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The Polish Army Museum

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The new headquarters of the Polish Army Museum is a modern pavilion that utilizes the latest technical capabilities and architectural solutions while simultaneously reflecting historical forms and Polish military traditions. It provides a fitting setting for the rich collections and serves as a Museum headquarters for the 21st century. In addition to the exhibition halls, it houses a storage for... read everything »
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Plac Gwardii Pieszej Koronnej, Pawilon Południowy
01-519 Warszawa
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The new headquarters of the Polish Army Museum is a modern pavilion that utilizes the latest technical capabilities and architectural solutions while simultaneously reflecting historical forms and Polish military traditions. It provides a fitting setting for the rich collections and serves as a Museum headquarters for the 21st century. In addition to the exhibition halls, it houses a storage for exhibits as well as state-of-the-art multimedia and conference rooms, enabling the Museum to offer cultural events and educational activities.

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Agenda - Ekspozycja stała
Ekspozycja stała
Permanent exhibition
Muzeum Broni Pancernej w Poznaniu
ul. 3 Pułku Lotniczego
60-421 Poznań
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