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> museums and galleries
Museums and galleries, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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Muzeum Narodowe Ziemi Przemyskiej w Przemyślu
Museum, proposals for you: 6
Permanent exhibition
Twierdza Przemyśl
Permanent exhibition
Dawna Klasa
Permanent exhibition
Credo na dwa głosy
Permanent exhibition
Opowieść o Żydach Przemyskich
Permanent exhibition
Huculskie skarby
Permanent exhibition
Rozstrzelane miasto. Przemyśl w czasie II wojny światowej
Regional Museum in Krasnystaw
Museum, proposals for you: 11
With construction beginning in 1695, the building of the former Jesuit College was completed in 1740. Three walls of the College, the garth, and Saint Francis Xavier Church form a quadrangle building complex sited north-west of the town’s square. Located in the east wing, main gate leading to the garth gives access to the Museum. Former bishop’s palace adjoining west wing of the building is...
county krasnostawski
Permanent exhibition
History of Krasnystaw and the surrounding area from the 14th till the 20th century
Permanent exhibition
Krasnystaw w malarstwie Antoniego Teslara
Permanent exhibition
Most interesting archaeological findings
Permanent exhibition
Castle and manor house in Krupe
Permanent exhibition
Portraits of Polish gentry in the 17th and 19th centuries
Permanent exhibition
Reconstructed court kitchen from the 19th century
Permanent exhibition
Typical cottage equipment at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
Permanent exhibition
Reconstructed blacksmith’s shop from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
Permanent exhibition
Prehistory of Krasnystaw region
Permanent exhibition
Folk material culture
Permanent exhibition
Arts and crafts from the 18th to early 20th century
Sulkowski Dukes’ Castle
Museum, proposals for you: 9
Rising high in the centre of Bielsko-Biała, the castle is the oldest and largest building in the historic town of Bielsko. According to legend, this site formerly sheltered a settlement of robbers who would set upon travelling traders. It is said that Casimir, Duke of Opole (d. 1229/30), captured this stronghold, wiped out the bandits, and in its place constructed a hunting lodge. Over...
Permanent exhibition
Dzieje Archeologiczno-Historyczne Bielska-Białej i Okolic
Permanent exhibition
Portrait Gallery – the 19th and first half of the 20th century
Permanent exhibition
Early Art Room
Permanent exhibition
Gallery of 19th and 20th century European and Polish Art
Permanent exhibition
The Music Room
Permanent exhibition
The Biedemeier Room or Bourgeois Parlour from the second half of the 19th century
Permanent exhibition
The Embrasure Room (Armoury)
Permanent exhibition
Gallery of Prints from the turn of the 20th Century
Permanent exhibition
Gallery of Contemporary Art from the Bielsko-Biała Region
Muzeum Regionalne w Pułtusku
Museum, proposals for you: 4
county pułtuski
Permanent exhibition
Napoleon w Pułtusku
Permanent exhibition
Średniowieczne proto-miasto w Pułtusku
Permanent exhibition
Pojezuickie piwnice magazynowe we Wzgórzu Abrahama
Permanent exhibition
Praetorium Pultoviensis - piwnice dawnego ratusza
Main Building - Archaeological Museum in Kraków
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The Archaeological Museum in Kraków is the oldest archaeological museum in Poland. It was created as the Museum of Antiquities under the initiative of intellectuals from Kraków gathered in the Kraków Scientific Society (henceforth: KSS). The deed of appointment of the museum was written on 18th February 1850, designating the members of the founding committee which included: Józef Muczkowski –...
Permanent exhibition
Pradzieje i średniowiecze Małopolski
Spichrze - Central Building
Museum, proposals for you: 7
Permanent exhibition
Biegnij, Bronek, biegnij ...! Bronisław Malinowski (1951-1981). Mistrz olimpijski. Lekkoatleta
Permanent exhibition
Historia grudziądzkiego lotnictwa
Permanent exhibition
Historia Grudziądza
Permanent exhibition
Średniowieczny gródek rycerski w Plemiętach
Permanent exhibition
Grudziądz w okresie wpływów rzymskich
Permanent exhibition
Biżuteria średniowieczna z Gruczna
Permanent exhibition
Północna część ziemi chełmińskiej w pradziejach i średniowieczu
Muzeum "Upper Silesian Ethnographic Park" in Chorzów
Museum, proposals for you: 4
Permanent exhibition
Mechanizacja na wsi
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Na własnej skórze. Tradycyjne garbarstwo.
