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museums and galleries
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> museums and galleries
Museums and galleries, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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Emeryk Hutten-Czapski Museum - The Main Building
Museum, proposals for you: 6
Józef Czapski’s pavilion is the newest and smallest building, forming part of the Emeryk Hutten-Czapski Museum complex, department of the National Museum in Cracow. Built in the back of the former garden adjacent to the Łoziński tenement, the pavilion is dedicated to the grandson of the creator of the most valuable numismatic collection in Poland, the eminent Polish intellectual, writer,...
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.11 - 2025.04.06
Kapiści. Sto lat!
Permanent exhibition
Gabinet Numizmatyczny
Permanent exhibition
Muzeum biograficzne Józefa Czapskiego
Temporary exhibition: 2024.11.26 - 2025.05.11
Winiety, sygnety i kartusze - piękno dawnych ksiąg i map
Permanent exhibition
Zbiór starych druków i rękopisów
Temporary exhibition: 2025.02.04 - 2025.03.09
Polskie medalierstwo 2018 2024. II wystawa przeglądowa PSSM
The Prince's Stables in Pszczyna - The Castle Museum in Pszczyna
Museum, proposals for you: 4
The oldest information about the stables located nearby the Pszczyna Castle comes from a local urbarium dating back to 1629. The existing Prince’s Stable buildings were constructed in the second half of the 19th century, when Pszczyna lands were in the command of the Hochbergs, according to the designs prepared by Olivier Pavelt. The Carriage House was built in 1864, the stables and the...
county pszczyński
Permanent exhibition
The Prince’s Stables in Pszczyna
Permanent exhibition
Premanent of historic horse-drawn vehicles
Temporary exhibition: 2023.03.04 - 2025.12.31
Im gorsze - tym lepsze
Permanent exhibition
For the hunt, for the hunt, my companion!
The Museum of Post and Telecommunications in Wroclaw
Museum, proposals for you: 6
The Museum of Post and Telecommunications in Wroclaw is the only museum institution in Poland collecting and protecting monuments constituting a certificate of postal activity in Poland, including Poczta Polska founded by King Sigismund Augustus in 1558. The museum, established in 1921 in Warsaw, from 1956 is located in the historic building of the Main Post Office in Wrocław. The museum...
county wrocławski
Permanent exhibition
Horse-drawn postal vehicles
Permanent exhibition
Telegraph and telephone
Permanent exhibition
Radio and television
Permanent exhibition
The history of Poczta Polska
Permanent exhibition
Filatelistyka polska i zagraniczna
Permanent exhibition
Signs and mailboxes
Chudow Castle Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The castle in Chudów is an example of a 16th-century noble residence with defensive qualities (location in wetlands, massive walls, moat). According to the sources, the first historically confirmed owner of Chudów was Jan (Johannes) de Hodow, who appears in the records on October 15, 1434 as one of the judges. This may indicate his high position or the office he held. The documents from...
county gliwicki
Permanent exhibition
Ekspozycja stała
Gdańsk Museum of Science - Museum of Gdańsk
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The museum is arranged in the tower of St Catherine’s Church. Its main attraction is a collection of clocks, the oldest built in the Middle Ages. It was here that the first pulsar clock in the world was set in motion in the year 2011. Visitors can also see a clock mechanism with the longest pendulum in the world. On the way up to the vantage point on the tower you will pass the carillon, i.e....
Permanent exhibition
The collection of clocks
Od zegarów wieżowych do najdłuższego wahadła na świecie
The Weaver’s House - Sulkowski Dukes’ Castle
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The Weaver’s House, a branch of the Historical Museum in Bielsko-Biala, is located in the Górne Przemieście district which dates back to the first half of the 15th century and was inhabited by Bielsko’s clothiers. The traditions of the house, which now accommodates the museum, go back to the 18th century. There used to be a clothmaker’s living quarters and workshop here until the beginning of...
Permanent exhibition
The Interior of a Guild Master’s House and his Weaving Workshop
Muzeum Regionalne im. Andrzeja Laubego w Wolinie
Place temporarily unavailable
Museum contains archaeological, historical and ethnographical collections on history of Wolin city and its surroundings. There is also a unique collection of photographs showing life in Western Pomerania after 1945. Museum also has a library available for all visitors. Museum history First exhibition on early medieval history of Wolin was held by German researchers in the 1930s....
