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Main site > museums and galleries > museums > The Museum of Industry and Technology - “Former Mine” Science and Art Centre
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The Museum of Industry and Technology - “Former Mine” Science and Art Centre

This is where you can learn about the history of coal, mining, and miners working in extremely dangerous conditions. The museum collections include mining equipment and its elements, relics related to the activity of Wałbrzych mines, as well as audio-visual materials and archives. The museum also has an archaeological and geological departments with extensive collections from the Wałbrzych area.
ul. Piotra Wysockiego 29
58-304 Wałbrzych
county wałbrzyski
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This is where you can learn about the history of coal, mining, and miners working in extremely dangerous conditions. The museum collections include mining equipment and its elements, relics related to the activity of Wałbrzych mines, as well as audio-visual materials and archives. The museum also has an archaeological and geological departments with extensive collections from the Wałbrzych area.

WWW starakopalnia.pl
The owner of the facility has not defined opening hours.
normal38.00 PLN
reduced29.00 PLN
family105.00 PLNPrzysługuje rodzicom z jednym lub dwojgiem dzieci.
children free of charge up to the age of 5
when?namewhere?about what?for freefor children
Agenda - Wałbrzyska Solidarność
Wałbrzyska Solidarność
Permanent exhibition
“Former Mine” Science and Art Centre
ul. Piotra Wysockiego 29
58-304 Wałbrzych
city, mining, PRL, region
Agenda - Podziemny świat – górnicza praca na przedwojennych fotografiach
Podziemny świat – górnicza praca na przedwojennych fotografiach
Permanent exhibition
The Museum of Industry and Technology
ul. Piotra Wysockiego 29
58-304 Wałbrzych
mining, photography
Agenda - Elementy zabytkowych maszyn górniczych
Elementy zabytkowych maszyn górniczych
Permanent exhibition
“Former Mine” Science and Art Centre
ul. Piotra Wysockiego 29
58-304 Wałbrzych
Agenda - Przetrwały ukryte w ziemi. Skarb groszy praskich i zabytki archeologiczne
Przetrwały ukryte w ziemi. Skarb groszy praskich i zabytki archeologiczne
Permanent exhibition
The Museum of Industry and Technology
ul. Piotra Wysockiego 29
58-304 Wałbrzych
archeology, numismatic items, region
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