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> palaces and castles
Palaces and castles, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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Książ Castle
Museum, proposals for you: 3
Książ is one of the largest castles in Poland. This huge and beautifully situated architectural complex is exceptional on a European scale. Discover a place where Europe’s crowned heads met, where the von Hochberg dynasty’s aristocratic history is intertwined with the mysteries of the Second World War. Książ’s first centuries were marked by a number of stormy events. It changed hands often,...
Permanent exhibition
A Gourmet’s View of Książ
Permanent exhibition
Metamorphoses of Książ Castle
Nocne zwiedzanie
Książ Castle
, Dolnośląskie
Muzeum Pałac Herbsta - Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi
Museum, proposals for you: 3
The Herbst Palace is a place inextricably connected with the histories of the Herbst and Scheibler families counted among the richest and most influential Polish families of the industrial era of the second half of the 19 th century. After two years of modernization works the palace will be reopened for public. The interior design and the new arrangement was created based on conservation...
Permanent exhibition
The Herbsts. Unfinished Stories
Permanent exhibition
New Dimension of Old Masters Art
Permanent exhibition
„Widziałem prawdziwe arcydzieło”. Malarstwo polskie XIX i początku XX wieku ze zbiorów Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi
The Main Building (Former Bishop's Palace) - The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork
Museum, proposals for you: 3
The Main Building of the Nicolaus Copernicus Museum is located in the Former Bishop's Palace on the Cathedral Hill. There was once a residence of the Warmian bishops here. The building was built before 1523, combining a thirteenth-century corner tower (previously housing a cathedral school) and a bishop's house (built in 1480). The palace was rebuilt many times. Currently, it houses the main...
county braniewski
Permanent exhibition
Frombork stained glass windows
Permanent exhibition
Braniewo stained glass windows
Permanent exhibition
Nicolaus Copernicus - life and work
The Palace on the Isle - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
palaces, parks and gardens, proposals for you: 2
The origins of today’s Palace on the Isle date back to the late seventeenth century. The Bathhouse was built at the behest of Prince Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski, one of the most important politicians, writers and philosophers of the time. The Baroque garden pavilion, designed by the Dutch architect, Tylman van Gameren, was intended as a place for resting, leisure and contemplation. The...
Permanent exhibition
Royal Picture Gallery of Stanisław August
koncert: 2024.12.15 12:00
Salony Muzyczne. Między Europą a Azją
The Palace on the Isle - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
, Mazowieckie
Castle in Krasiczyn
castles, parks and gardens, proposals for you: 4
Krasiczyn is a late renaissance castle situated in the south-eastern corner of Poland, close to the historical city of Przemyśl and not far from the Polish-Ukrainian border. The region's scenic landscapes are ideal for cycling, hiking and horse-riding, but even those not partial to active rest will be satisfied with the peacefulness and beauty of the area. Krasiczyn Castle is one of the...
county przemyski
Zwiedzanie zamku z przewodnikiem
Wejście na Wieżę Zegarową
Castle in Krasiczyn
, Podkarpackie, county przemyski
Zwiedzanie Sali Tortur w lochach zamkowych
Castle in Krasiczyn
, Podkarpackie, county przemyski
Casimir Pulaski Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 2
Winiary, once a village and now a northeast part of Warka, has a long-standing tradition of wine and history. Located on an escarpment on the Pilica River, this extraordinary place is one you simply must visit. Tall, old trees of the historic park surround this white classicistic manor. Its history can be traced back to the early 17th century. For over 300 years, it often changed owners,...
county grójecki
Permanent exhibition
Casimir Pulaski and other great Poles in the USA
Permanent exhibition
Warka - the town touched with history
Ethnographic Museum - The National Museum in Wrocław
Museum, proposals for you: 3
The present seat of the Ethnographic Museum (since October 2004), once a summer residence of the bishops of Wrocław, is located in Traugutta Street. The palace was erected by Cardinal Philipp Ludwig von Sinzendorf in the grounds of the country estate of the Wrocław bishopric, in the 16th century known as the White Grange (Ger. Weisses Vorverk). The construction, designed by Christopher...
Permanent exhibition
Dolnoślązacy. Pamięć, kultura, tożsamość
in just 75 days
Temporary exhibition: 2025.05.17 - 2025.08.17
Dolny Śląsk pnie się w górę. Rzemiosło i przemysł wzdłuż Śląskiej Kolei Górskiej
in just 8 days
Temporary exhibition: 2025.03.11 - 2025.04.27
Pisanki i palmy wielkanocne
The Museum of Henryk Sienkiewicz in Oblęgorek - Former Palace of Cracow Bishop
Museum, proposals for you: 1
"National gift" for Henryk Sienkiewicz in 1900 – mansion in Oblęgorek - became the premises of the Museum of Henryk Sienkiewicz in 1958 and on 1st January 1976 – the branch of the National Museum in Kielce.
county kielecki
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
The Nowa Huta Branch - Archaeological Museum in Kraków
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The Nowa Huta Branch of the Archaeological Museum in Kraków is located in a manor and park complex in Branice. The village was first mentioned in written sources in 1250, when Bolesław the Chaste gave the voivode of Kraków Klemens, the son of Sulisław, the right to hunt for beavers in these areas. The archaeological relics, on the other hand, confirm the existence of settlements there as early...
Permanent exhibition
Archaeologists for Nowa Huta
The Palace of the Commonwealth (Krasiński Palace) - National Library
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The Palace of the Commonwealth and the adjacent Krasiński Garden form a palace-cum-garden complex (French: entre cour et jardin) which was typical of the Baroque style. Built in the years 1688–1699, according to Tylman van Gameren’s design, was unanimously considered by the contemporaries as one of the most beautiful magnate palaces in Warsaw. The construction of the Krasiński Palace was a...
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition