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1000 years of Wrocław

One of the most modern museum exhibitions in Poland, where the historical heritage of Wrocław meets the latest exhibition technology. The exhibition includes over 3000 objects illustrating the history of Wrocław from the early Middle Ages to the present day. There are unique and valuable objects. Many of them have never been presented in Wrocław before. The exhibition is the result of many... read everything »
The Historical Museum - The Royal Palace - The City Museum of Wrocław
ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 35
50-077 Wrocław
public transport
public transport
access for people with disabilities
access for people with disabilities
Day of the week Opening hours
11:00 - 17:00
11:00 - 17:00
11:00 - 17:00
11:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 18:00
free entrance
HolidaysOpening hours
2023.08.15 (Tuesday) x
2023.11.01 (Wednesday) x
2023.11.11 (Saturday) x
2023.12.25 (Monday) x
2023.12.26 (Tuesday) x
2024.01.01 (Monday) x
2024.01.06 (Saturday) x
2024.03.31 (Sunday) x
2024.04.01 (Monday) x
2024.05.01 (Wednesday) x
2024.05.03 (Friday) x
2024.05.19 (Sunday) x
2024.05.30 (Thursday) x
2024.08.15 (Thursday) x
2024.11.01 (Friday) x
2024.11.11 (Monday) x
2024.12.25 (Wednesday) x
2024.12.26 (Thursday) x
2025.04.20 (Sunday) x
2025.04.21 (Monday) x
2025.05.01 (Thursday) x
2025.05.03 (Saturday) x
2025.06.19 (Thursday) x
2025.08.15 (Friday) x
2025.11.01 (Saturday) x
2025.11.11 (Tuesday) x
2025.12.25 (Thursday) x
2025.12.26 (Friday) x
normal20.00 PLN
reduced15.00 PLN
family40.00 PLNBilet rodzinny przysługuje grupie liczącej do dwóch osób dorosłych mających pod opieką od jednego do pięciorga niepełnoletnich.
group 15.00 PLNBilet grupowy przysługuje grupie liczącej powyżej 20 osób.
The above price list applies to the entire place.
in Polish for a fee250.00 PLN
in English for a fee400.00 PLN
in German for a fee400.00 PLN
available for a fee on the Museum's devices15.00 PLN

One of the most modern museum exhibitions in Poland, where the historical heritage of Wrocław meets the latest exhibition technology. The exhibition includes over 3000 objects illustrating the history of Wrocław from the early Middle Ages to the present day. There are unique and valuable objects. Many of them have never been presented in Wrocław before. The exhibition is the result of many years of efforts by the staff of the City Museum of Wrocław. Polish and European cultural institutions and private donors from all over the world have also helped in compiling the exhibition. The exhibition presents the most important events in the history of the city.

Among the most interesting objects shown at the exhibition are: the oldest police badge in Poland dating back to 1540, the famous Bremen treasure, elements of city architecture, archival photographs, a knife from the prison guillotine which used to be operated in the city in 1945, graphics and ceramics by Pablo Picasso, theatre costumes and many other unique objects. The attractiveness and quality of the exhibition is improved by its interactivity: audiovisual means, musical setting and appropriate interior design. The synthesis of the history of the Central European metropolis is a perfect introduction to the history of Lower Silesia and Wrocław in general.

The exhibition comprises 25 exhibition halls. Audio guides showing the exhibition in Polish, German or English are available at the ticket office of the Royal Palace. A catalogue of the exhibition has been published in Polish, English and German.

It is a credibly and on a big scale told complex and difficult story of Wrocław since the foundation of a bishopric in year 1000 until the contemporary times. Within the exposition, over 3000 objects were gathered, in majority very rare, such as famous “Treasure from Bremen”.

The attractiveness and high quality of the exhibition is increased by its interactive character: audio-visual means, music and proper interior design. The synthesis of the history of the Central European metropolis presented here is a perfect introduction for getting familiar with the history of the whole Lower Silesia and for sightseeing Wrocław itself.

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