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> museums and galleries
Museums and galleries, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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The Old Factory - Sulkowski Dukes’ Castle
Museum, proposals for you: 3
The Museum is located in Żywieckie Przedmieście district, in the buildings of a former manufactory and, after 1887, a broadcloth and woollen mill, established by Bielsko clothier Karl Büttner (1833-1884), and later run by his sons, Karl Theodor (1863-1932) and Gustav Adolf (1865-1933). The complex of buildings was gradually expanded. On the plot purchased in 1868, they first erected a...
Permanent exhibition
Widoki Małego Wiednia
Permanent exhibition
Carding willow, self-actor mule, shearing machine...
Permanent exhibition
From weaving to the Fiat 126p
The Blechhammer - 1944 Museum of the Oil Campaign of WWII
Museum, proposals for you: 3
The museum consists of six rooms which present the events of WWII in Kędzierzyn-Koźle and the surrounding area. The main theme is the 15th USAAF’s air campaign against three targets located around Kędzierzyn-Koźle. AG Blechhammer, IG Farben Heydebreck and Schaffgotsch Odertal were chamical plants producing synthetic oil for the Nazi German army; they became American aerial bombing targets....
county kędzierzyńsko-kozielski
Permanent exhibition
Judenlager camp
Permanent exhibition
Prisoners of war
Permanent exhibition
15th USAAF airmen
Museum House of the Gazeta Olsztyńska - Museum of Warmia and Masuria
Museum, proposals for you: 3
The House of the Olsztyn Gazette Museum was founded in 1992. The head office is located in a reconstructed building, which in the years 1920-1939 held the editorial and printing sections of the well-deserved for the Polish history of the region, only Polish newspaper in Warmia published from 1886 – the Olsztyn Gazette. The Museum has a regional character. The collections it gathers, as well as...
Permanent exhibition
„Gazeta Olsztyńska” (1886-1939)
Okna historii. W 130.lecie powstania „Gazety Olsztyńskiej” (1886–1939)
Temporary exhibition: 2023.06.22 - 2025.06.30
Na ślubnym kobiercu
Permanent exhibition
Olsztyn. Szkice do dziejów miasta
Tenement of Art Nouveau
Museum, proposals for you: 3
Interiors 1ST AND 2ND FLOOR. Interior arrangement af a medium-wealthy middle-class house from the turn of the 20 century introduces on to the atmosphere of Art. Nouveau. The exhibits are furniture, placed according to rules predominant in the period as well as artistic craft: glassware, metal, ceramics. The specific atmosphere of the rooms is emphasized by fabrics: curtains, lambrequins,...
Permanent exhibition
Art Nouveau / Young Poland
Permanent exhibition
Bolesław Biegas
Permanent exhibition
Galician hall
Van Rij Gallery
gallery, proposals for you: 2
The gallery is located in two spaces in Poland: in Cmielow, within the old porcelain factory halls, and in Old Town in Krakow. It is a member of the international organization CINOA and the Association of Polish Antiquarians and Art Dealers. One of the key elements of the gallery's program is its commitment to promoting gender equality and eliminating areas of discrimination. Through...
county ostrowiecki
Temporary exhibition: 2024.12.06 - 2025.02.28
wernisaż: 2024.04.13 16:00
"Białe złoto. Józef Wilkoń"
Van Rij Gallery
, Świętokrzyskie, county ostrowiecki
Maritime Culture Centre - National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk
Museum, proposals for you: 3
The Museum branch with its eye-catching unconventional architecture is a modern centre providing comprehensive knowledge on the sea, ports, ships and shipyards, in an attractive manner. The interactive exhibition designed for children and families provides knowledge through play, e.g.: the arcana of controlling and commanding a watercraft, reloading goods in the port, underwater bathyscaphe...
Temporary exhibition: 2024.06.18 - 2026.06.18
Bałtyk. Morze zielonej energii
Permanent exhibition
Working Boats (Boats of Peoples of the World)
Permanent exhibition
Lednica Holm - The Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica
Museum, proposals for you: 4
Ostrów Lednicki is an island in Lake Lednica, situated near a route from Poznań to Gniezno. The earliest surviving traces demonstrate that a settlement developed there about 11,000 years ago. In the Early Middle Ages on this island one of the most important strongholds of the first Piast state was built. It was constructed in the second half of the 10th c. at the place of earlier, smaller...
county gnieźnieński
Permanent exhibition
Żarna i nie tylko
Permanent exhibition
Gdy bogów było wielu
Permanent exhibition
Z archiwum ziemi i toni wodnej...
Ekspozycja plenerowa
Land Forces Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 3
The museum collects relics related to the history of the army from the Middle Ages, through the wars of the 17th century, national uprisings, battles for borders in 1918-1921, World War II, to the participation of Polish soldiers in peace and stabilization missions around the world. The museum pays special attention to the history of World War II by presenting exhibits from all battlefields...
Outdoor exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Wystawa odznak
Permanent exhibition
From Cedynia to Karbala
konkurs: 2023.08.03-2023.08.15
Konkurs historyczny z okazji Święta Wojska Polskiego
Land Forces Museum
, Kujawsko-Pomorskie
Szołayski house - The Main Building
Museum, proposals for you: 3
The Szołayski house is a two-storey corner building situated near the Market Square. With its impressive façade overlooking Szczepański Square and partially Szczepańska Street, the house is adjacent to the edifices of the Stary Theatre and the Palace of Art.The oldest part of the building was erected in the 15th century, while its present shape was achieved as a result of renovations in the...
Temporary exhibition: 2024.09.13 - 2025.08.08
Gosia Baczyńska. Pokaz z kolekcji MNK
Permanent exhibition
Przekroje. Galeria architektury polskiej XX i XXI wieku
Permanent exhibition
Przedmioty. Galeria Designu Polskiego XX i XXI wieku
Śluza Gallery - Porta Posnania ICHOT
gallery, proposals for you: 2
The Śluza Gallery is a space intended for holding temporary exhibitions. Through our exhibitions, we want to talk about contemporary Poznań and how it has been shaped by its past. We believe that the study of the local context enables us to address universal issues which are important not only here and now. The exhibitions at the Śluza Gallery focus on three major themes. Our main focal...
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.18 - 2025.02.23
Warta. Ćwiczenia z wyobraźni
wernisaż: 2024.10.18 18:00
Warta. Ćwiczenia z wyobraźni - wernisaż
Śluza Gallery - Porta Posnania ICHOT
, Wielkopolskie