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Museums and galleries, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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Regional Museum in Zwoleń
Museum, proposals for you: 2
Regional Museum in Zwoleń collects, preserves and exhibits (temporarily or permanently) archaeological, historical, ethnographic artefacts together with local folk and modern art. The Museum staff do research and publishes its effects in journals and books. The educational activities of the Museum are differentiated (workshops, museum lessons, lectures) and dedicated to the local community and...
county zwoleński
Permanent exhibition
Wincenty Flak (1870-1943) - the unobvious artist
Permanent exhibition
God’s service and individual piety
"Sołdek" (Gdańsk) - National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk
Museum, proposals for you: 2
The unique treasure of naval engineering, the world’s only steam-powered coal and ore carrier preserved until today. It was the first prototype seagoing ship built in Poland after World War II. From the ship commissioning ceremony in 1949 until the end of service in 1981, ‘Sołdek’ made 1479 voyages, carrying over 3.5 million tons of coal and iron ore in total. This is a historic structure with...
Permanent exhibition
Sołdek and its Times
Temporary exhibition: 2024.05.18 - 2025.10.31
Budując morskie kolosy. Fotografie Tercjana Multaniaka
The Gallery 72
Museum, proposals for you: 2
Kajetan Sosnowski (1913 Wilno – 1987 Warszawa), a leading avant-garde artist of the interwar period, created a concept and initiated the Gallery 72 in Chełm. His sentiment to Chełm, a town 250 km away from Warsaw, was rooted in the fact that he spent his childhood and early youth there (1920-1934). The name of the gallery Sosnowski proposed originated from the year of its foundation....
Permanent exhibition
Chełmska bezpieka i jej ofiary
Permanent exhibition
Tradycje kolejowe Chełma – Dworzec Główny PKP w Chełmie
Museum of Nature in Olsztyn - Museum of Warmia and Masuria
Museum, proposals for you: 2
The Museum of Nature in Olsztyn is the youngest branch of the Museum of Warmia and Masuria. It was established on the 1st of January 2000, however, the Department of Nature at the Museum of Warmia and Masuria operated earlier, from 1956, whereas the gathering of sets of natural specimens started in 1951. The seeds of the collection were the inherited former German sets: 38 specimens of animals...
Permanent exhibition
Zwierzęta Warmii i Mazur
Temporary exhibition: 2024.12.18 - 2025.06.30
Żurawie nie znają granic
Museum of the History of Toruń in the Eskens’ House - The District Museum in Toruń
Museum, proposals for you: 2
The Museum of the History of Toruń is located in a 14th-century building commonly referred to as the Eskens’ House. A visit to this place offers an opportunity to travel in time and take a walk through the ages. The climatic interiors of the historic granary serve as a background for a fascinating exhibition Toruń and its History which uses modern and interactive methods to present both the...
Permanent exhibition
Toruń i jego historia
Temporary exhibition: 2024.12.08 - 2025.04.13
Krwawy sąd. Toruńska sprawa z 1724 roku
Four Domes Pavilion - The National Museum in Wrocław
Museum, proposals for you: 2
On 25 June 2016 The Four Domes Pavilion, a modernist building designed by the distinguished architect Hanz Poelzig and erected in 1912, became the seat of the Museum of Contemporary Art, a branch of the National Museum in Wrocław. This building, and the nearby Centennial Hall designed by Max Berg, are the two architectural elements dominating the so-called Exhibition Grounds. This unique...
Permanent exhibition
Collection of Polish art from the second half of the 20th and early 21st century
in just 37 days
Temporary exhibition: 2025.04.13 - 2025.08.24
FENOMENalny. Beksiński Nowe spojrzenie na twórczość mistrza polskiej fotografii
Ethnographic Museum - The National Museum in Wrocław
Museum, proposals for you: 3
The present seat of the Ethnographic Museum (since October 2004), once a summer residence of the bishops of Wrocław, is located in Traugutta Street. The palace was erected by Cardinal Philipp Ludwig von Sinzendorf in the grounds of the country estate of the Wrocław bishopric, in the 16th century known as the White Grange (Ger. Weisses Vorverk). The construction, designed by Christopher...
in just 71 days
Temporary exhibition: 2025.05.17 - 2025.08.17
Dolny Śląsk pnie się w górę. Rzemiosło i przemysł wzdłuż Śląskiej Kolei Górskiej
in just 4 days
Temporary exhibition: 2025.03.11 - 2025.04.27
Pisanki i palmy wielkanocne
Permanent exhibition
Dolnoślązacy. Pamięć, kultura, tożsamość
The Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec
Museum, proposals for you: 1
Our activity consists in a wide range of cultural and educational events as well as retreats. The earliest history of the monastery has been presented in an underground Lapidarium Museum located in genuine historic interiors. The place creates a unique architectural context for early and modern art exhibitions, concerts, theatrical performances, spectacles prepared as wonderful mixtures of...
Permanent exhibition
Ekspozycja stała
Museum of Soap and History of Dirt
Museum, proposals for you: 2
Museum of Soap and History of Dirt is a place for everybody. At the beginning of the visit, everyone makes their own soap. During the soap workshops, the visitor can choose the color, aroma and additives to the soap. After the workshops, the group starts visiting the Museum with a guide. Visitors will explore 5,000 years of human hygiene history, how people took care of themselves. The...
Workshop of soap making and guided tour of the museum
Warsztaty z robienia świec sojowych
Museum of Soap and History of Dirt
, Kujawsko-Pomorskie
Toruń Fortress Museum - The District Museum in Toruń
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The District Museum in Toruń intends to expand to include a new branch – the Toruń Fortress Museum. It will be created in the Barracks of the Chełmno Gate located next to the city’s Bus Station. Currently, the building is undergoing renovation and construction works. The opening of the Toruń Fortress Museum is planned for 2020. The historic Toruń Fortress was a multidimensional creation and...
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition