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Places, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: Kraków

Kraków X

number of results: 481



place type
place type

The Manggha Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 12
turturi level
At the Manggha Museum, we study and show the mutual cultural relations between Poland and Japan, the East and the West. In this context, one must not omit to mention our long-term exhibition and research project focusing on Polish Japanism, highlighting the various manifestations of the influence that Japanese art had on the work of major Polish artists, such as Leon Wyczółkowski, Julian Fałat...
Kraków, Małopolskie
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.01 - 2024.11.11
Akira Kurosaki. W poszukiwaniu formy i koloru
  in just 56 days
Temporary exhibition: 2024.12.01 - 2025.03.09
To wszystko da się zrealizować
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.03 - 2024.11.03
Animale (アニマーレ) – hymn dla istot nie-ludzkich
Temporary exhibition: 2024.05.17 - 2024.11.03
Opowieść o księciu Genjim
Temporary exhibition: 2024.04.28 - 2024.11.03
Hiroshige. Podróż w głąb drzeworytu
spotkanie z artystą: 2024.03.24 12:00-13:00
Stany splątane | Spacer z Artystą
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
wykład: 2024.03.23 14:30-15:30
Japoński komiks i jego dzieje. Prelekcja dla zwiedzających
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.03.23 10:30-12:30
Stany poruszone. Warsztaty animacji poklatkowej flipbook
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
spotkanie z ciekawą osobą: 2024.03.20 18:00
Siła edukacji. O kształceniu nowych pokoleń projektantów, inwestorów i konsumentów
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2024.09.21-2024.09.22
Hiroshige. Podróż w głąb drzeworytu
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
wykład: 2024.09.08 16:00
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2024.09.07 14:00
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
wykład: 2024.08.10-2024.08.11
Natsu Matsuri – Letni Festiwal w Muzeum Manggha
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
koncert: 2024.07.17 19:00
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
festiwal: 2024.07.05-2024.07.06
Weekend z Japonią pełną smaku
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2024.06.30 12:00-13:00
Opowieść o księciu Genjim
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.06.27 17:00-18:00
Wprowadzenie do sztuki składania papieru dla młodzieży i dorosłych (część 3)
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
spotkanie z autorem: 2024.06.23 16:00
Promocja książki „Notesy Andrzeja Wajdy 1942–2016”
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.05.05 15:00
Warsztaty czerpania papieru z Pracownią Litograf
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.05.05 10:30-17:00
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2024.04.28 13:30-15:00
Hiroshige 2023. Z kolekcji Feliksa „Mangghi” Jasieńskiego
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
wernisaż: 2024.04.28 12:00
Hiroshige. Podróż w głąb drzeworytu
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.06.28 10:30-12:30
Akademia 60+. Maski w kulturze Japonii
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.03.26 17:00-18:00
Pakowanie przedmiotów w chusty. Wiosenne warsztaty furoshiki
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.03.24 12:30-13:30
Złoczyńca w akcji. Warsztaty rysowania mangi
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.03.24 10:30-11:45
Zatrzymany świat. Warsztaty komiksowe
The Manggha Museum
Kraków, Małopolskie
Jagiellonian University Museum Collegium Maius - Jagiellonian University
Museum, proposals for you: 19
turturi level
Collegium Maius, located on the corner of  Św. Anny and Jagiellońska Street, is the oldest university building in Poland. In 1400 King Ladislaus II Jagiello bequeathed a town house to the University, purchased from the town councillor Piotr Gerhardsdorf (Gersdorf). Its remaining traces are the pieces of cobblestone wall in the current building's foundations and on its corner (both on...
Kraków, Małopolskie
Permanent exhibition
Clock Room
Permanent exhibition
Commission of National Education Room
Permanent exhibition
Dresden Corridor
Permanent exhibition
St. Jan Kanty Dwelling
Permanent exhibition
Jagiellonian Hall
Permanent exhibition
Globe Rooms
Permanent exhibition
Medieval Sculpture Gallery
Permanent exhibition
Cartography Room
Permanent exhibition
Stuba Communis
Permanent exhibition
Chemistry Room
Permanent exhibition
Physics Room
Permanent exhibition
Karola Olszewski Room
Permanent exhibition
The Treasury
Permanent exhibition
Copernicus Treasury
Permanent exhibition
Rector Staircase
Permanent exhibition
The Green Room
Permanent exhibition
Telescope Room
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Professor Quarters
Polish Aviation Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 15
turturi level
The museum is located on the site of the former Rakowice-Czyżyny airport, created before World War I by the Austrians and closed in 1963 due to the expansion of Nowa Huta. Thanks to the existence of the Museum, this area still has an aviation function. The museum collects, restores and makes available monuments of aviation technology, ensures the preservation of the aviation character of...
