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The Heritage Interpretation Centre - The Museum of Warsaw

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The Heritage Interpretation Centre is a place of meetings and talks about Warsaw, especially about the reconstruction of the Old Town, which is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. However, our activity is not focused only on the issues of destruction and post-war reconstruction. We support and organize a number of events related to world heritage and its mission. We create educational... read everything »
ul. Brzozowa 11 / 13
00-278 Warszawa
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The Heritage Interpretation Centre is a place of meetings and talks about Warsaw, especially about the reconstruction of the Old Town, which is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. However, our activity is not focused only on the issues of destruction and post-war reconstruction. We support and organize a number of events related to world heritage and its mission. We create educational activities related to world heritage, prepared using methods of interpretation of local and world heritage. Lectures, book promotions as well as classes and workshops for children and youth also take place here.

An interpretation centre is an institution whose goal is the dissemination of knowledge of natural or cultural heritage. To aid and stimulate the discovery process and the visitor’s intellectual and emotional connection to heritage, the main presentation strategy tends to be user-friendly and interactive, and often use scenographic exhibitions and multimedia programs.

The concept of establishing the Heritage Interpretation Center was born in 2005, as one of the elements of a large project Renovation and adaptation for cultural purposes of Warsaw’s Old Town cellars in the area of the ​​UNESCO World Heritage site.

Before the start of the renovation and adaptation works, there was an archaeological study lead by the archeologist Maciej Czarnecki. Its effect was the unveiling of the fourteenth-century foundations of the city walls, absorbed around the sixteenth century by the expanding urban buildings. After the works were completed, it was decided to leave the walls exposed so that they could be viewed by visitors.

While modernizing the rooms, the architects made sure that elements of historical architecture were visible in the renovated interiors. The author of the architectural design and composition of the permanent exhibition of the Heritage Interpretation Center is the Warsaw architectural studio Archistudio Anna and Wojciech Kleinrok.

WWW ciz.muzeumwarszawy.pl
Day of the week Opening hours
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
11:00 - 19:00
11:00 - 17:00
free entrance
HolidaysOpening hours
2025.04.20 (Sunday) x
2025.04.21 (Monday) x
2025.05.01 (Thursday) x
2025.05.03 (Saturday) x
2025.06.19 (Thursday) x
2025.08.15 (Friday) x
2025.11.01 (Saturday) x
2025.11.11 (Tuesday) x
2025.12.25 (Thursday) x
2025.12.26 (Friday) x
normal15.00 PLN
reduced10.00 PLN
family30.00 PLNmaksymalnie 2 dorosłych + o 1 do 6 dzieci
when?namewhere?about what?for freefor children
Agenda - Sylwester „Kris” Braun. Fotograf od powstania - oprowadzanie kuratorskie
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The Museum of Warsaw
ul. Rynek Starego Miasta 28-42
00-272 Warszawa
oprowadzanie kuratorskie
Agenda - Sylwester „Kris” Braun. Fotograf od powstania
2024.07.30-2025.03.30Sylwester „Kris” Braun. Fotograf od powstania
Temporary exhibition
The Museum of Warsaw
ul. Rynek Starego Miasta 28-42
00-272 Warszawa
city, documents, martyrology, photographyyes
Agenda - Na miejscu i na wynos. Kuchnia warszawska
2024.10.17-2025.04.17Na miejscu i na wynos. Kuchnia warszawska
Temporary exhibition
The Museum of Warsaw
ul. Rynek Starego Miasta 28-42
00-272 Warszawa
city, industrial design, interiors and everyday life, utility itemsyes
Agenda - 1905. Nowy początek. Rewolucja na Woli i w Warszawie
2025.02.20-2025.07.201905. Nowy początek. Rewolucja na Woli i w Warszawie
Temporary exhibition
The Wola Museum of Warsaw
ul. Srebrna 12
00-810 Warszawa
city, documents, utility itemsyes
Agenda - Core Exhibition
Core Exhibition
Permanent exhibition
The Praga Museum of Warsaw
ul. Targowa 50 / 52
03-733 Warszawa
art crafts, city, documents, painting, utility itemsyes
Agenda - Destruction and Reconstruction of the Old Town
Destruction and Reconstruction of the Old Town
Permanent exhibition
The Heritage Interpretation Centre
ul. Brzozowa 11 / 13
00-278 Warszawa
architecture, city, documents, interiors and everyday lifeyes
Agenda - Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Palmiry Museum - Memorial Site
05-152 Czosnów
documents, martyrology, utility items
Agenda - Printing House
Printing House
Permanent exhibition
The Museum of Printing
ul. Ząbkowska 23 / 25
03-736 Warszawa
Agenda - Res pharmaceuticae
Res pharmaceuticae
Permanent exhibition
The Antonina Leśniewska Museum of Pharmacy
ul. Piwna 31/33
00-265 Warszawa
industrial design, interiors and everyday life, pharmacyyes
Agenda - The Things of Warsaw
The Things of Warsaw
Permanent exhibition
The Museum of Warsaw
ul. Rynek Starego Miasta 28-42
00-272 Warszawa
archeology, architecture, art crafts, city, documents, graphics and drawing, medals and badges, painting, photography, sculpture, utility itemsyes
Agenda - Wolski Room
Wolski Room
Permanent exhibition
The Wola Museum of Warsaw
ul. Srebrna 12
00-810 Warszawa
city, martyrologyyes
Agenda - Dane warszawskie
Dane warszawskie
Permanent exhibition
The Museum of Warsaw
ul. Rynek Starego Miasta 28-42
00-272 Warszawa
Agenda - Gabinet Świadectwa z getta warszawskiego
Gabinet Świadectwa z getta warszawskiego
Permanent exhibition
The Museum of Warsaw
ul. Rynek Starego Miasta 28-42
00-272 Warszawa
city, documents, martyrology, The Second World Waryes
Agenda - Wystawa stała
Wystawa stała
Permanent exhibition
Pracownia Karola Tchorka
Smolna 36 lok. 11
00-375 Warszawa
interiors and everyday life, sculpture
Agenda - Dzieje kamienic
Dzieje kamienic
Permanent exhibition
The Museum of Warsaw
ul. Rynek Starego Miasta 28-42
00-272 Warszawa
architecture, cityyes
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