11
87-100 Toruń
anthropology, ethnography, travelers and explorersyes
Agenda - Through the Black Land
Through the Black Land
Permanent exhibition
Tony Halik Explorers’ Museum
ul. Franciszkańska 9 / 11
87-100 Toruń
art crafts, ethnography, travelers and explorersyes
Agenda - Tony Halik. My Great Adventure
Tony Halik. My Great Adventure
Permanent exhibition
Tony Halik Explorers’ Museum
ul. Franciszkańska 9 / 11
87-100 Toruń
ethnography, travelers and explorersyes
Agenda - Galeria Malarstwa i Rzeźby Polskiej od końca XVIII do początku XXI wieku
Galeria Malarstwa i Rzeźby Polskiej od końca XVIII do początku XXI wieku
Permanent exhibition
The Old Town Hall
ul. Rynek Staromiejski 1
87-100 Toruń
Agenda - Toruń i jego historia
Toruń i jego historia
Permanent exhibition
Museum of the History of Toruń in the Eskens’ House
ul. Łazienna 16
87-100 Toruń
city, crafts, documents, industrial design, PRL, utility items, weapons and militariayes
Agenda - Galeria portretów wybitnych mieszczan Torunia (XVI–XVIII wiek)
Galeria portretów wybitnych mieszczan Torunia (XVI–XVIII wiek)
Permanent exhibition
The Old Town Hall
ul. Rynek Staromiejski 1
87-100 Toruń
Agenda - Dawny Toruń – Historia i Rzemiosło Artystyczne 1233–1793
Dawny Toruń – Historia i Rzemiosło Artystyczne 1233–1793
Permanent exhibition
The Old Town Hall
ul. Rynek Staromiejski 1
87-100 Toruń
art crafts, crafts, utility items, weapons and militariayes
Agenda - Wystawa stała
Wystawa stała
Permanent exhibition
The Museum of Toruń Gingerbread
ul. Strumykowa 4
87-100 Toruń
art crafts, food industry, interiors and everyday life, utility items, with an ideayes
Agenda - Wystawa stała
Wystawa stała
Permanent exhibition
The Nicolaus Copernicus’ House
ul. Kopernika 15/17
87-100 Toruń
art crafts, astronomy, interiors and everyday life, inventors and scientistsyes
Agenda - Poczet Królów Polskich
Poczet Królów Polskich
Permanent exhibition
The Old Town Hall
ul. Rynek Staromiejski 1
87-100 Toruń
Agenda - Świat Orientu
Świat Orientu
Permanent exhibition
Museum of Far East Art in the Star House
Rynek Staromiejski 35
87-100 Toruń
antiquity, art crafts, environment, graphics and drawing, sculpture, utility items, weapons and militariayes
Agenda - Mennice i Monety Toruńskie 1233/1238–1765
Mennice i Monety Toruńskie 1233/1238–1765
Permanent exhibition
The Old Town Hall
ul. Rynek Staromiejski 1
87-100 Toruń
numismatic itemsyes
Agenda - Kolekcja biżuterii i zastawy stołowej ze skarbów ze Skrwilna i Nieszawy
Kolekcja biżuterii i zastawy stołowej ze skarbów ze Skrwilna i Nieszawy
Permanent exhibition
The Old Town Hall
ul. Rynek Staromiejski 1
87-100 Toruń
art crafts, jewelryyes
Agenda - Galeria Sztuki Gotyckiej
Galeria Sztuki Gotyckiej
Permanent exhibition
The Old Town Hall
ul. Rynek Staromiejski 1
87-100 Toruń
art crafts, devotional articles, paintingyes
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Wszystkie akcesoria dla turysty w sklepie Notos Polska