Kraków, Małopolskie
Temporary exhibition: 2024.08.25 - 2024.12.31
Sukcesy Polaków w Pucharze Gordona Bennetta
Temporary exhibition: 2024.05.17 - 2024.12.31
Historia 2 Pułku Lotniczego
Temporary exhibition: 2024.08.28 - 2024.12.31
90 lat zwycięstwa w Challenge 1934
Temporary exhibition: 2024.05.14 - 2024.12.31
Z Równego pod niebo Anglii
Temporary exhibition: 2024.05.17 - 2024.12.31
Stanisław Caliński – pilot 315 Dywizjonu Myśliwskiego
Permanent exhibition
Hangar Łukowy
Permanent exhibition
Archeologia lotnictwa
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Magazyny historii
Permanent exhibition
Aleja MIGów
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Skrzydła Wielkiej Wojny
Permanent exhibition
Skrzydła i Ludzie XX wieku
Temporary exhibition: 2024.03.08 - 2025.03.08
Kobiety w lotnictwie polskim
Wawel Royal Castle
Museum, proposals for you: 11
turturi level
Wawel Royal Castle-State Art Collection is a national cultural institution   The Wawel Royal Castle and the Wawel Hill constitute the most historically and culturally important site in Poland. For centuries the residence of kings and the symbol of Polish statehood, the castle is now one of the country’s premier art museums. Established in 1930, the museum encompasses ten curatorial departments...
Kraków, Małopolskie
Permanent exhibition
State Rooms
Permanent exhibition
Royal Private Apartments
Permanent exhibition
Crown Treasury
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Ottoman Tukish Tents
Permanent exhibition
The Lost Wawel
Permanent exhibition
Art of the Orient
Permanent exhibition
Wawel Underground: The Lapidarium
Permanent exhibition
Gabinet porcelanowy
Gallery and viewing platform
Ogrody Królewskie
Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow (MOCAK)
Museum, proposals for you: 13
turturi level
The programme of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow MOCAK, which has been active since 19th May 2011 encompasses presentation of the latest international art, education as well as research and publication projects. MOCAK’s two most important aims are presenting the art of the two last decades in the context of the post-war avant-garde and conceptual art as well as clarifying the...
Kraków, Małopolskie
Temporary exhibition: 2024.04.12 - 2025.03.16
Food in Art
Permanent exhibition
The Mieczysław Porębski Library (MOCAK Collection)
Permanent exhibition
Live Factory 2: Warhol by Lupa (MOCAK Collection)
Permanent exhibition
Concept-Shapes (MOCAK Collection)
  in just 5 days
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.11 - 2025.03.09
Alicja Biała. Zatruty staw
Permanent exhibition
Dialogue with the Space (MOCAK Collection)
Permanent exhibition
Challenging Experiments on Self and Others
Permanent exhibition
Contemporary Models of Realism - new opening (MOCAK Collection)
Permanent exhibition
History and Oskar Schindler
  in just 5 days
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.11 - 2025.03.09
Małgorzata Blamowska. Wszystkie wcielenia kobiety
  in just 5 days
Permanent exhibition
Wielcy Współcześni. Dar Teresy i Andrzeja Starmachów
Permanent exhibition
Outdoor Exhibits from the MOCAK Collection
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2024.09.10 17:30
Jedzenie w sztuce. Oprowadzanie po wystawie
Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow (MOCAK)
Kraków, Małopolskie
Małopolska Science Center Cogiteon
science centers, parks and gardens, proposals for you: 5
turturi level
Małopolska Science Center Cogiteon is an innovative cultural institution whose goal is education through play and involvement in independent or team scientific experiments, research and social projects. Cogiteon will awaken a love of learning, help understand the world, build an attitude of creativity, openness and the habit of independent thinking. Our profile will distinguish us from the...
Kraków, Małopolskie
Permanent exhibition
Man and his dreams
wykład: 2024.07.02 17:00
Kosmiczne wyzwania
Małopolska Science Center Cogiteon
Kraków, Małopolskie
wykład: 2024.07.03 17:00
Odważ się robić wielkie rzeczy!
