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Main site > interesting places > lookout points > Wok's Tower - Museum of Prudnik's land
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Wok's Tower - Museum of Prudnik's land

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Wok's Tower – remnant of XIII century castle is the oldest landmark of Prudnik and one of the oldest of this type of objects in Poland. The decision about building the stronghold made in 1255yr. Wok from Rosenberg, after whom antique building got its name. In the past this cylindrical construction was last defense line in time the castle had been in danger, thick walls and entrance to the tower... read everything »
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pl. Zamkowy
48-200 Prudnik
county prudnicki
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Wok's Tower – remnant of XIII century castle is the oldest landmark of Prudnik and one of the oldest of this type of objects in Poland. The decision about building the stronghold made in 1255yr. Wok from Rosenberg, after whom antique building got its name. In the past this cylindrical construction was last defense line in time the castle had been in danger, thick walls and entrance to the tower placed on height of 12,5 meter made it impregnable. In year1806 the fire destroyed castle leaving only stone defensive tower, which in short time was the only visible remain of fortified building.

In yr2009 thanks to investiture of Prudnik's municipality Wok's Tower has been restored and became viewpoint. Now days tower is 41 meter height and has been covered with shingle roof, along with construction of machicolation, tourists can admire beautiful panorama of the city and Opava moutains.

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ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 5 
48-200 Prudnik
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ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 5 
48-200 Prudnik
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Trzy źródła - jedno miasto
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ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 5 
48-200 Prudnik
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