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Library of the University of Gdańsk - The University of Gdańsk

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The Library of the University of Gdańsk, apart from being an academic unit, serves as an educational and service centre of the University information system. The Main Library of the University of Gdańsk in Gdańsk-Oliwa, together with six specialised libraries constitutes the basis for the academic library and information system. It is available for all readers, with the scientific library and... read everything »
ul. Wita Stwosza 53
80-308 Gdańsk
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The Library of the University of Gdańsk, apart from being an academic unit, serves as an educational and service centre of the University information system. The Main Library of the University of Gdańsk in Gdańsk-Oliwa, together with six specialised libraries constitutes the basis for the academic library and information system. It is available for all readers, with the scientific library and a public centre of science and culture accessible for inhabitants of the whole region.

To ensure comfortable reading conditions the new Library provides 500 seats for readers, including 35 ones equipped with computers. In the Main Library most of the collections are ordered thematically and are available in open access. The Library in the new building is also an important centre of scientific information.

Today, the Main Library in Gdańsk-Oliwa and six specialised libraries constitute The Library of the University of Gdańsk. Specialised libraries:

  • the Economic Library
  • the History of Culture Library
  • the Human Sciences Library
  • the Neophilology Library
  • the Law Library
  • the Oceanography Reading Room

The present collection contains over 1,690,753 volumes ∗ including:

  • 1,138,334 books
  • 358,299 volumes of periodicals
  • 194,120 units in special collections

∗ As of December 31, 2022

Currently, the Library also offers an access to 152,789 electronial perdiocals and about 598,000 e-books. The present collection has a universal character. However, special consideration is given to the disciplines represented at the University and maritime issues. The Library is particularly interested in acquisition of special collections concerning the history and culture of the Pomeranian Region, in traditional, as well as electronic forms. Since 1997, the University Library has become one of 17 institutions in Poland entitled to receive a legal deposit copy of distinguished publications. Special collections constitute a valuable part of the library's archives. Among the most precious are: manuscripts, rare books, ephemera, maps, art prints, along with audio-visual materials (records, cassettes, video-cassettes and other media). In 1969 all the19th century books were incorporated into special collections. Among the rare books, there is a group deserving special attention - works of eminent representatives of Gdańsk historiography of the 16th-17th centuries, e.g. Casper Schütz, Reinhold Curicke, Gottfried Lengnich and others. Among the manuscripts, special focus should be on the literary collection containing: autographs, letters and other personal documents of outstanding Polish writers of the 20th century.

WWW bg.ug.edu.pl
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