Małopolska Science Center Cogiteon
Kraków, Małopolskie
wykład: 2024.07.04 13:00
Czy kosmos kreuje nowe technologie?
Małopolska Science Center Cogiteon
Kraków, Małopolskie
Park and garden
Oskar Schindler's Enamel Factory - Historical Museum of the City of Kraków
Museum, proposals for you: 4
turturi level
The Oskar Schindler's Enamel Factory, a branch of the Historical Museum of the City of Krakow, is located in Zabłocie District in Krakow, in the administrative building of the former enamelware factory known as Deutsche Emailwarenfabrik (DEF) of Oskar Schindler. Prior to DEF, it was the facility of the First Małopolska Factory of Enamelware and Tin Products “Rekord”, which was established...
Kraków, Małopolskie
Temporary exhibition: 2024.05.25 - 2025.06.01
Spirala zbrodni. Krakowianie na afiszach śmierci
Permanent exhibition
Kraków under Nazi Occupation 1939–1945
wernisaż: 2024.05.24 18:00
Spirala zbrodni. Krakowianie na afiszach śmierci
Oskar Schindler's Enamel Factory - Historical Museum of the City of Kraków
Kraków, Małopolskie
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2024.09.07 12:00
Spirala zbrodni. Krakowianie na afiszach śmierci - oprowadzanie kuratorskie
Oskar Schindler's Enamel Factory - Historical Museum of the City of Kraków
Kraków, Małopolskie
Depot - The Museum of Engineering and Technology in Krakow
Museum, proposals for you: 4
turturi level
The Museum of Engineering and Technology in Krakow is a cultural institution of the City of Krakow, which gathers and exhibits collections on the history and development of technology. Over the years of its existence, the Museum has gathered collections through acquisitions and donations from private individuals, companies, and public institutions. Currently, more than 2,900 items are listed...
Kraków, Małopolskie
Permanent exhibition
Strefa Klocków
Permanent exhibition
Presentation of historical tram carriages
Permanent exhibition
The City. Technosensitivity
warsztaty: 2024.07.01-2024.07.05
Wakacje w MIT - I tura
Depot - The Museum of Engineering and Technology in Krakow
Kraków, Małopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.07.08-2024.07.12
Wakacje w MIT - II tura
Depot - The Museum of Engineering and Technology in Krakow
Kraków, Małopolskie
The Building Blocks Zone
Depot - The Museum of Engineering and Technology in Krakow
Kraków, Małopolskie
The Main Building
Museum, proposals for you: 5
turturi level
The National Museum in Krakow is the oldest and largest museum with the adjective "national" in its name in Poland. It was established in 1879 by a resolution of the Krakow City Council. Until the end of World War I, it was the only large museum open to the public in Poland, and to this day it remains the institution with the largest number of collections, buildings and permanent galleries....
Kraków, Małopolskie
Temporary exhibition: 2024.06.28 - 2024.10.06
Putta w sztuce renesansu
Temporary exhibition: 2024.05.16 - 2024.10.13
Mehoffer z Fryburga. Projekty witraży katedralnych
Permanent exhibition
XX + XXI. Polish Art Gallery - sculpture
Permanent exhibition
XX + XXI. Polish Art Gallery
Permanent exhibition
Gallery of Decorative Art
Bishop Erazm Ciołek's Palace - The Main Building
Museum, proposals for you: 3
turturi level
The Palace was erected in the years 1501-1503 for Erazm Ciołek - the Bishop of Płock and the secretary of King Alexander Jagiellon. Bishop Ciołek was a diplomat, humanist and a patron of artists. The architecture of the building features traditional Gothic elements (pillars in the vestibule) and influences of the Italian Renaissance (main portal). At the beginning of the 16th century, the...
Kraków, Małopolskie
Permanent exhibition
Galeria "Sztuka dawnej Polski. XII-XVIII wiek"
Permanent exhibition
Galeria "Sztuka cerkiewna dawnej Rzeczypospolitej"
Permanent exhibition
Kraków na wyciągnięcie ręki
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2024.09.22 11:00-12:30
Bishop Erazm Ciołek's Palace - The Main Building
Kraków, Małopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.09.22 11:00-15:00
Bishop Erazm Ciołek's Palace - The Main Building
Kraków, Małopolskie