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Museum of the Polish Nobility - The National Museum in Gdańsk

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The Museum of the Polish Nobility, housed in the Palace of the Counts Sierakowski collects mementoes and works of art related to the building’s history (the palace, farm buildings and the park, acting as a summer drawing room) and the story of its owners, the Sierakowski family, its predecessors and the related families who influenced the interior décor in Waplewo (the Sołtan, Pociej... read everything »
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The Museum of the Polish Nobility, housed in the Palace of the Counts Sierakowski collects mementoes and works of art related to the building’s history (the palace, farm buildings and the park, acting as a summer drawing room) and the story of its owners, the Sierakowski family, its predecessors and the related families who influenced the interior décor in Waplewo (the Sołtan, Pociej, Radziwiłł, Potocki, Lubomirski and Zboiński clans).

The Museum’s main objective is to develop a collection of items related to the Polish gentry culture in its broad sense by acquiring objets d’art that used to adorn manors, palaces and their surroundings, clothes worn by the Polish gentry and the objects that accompanied the gentry in their everyday efforts managing their property, their social and cultural activism and during leisure time. A collection of letters by the poet Zygmunt Krasiński and items with family coats of arms are especially valuable.

WWW mng.gda.pl
Day of the week Opening hours
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
SaturdaySaturday10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
free entrance
HolidaysOpening hours
2025.04.20 (Sunday) x
2025.04.21 (Monday) x
2025.05.01 (Thursday) x
2025.05.03 (Saturday) x
2025.06.19 (Thursday) x
2025.08.15 (Friday) x
2025.11.01 (Saturday) x
2025.11.11 (Tuesday) x
2025.12.25 (Thursday) x
2025.12.26 (Friday) x
normal15.00 PLN
reduced8.00 PLN
family20.00 PLNdo 2 osób dorosłych i dzieci do 18 lat
group 10.00 PLNmin. 10 osób
when?namewhere?about what?for freefor children
Agenda - Obrraz 3
2024.12.07-2025.03.09Obrraz 3
Temporary exhibition
Modern Art Collection
ul. Cystersów 18
80-330 Gdańsk
modern artyes
Agenda - Sala Kolekcji. Iwona Zając
2025.02.28-2025.04.18Sala Kolekcji. Iwona Zając
Temporary exhibition
NOMUS - New Art Museum
ul. Stefana Jaracza 14
80-863 Gdańsk
installations, modern artyes
Agenda - Masaaki Ohya. Tajemnice natury
2025.03.01-2025.05.25Masaaki Ohya. Tajemnice natury
Temporary exhibition
Modern Art Collection
ul. Cystersów 18
80-330 Gdańsk
graphics and drawingyes
Agenda - Chełmowskiego wszechświat wyobrażony
2024.12.13-2025.09.30Chełmowskiego wszechświat wyobrażony
Temporary exhibition
Ethnographic Collection
ul. Cystersów 19
80-330 Gdańsk
painting, sculptureyes
Agenda - The palace interior
The palace interior
Permanent exhibition
Museum of the Polish Nobility
Waplewo Wielkie
82-410 Stary Targ
interiors and everyday lifeyes
Agenda - The pious and virtuous. Gdańsk citizens of the past in the mirror of art
The pious and virtuous. Gdańsk citizens of the past in the mirror of art
Permanent exhibition
Department of Historical Art
ul. Toruńska 1
80-822 Gdańsk
art crafts, painting, sculptureyes
Agenda - Kultura ludowa Pomorza Gdańskiego
Kultura ludowa Pomorza Gdańskiego
Permanent exhibition
Ethnographic Collection
ul. Cystersów 19
80-330 Gdańsk
agriculture, folk art, villageyes
Agenda - Józef Wybicki i jego czasy
Józef Wybicki i jego czasy
Permanent exhibition
Museum of the National Anthem
Będomin 16
83-422 Nowy Barkoczyn
Agenda - Losy Mazurka Dąbrowskiego
Losy Mazurka Dąbrowskiego
Permanent exhibition
Museum of the National Anthem
Będomin 16
83-422 Nowy Barkoczyn
Agenda - Galeria Współczesnej Rzeźby Gdańskiej w Parku Oliwskim
Galeria Współczesnej Rzeźby Gdańskiej w Parku Oliwskim
Permanent exhibition
Department of Historical Art
ul. Toruńska 1
80-822 Gdańsk
modern art, sculptureyes
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