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> interesting places
Interesting places, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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The tower in Oświęcim - The Castle Museum in Oświęcim
The construction of the tower in Oświęcim began in the first half of the 13th century and was completed in the 14th century. Initially, stone was used in its creation, but over time it was replaced by brick. Apart from its guard and defence function, it was to provide the castle’s inhabitants with shelter in case of danger. It was the last point of defence. The only entrance was at the level...
county oświęcimski
Ochrowa Adit - Gold Mine
Discover the secrets of a newly discovered adit, shrouded in many legends.
Złoty Stok
county ząbkowicki
The Małopolska Garden of Art - The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow
places of cultural events
The Małopolska Garden of Art is a space open to artists looking for a new theatrical language and new forms of interactions with the audience. It is the most experimental space of the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow. Here, the viewers can break with their habits and try to find themselves in a situation requiring interaction with the authors. The artists, operating at the crossroads of...
Underground Tourist Route - Książ Castle
At long last, the area under Książ Castle is open to visitors! October 16, 2018, marks a turning point: on this day, the first group of visitors will go into the tunnel that was once dug 50 metres under the Castle. The one-and-a-half kilometre underground route will intrigue visitors with its variety of geological and historical curiosities. As they make their way, visitors will discover...
The Old Town Hall Tower - The District Museum in Toruń
An observation deck located at the top of 40-metre-high Town Hall Tower is another popular attraction. Open seven days a week, it offers a panoramic view of the entire city of Toruń in all its glory.
Planetarium - The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork
observatories and planetariums
The Planetarium of the Nicolaus Copernicus Museum is located on the ground floor of the Radziejowski Tower (former bell tower) on the Cathedral Hill. The astronomical sessions presented there include, among others: Nicolaus Copernicus' heliocentric theory and various astronomical phenomena. Our repertoire includes three sessions: “Is anyone there?” – a session devoted to the search...
county braniewski
Wok's Tower - Museum of Prudnik's land
Place temporarily unavailable
Wok's Tower – remnant of XIII century castle is the oldest landmark of Prudnik and one of the oldest of this type of objects in Poland. The decision about building the stronghold made in 1255yr. Wok from Rosenberg, after whom antique building got its name. In the past this cylindrical construction was last defense line in time the castle had been in danger, thick walls and entrance to the...
county prudnicki
Astronomical park - The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork
parks and gardens, observatories and planetariums
The Astronomical Park of the Nicolaus Copernicus Museum was created thanks to the expansion of the astronomical observatory, existing since 1980, created by astronomy enthusiasts. The idea of the Park is to familiarize visitors with methods of observing celestial bodies from the 16th century to the present day. The park consists of a reception building housing temporary exhibitions and...
Ronin 7
county braniewski
Art Inkubator
house of culture
Art Inkubator is a new cultural institution run by Sopot local government. Its goal is to conduct activities aimed at creating and disseminating culture, promoting cultural education and supporting creative communities. Art Inkubator is involved in building a network of domestic and foreign stakeholders, organising art residencies and creative work programs. Art Inkubator will also be involved...
Muzeum Rolnictwa im. ks. Krzysztofa Kluka w Ciechanowcu
Museum, proposals for you: 44
county wysokomazowiecki
Permanent exhibition
Pamiątki kolonialne - sztuka Czarnego Lądu
Permanent exhibition
Początki mechanizacji rolnictwa
Permanent exhibition
Salonik prof. Ignacego Pieńkowskiego
Permanent exhibition
Sernica dworska (sernik, lesica)
Permanent exhibition
Rybołówstwo słodkowodne
Permanent exhibition
Budynek szkoły
Permanent exhibition
Narzędzia i instrumenty używane w leśnictwie
Permanent exhibition
Warsztaty stolarskie
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Rymarstwo i szewstwo
Permanent exhibition
Produkcja oleju, garncarstwo ludowe
Permanent exhibition
Dorobek ks. Krzysztofa Kluka
Permanent exhibition
Wiatrak koźlak z Niemyj Nowych
Permanent exhibition
Salonik Rodu Ciechanowieckich
Permanent exhibition
Kruche piękno Dalekiego Wschodu
Permanent exhibition
Mieszkanie średniozamożnej rodziny wielopokoleniowej
Permanent exhibition
Morze w malarstwie europejskim
Permanent exhibition
Transport wiejski
Permanent exhibition
Tradycje zielarskie
Permanent exhibition
Wnętrza zabytkowe
Permanent exhibition
Wiatrak „koźlak”
Permanent exhibition
profesor Kazimierz Drewnowski
Permanent exhibition
Wiatrak „koźlak”
Permanent exhibition
Urządzenia młynarskie, żarna, stępy, miary, wagi
Permanent exhibition
Muzeum Chleba
Permanent exhibition
Ekspozycja kieratów
Permanent exhibition
Las i gospodarka leśna
Permanent exhibition
Przemiany w gospodarstwie domowym kobiety wiejskiej w 1. połowie XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Obróbka włókna
Permanent exhibition
Wiejskie rzemiosła drzewne
Permanent exhibition
Wnętrze kuźni
Permanent exhibition
Kompleks kościelny ze wsi Boguty-Pianki - dzwonnica z XIX w.
Permanent exhibition
Kolekcja uli
Permanent exhibition
Historia miasta Ciechanowca
Permanent exhibition
Dzieje Rolnictwa w Polsce
Permanent exhibition
Pomieszczenia mieszkalne z lat 50. i 60. XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Pomieszczenia mieszkalne z okresu 20-lecia międzywojennego
Permanent exhibition
Mieszkanie wielopokoleniowej rodziny małorolnego gospodarza z przełomu XIX/XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Mieszkanie wielopokoleniowej rodziny drobnoszlacheckiej z przełomu XIX/XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Bróg na siano
Permanent exhibition
Wyposażenie domu wiejskiego z lat 50. XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Kolekcja minerałów
Permanent exhibition
Pokój gościnny plebana
Permanent exhibition
Sypialnia księdza