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Center of weaver traditions - Museum of Prudnik's land

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"The city of weavers an shoemakers" that’s how Prudnik was called centuries ago in relation to the professions which were the domain of Prudnik's residents at that time. The biggest development of weaver craf happened in XIX and XX century , mainly thanks to Fränkl nad Pinkus family- owners of one of the biggest linen factories in Europe. The factories of this influential and generous family... read everything »
ul. Królowej Jadwigi 23
48-200 Prudnik
county prudnicki
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"The city of weavers an shoemakers" that’s how Prudnik was called centuries ago in relation to the professions which were the domain of Prudnik's residents at that time. The biggest development of weaver craf happened in XIX and XX century , mainly thanks to Fränkl nad Pinkus family- owners of one of the biggest linen factories in Europe. The factories of this influential and generous family at its glorious times employed few thousand people. The Manufacturers were famous not only from they wealth but also took place at the pages of history as philanthropists, culture patrons and bibliophiles.

After war and change of borders the enterprise had been midified into cotton factories "Fortex" which also was strongly affecting the life, of at that time new residents of the city.

Unfortunately in yr.2011 factory has been shut down. It doesn't change fact that Prudnik's weaver traditions are really enormous and have left deep marks on city's landscape. In order to save this cultural heritage in yr.2009 The Center of Weavers Traditions(division in Museum of Prusnik's land) have been solemnly opened. The task of new unit is maintaining and promoting lasting for few centuries weaver traditions by organizing weaver workshops, meetings and exhibits aiming at maintaining declining traditions. The activity of The Center of Weaver Traditions goes beyound the city borders, which example are workshops of Polish-Czech border. On these workshops youths from Prudnik and Czech Krnov together cultivates common heritage.

Day of the week Opening hours
09:30 - 14:30
09:30 - 14:30
09:30 - 14:30
09:30 - 14:30
HolidaysOpening hours
2025.04.20 (Sunday) x
2025.04.21 (Monday) x
2025.05.01 (Thursday) x
2025.05.03 (Saturday) x
2025.06.19 (Thursday) x
2025.08.15 (Friday) x
2025.11.01 (Saturday) x
2025.11.11 (Tuesday) x
2025.12.25 (Thursday) x
2025.12.26 (Friday) x
normal10.00 PLN
reduced5.00 PLN
group 100.00 PLNBilet grupowy obejmuje 20 – 35 osób.
when?namewhere?about what?for freefor children
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ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 5 
48-200 Prudnik
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Permanent exhibition
ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 5 
48-200 Prudnik
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Trzy źródła - jedno miasto
Permanent exhibition
ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 5 
48-200 Prudnik
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