Permanent exhibition
Pojazdy konne
Archeological Museum in Poznań
Museum, proposals for you: 6
The Archaeological Museum in Poznań was opened in the reconstructed Górka Palace on 8 June 1968. With time, the courtyard was roofed and modernised, which created an interior of an exceptional character. Archaeological research carried out in connection with this rebuilding project revealed the remains of wooden structures and brick architecture from the earlier phases of the building....
Permanent exhibition
Obelisk of Ramesses II
Permanent exhibition
It was here that Poland was born
Permanent exhibition
Prehistory of Greater Poland
Permanent exhibition
Rock Art of North Africa
Permanent exhibition
Death and life in Ancient Egypt
Permanent exhibition
Archaeology of Sudan
Muzeum Powstania Wielkopolskiego 1918-1919 - Wielkopolskie Muzeum Niepodległości
Museum, proposals for you: 1
Permanent exhibition
Powstanie Wielkopolskie 1918-1919. Droga do Niepodległości
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka
Museum, proposals for you: 13
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka - a national cultural institution - has its exhibitions in facilities that were once the royal salt enterprise: the salt mine and the Wieliczka Saltworks Castle. Both of these objects are included in the UNESCO List. The museum presents the history of the royal enterprise, which had a huge impact on the economic development of Poland - in the times of...
county wielicki
Permanent exhibition
Gothic room
Temporary exhibition: 2024.11.28 - 2025.03.30
Ługownictwo w wielickiej kopalni soli
Permanent exhibition
Archaeological exhibition
Permanent exhibition
The Exhibition of Salt-Cellars: Tiny Masterpieces
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2024.11.17 09:00-17:00
Wieliczka: Dzień Otwarty Muzeów Krakowskich 2024
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka
, Małopolskie, county wielicki
finisaż: 2023.10.22 09:00-20:00
Dzień Porcelany
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka
, Małopolskie, county wielicki
warsztaty: 2024.06.16 10:00-18:00
Powrót "Święta Soli"
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka
, Małopolskie, county wielicki
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2024.09.14 09:00
Europejskie Dni Dziedzictwa - Szlaki. Sieci. Połączenia
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka
, Małopolskie, county wielicki
warsztaty: 2025.01.20-2025.01.31
Rodzinne Ferie w Muzeum 2025
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka
, Małopolskie, county wielicki
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2024.05.05 11:00
Tajemnice kościoła św. Klemensa w Wieliczce
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka
, Małopolskie, county wielicki
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2024.09.06 10:00
Senior w Muzeum: Krok w głąb kopalni – krokiem ku zdrowiu
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka
, Małopolskie, county wielicki
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2024.06.25-2024.08.30
Rodzinne Lato w Muzeum 2024
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka
, Małopolskie, county wielicki
warsztaty: 2024.06.14 10:00
Zajęcia dla seniorów: Historia zamknięta w zapachu
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka
, Małopolskie, county wielicki
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2024.09.01 12:00
Wieliczka: Skarby kościoła świętego Klemensa odkrywane z kuratorką
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka
, Małopolskie, county wielicki
konkurs: 2023.10.21-2023.11.30
Lokalne zabytki okiem dzieci i młodzieży
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka
, Małopolskie, county wielicki
warsztaty: 2024.06.22 10:00
Zmagania ze sztuką: Modna i ozdobna – biżuteria na lato
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka
, Małopolskie, county wielicki
inne: 2024.05.19 10:00
Mama, Tata i Ja: Solne wyzwania
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka
, Małopolskie, county wielicki
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2025.01.19 12:00
Wystawa: Jaki znak Twój? Czyli o identyfikacji wizualnej w dawnych wiekach
Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka
, Małopolskie, county wielicki
Museum Route