county kamieński
Muzeum Rolnictwa im. ks. Krzysztofa Kluka w Ciechanowcu
Museum, proposals for you: 44
county wysokomazowiecki
Permanent exhibition
Przemiany w gospodarstwie domowym kobiety wiejskiej w 1. połowie XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Salonik prof. Ignacego Pieńkowskiego
Permanent exhibition
Budynek szkoły
Permanent exhibition
Morze w malarstwie europejskim
Permanent exhibition
Pamiątki kolonialne - sztuka Czarnego Lądu
Permanent exhibition
Początki mechanizacji rolnictwa
Permanent exhibition
Pomieszczenia mieszkalne z lat 50. i 60. XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Ekspozycja kieratów
Permanent exhibition
Pomieszczenia mieszkalne z okresu 20-lecia międzywojennego
Permanent exhibition
Wiejskie rzemiosła drzewne
Permanent exhibition
Mieszkanie średniozamożnej rodziny wielopokoleniowej
Permanent exhibition
Pokój gościnny plebana
Permanent exhibition
Sypialnia księdza
Permanent exhibition
Wyposażenie domu wiejskiego z lat 50. XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Mieszkanie wielopokoleniowej rodziny drobnoszlacheckiej z przełomu XIX/XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Dorobek ks. Krzysztofa Kluka
Permanent exhibition
Sernica dworska (sernik, lesica)
Permanent exhibition
Wiatrak „koźlak”
Permanent exhibition
profesor Kazimierz Drewnowski
Permanent exhibition
Wiatrak koźlak z Niemyj Nowych
Permanent exhibition
Produkcja oleju, garncarstwo ludowe
Permanent exhibition
Warsztaty stolarskie
Permanent exhibition
Mieszkanie wielopokoleniowej rodziny małorolnego gospodarza z przełomu XIX/XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Dzieje Rolnictwa w Polsce
Permanent exhibition
Obróbka włókna
Permanent exhibition
Las i gospodarka leśna
Permanent exhibition
Kolekcja minerałów
Permanent exhibition
Wiatrak „koźlak”
Permanent exhibition
Kruche piękno Dalekiego Wschodu
Permanent exhibition
Bróg na siano
Permanent exhibition
Salonik Rodu Ciechanowieckich
Permanent exhibition
Rybołówstwo słodkowodne
Permanent exhibition
Narzędzia i instrumenty używane w leśnictwie
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Rymarstwo i szewstwo
Permanent exhibition
Wnętrza zabytkowe
Permanent exhibition
Transport wiejski
Permanent exhibition
Kompleks kościelny ze wsi Boguty-Pianki - dzwonnica z XIX w.
Permanent exhibition
Wnętrze kuźni
Permanent exhibition
Kolekcja uli
Permanent exhibition
Muzeum Chleba
Permanent exhibition
Urządzenia młynarskie, żarna, stępy, miary, wagi
Permanent exhibition
Historia miasta Ciechanowca
Permanent exhibition
Tradycje zielarskie
Muzeum Śląskie w Katowicach
Museum, proposals for you: 13
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.26 - 2025.03.02
12. Triennale Grafiki Polskiej
Temporary exhibition: 2024.06.21 - 2025.09.22
Światło i Mrok. Teatr Leszka Mądzika
Temporary exhibition: 2024.11.08 - 2025.05.25
W poszukiwaniu Arkadii. Krawczukowie
Permanent exhibition
Galeria śląskiej sztuki sakralnej
Permanent exhibition
Galeria polskiej sztuki nowoczesnej 1800-1945
Permanent exhibition
Światło historii. Górny Śląsk na przestrzeni dziejów
Permanent exhibition
Na tropie Tomka
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.26 - 2025.03.30
PINK BOT - Solowa wystawa Pawła Orłowskiego
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.04 - 2025.06.29
Bastion. Artyści ukraińscy o wojnie
Temporary exhibition: 2025.01.17 - 2025.06.22
Góra Zyndrama. Tajemnicza twierdza sprzed 3700 lat
Why war?
Permanent exhibition
Galeria plastyki nieprofesjonalnej
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.04 - 2025.06.29
Passiones. Cykl ikon na skrzyniach po amunicji Soni Atlantovej i Oleksandra Klymenki
Temporary exhibition: 2024.12.06 - 2025.03.09
Toshihiro Hamano. Beauty of Japan – Tradition and Modernity
Muzeum Górnictwa Węglowego w Zabrzu
Museum, proposals for you: 11
Permanent exhibition
Niezwykła historia
Permanent exhibition
Kopalnia Edisona
Permanent exhibition
Z lampą górniczą przez wieki
Permanent exhibition
Wszystko zaczęło się od węgla
Permanent exhibition
Ze świata kultury górniczej
Permanent exhibition
Tajemnice lasu karbońskiego
Permanent exhibition
Kopaliny ziem polskich
Permanent exhibition
Węgiel jako surowiec chemiczny
Permanent exhibition
Łączność kopalniana
Permanent exhibition
Od kilofa i łopaty do maszyn zespołowych
Permanent exhibition
Dzieje techniki w polskim górnictwie węglowym