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> museums and galleries
Museums and galleries, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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Museum of the Polish Post Office - Museum of Gdańsk
Museum, proposals for you: 1
This is one of the spots on the map where the World War Two broke out. The heroic defence of the facility by the employees of the Polish Post on 1 September 1939 went down in history. The Museum portrays the battle as it developed and the fate of the defenders. You can also learn how postal services were organised in the past and get an insight into the day-to-day life in the Free City of...
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Gdańsk Museum of Science - Museum of Gdańsk
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The museum is arranged in the tower of St Catherine’s Church. Its main attraction is a collection of clocks, the oldest built in the Middle Ages. It was here that the first pulsar clock in the world was set in motion in the year 2011. Visitors can also see a clock mechanism with the longest pendulum in the world. On the way up to the vantage point on the tower you will pass the carillon, i.e....
Permanent exhibition
The collection of clocks
Od zegarów wieżowych do najdłuższego wahadła na świecie
Pomorska Street - Historical Museum of the City of Kraków
Museum, proposals for you: 1
Building at 2 Pomorska Street was built between 1931 and 1936 on the initiative of the Association for Defense of Western Borderlands. It housed a dormitory and a tourist hostel for Silesian youth studying and visiting Krakow (hence the name of the Silesian House). On 13 September 1939, the building was occupied by German police formations, and until 17 January 1945, it was the Headquarters...
Permanent exhibition
People of Kraków in Times of Terror 1939-1945-1956
Rynek Underground - Historical Museum of the City of Kraków
Museum, proposals for you: 1
Walking between the Cloth Hall (Sukiennice) and Saint Mary’s Church, one may not realise that hidden away a few metres under the ground is a treasure trove of knowledge about Kraków’s past. To discover it, you just have to step down into the Rynek.
Permanent exhibition
Following the traces of European identity of Kraków
The Weaver’s House - Sulkowski Dukes’ Castle
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The Weaver’s House, a branch of the Historical Museum in Bielsko-Biala, is located in the Górne Przemieście district which dates back to the first half of the 15th century and was inhabited by Bielsko’s clothiers. The traditions of the house, which now accommodates the museum, go back to the 18th century. There used to be a clothmaker’s living quarters and workshop here until the beginning of...
Permanent exhibition
The Interior of a Guild Master’s House and his Weaving Workshop
Museum of the Wisnicz Land
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The major role of the museum is to gather and document regional souvenirs (souvenirs from the II World War, medals, books, old documents, photographs of Wiśnicz and even the shackles from the prison in Wiśnicz as well as the only preserved uniform of a prison guard officer from before the Second World War). One of the most valuable exhibits of the museum is the cannon barrel from the 17th...
Nowy Wiśnicz
county bocheński
Permanent exhibition
Prace artystów związanych z ziemią wiśnicką
Museum in Mrągowo - Museum of Warmia and Masuria
Museum, proposals for you: 1
Museum in MrągowoIn the years 1945–1965, there was no museum in Mrągowo. It was as late as 1966 that the Historical Regional Chamber under the supervision of the House of Culture was established, and through the decision of the Presidium of the Poviat National Council in Mrągowo in 1969, the Museum of the Mrągowo Region was established, transformed in 1975 into the Museum in Mrągowo, as a...
county mrągowski
Permanent exhibition
Mrągowo i ziemia mrągowska od zarania dziejów po czasy współczesne
The Praga Museum of Warsaw - The Museum of Warsaw
Museum, proposals for you: 1
We are a division of the Museum of Warsaw and we are one of the first museums (ever!) on Warsaw’s right bank. Our mission is to preserve and promote the heritage of the entire eastern Warsaw. We are located on 50/52 Targowa Str., in one of the oldest residential buildings in this part of the city. Our offer is aimed not only at local residents, Praga’s (Warsaw’s) art communities, Polish...
Permanent exhibition
Core Exhibition
The Vistula Museum in Wyszogród - Tenement of Art Nouveau
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The museum of the Middle Vistula and the Wyszogód Land, a branch of the Mazovian Museum in Płock. It presents monuments from the Neolithic settlement, related to the activity of the castle in Wyszogród and shipping on the Vistula river. It collects relicts of Jewish and German settlements as well as tools formerly used to build boats and fish. Monuments related to the battles of First and...
county płocki
Permanent exhibition
Historical exhibition in the museum of the Middle Vistula and the Wyszogód Land
Palmiry Museum - Memorial Site - The Museum of Warsaw
Museum, proposals for you: 1
National memorial site, commemorating victims of mass executions carried out by Nazis during World War II in the Kampinos Forest.
county nowodworski
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition