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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of the turturi.com website

1. Definitions

Protecting your data is very important to us. In our Privacy Policy we inform you about the processing of your personal data by our company. Personal data include all information connected to an identified natural person. Processing means all operations relating to personal data. Responsible for the processing of personal data is the Controller.

2. Responsibility

The controller for processing your personal data is:
Web and Art sp. o.o.
ul. Jawornicka 8
60-161 Poznań
National Court Register: 000014109
e-mail: kontakt@turturi.com

3. The scope of processing

We collect personal data only for the purposes of contacting customers. We process personal data only in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (5/10/2018).

The personal data we process are: first name, last name, title, gender, address, telephone number, e-mail address, company, department, academic degrees).

When you visit the website, we collect:
- the date, time and duration of access,
- hits (the names of accessed sites and files),
- the IP address,
- referrer URL,
- the name of the service provider,
- the volume of data transferred,
- the operating system / browsers.

We do not process personal data related to:
- ID / passport numbers,
- incomes,
- cultural features,
- sensitive data.

Data processing in the context of cookies and user tracking is limited to the basic cookies.

4. User Accounts

Persons registering accounts at turturi.com must provide their name and e-mail address. Only this data is processed for the purpose of providing the extended functionality of turturi.com. The extended functionality consists in creating a set of favorite objects and exhibitions, as well as using your own preferences in the search. As part of logging in, we enable access using the Google and Facebook interfaces.

During this process, the same personal data (name and e-mail) are processed. User data is processed only for the purpose of providing extended functionality.

5. Third parties

We do not outsource the processing of personal data to third parties. We also do not share personal data with them in any way. Personal data is processed only on the territory of the Republic of Poland.

6. Your rights

We will no longer process your personal data, in the event of an objection, unless:
- we can demonstrate valid legitimate grounds for data processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms,
- or your personal data is used to establish, assert or defend any legal claims.

In other case your request will be positively considered.

We provide the full right to access the collected personal data and to easily exercise this right at reasonable intervals to be aware of the processing and to be able to verify the lawfulness of the processing.

Update date: 6/16/2023