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Places, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: lubelskie

number of results: 824


0.000 km
The Zamoyski Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 11
turturi level
Late Baroque magnate residence, the former seat of the aristocratic families of Bieliński and Zamoyski, currently one of the best preserved palace complexes in Europe. Palace interiors in the style of the Second Empire with authentic furnishings from the turn of the century, mostly preserved after the Zamoyski family. The palace chapel was modeled on the model of the royal chapel in...
Kamionka, Lubelskie
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Socialist Realism Art Gallery
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Priest Stefan Wyszyński's room
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Rodzinny album
Permanent exhibition
Kozłówka na osi czasu
Permanent exhibition
Pokój dla dzieci
Pokój zagadek
0.000 km
Regional Museum in Krasnystaw
Museum, proposals for you: 11
turturi level
With construction beginning in 1695, the building of the former Jesuit College was completed in 1740. Three walls of the College, the garth, and Saint Francis Xavier Church form a quadrangle building complex sited north-west of the town’s square. Located in the east wing, main gate leading to the garth gives access to the Museum. Former bishop’s palace adjoining west wing of the building is...
Krasnystaw, Lubelskie
Permanent exhibition
Prehistory of Krasnystaw region
Permanent exhibition
History of Krasnystaw and the surrounding area from the 14th till the 20th century
Permanent exhibition
Most interesting archaeological findings
Permanent exhibition
Folk material culture
Permanent exhibition
Reconstructed blacksmith’s shop from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
Permanent exhibition
Reconstructed court kitchen from the 19th century
Permanent exhibition
Typical cottage equipment at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
Permanent exhibition
Portraits of Polish gentry in the 17th and 19th centuries
Permanent exhibition
Arts and crafts from the 18th to early 20th century
Permanent exhibition
Castle and manor house in Krupe
Permanent exhibition
Krasnystaw w malarstwie Antoniego Teslara
0.000 km
The Lublin Open Air Village Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 7
turturi level
The Lublin Open Air Village Museum located in the valley of Czechówka River is one of the biggest open air museums in Poland. Owing to its rich architecture, exhibits and also the concern of intangible heritage of the region, it shows the cultural diversity of the province. It gathers items related to the former life in the village, in the manor and in the small town. It also preserves the...
Lublin, Lubelskie
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Wyżyna Lubelska
Permanent exhibition
Zespół dworski
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Podlasie i Polesie Lubelskie
Permanent exhibition
0.000 km
The Gallery 72
Museum, proposals for you: 2
turturi level
Kajetan Sosnowski (1913 Wilno – 1987 Warszawa), a leading avant-garde artist of the interwar period, created a concept and  initiated the Gallery 72 in Chełm. His sentiment to Chełm, a town 250 km away from Warsaw, was rooted in the fact that he spent his childhood and early youth there (1920-1934). The name of the gallery Sosnowski proposed originated from the year of its foundation....
Chełm, Lubelskie
Permanent exhibition
Tradycje kolejowe Chełma – Dworzec Główny PKP w Chełmie
Permanent exhibition
Chełmska bezpieka i jej ofiary
0.000 km
Sacred Museum of the Zamość
Museum, proposals for you: 1
turturi level
Sacred Museum of the Zamość Cathedral was established in 1987 in the rooms of the former seat of Zamość Chapter deans, known as the “Infułatka”. In 2019, after the completion of thorough renovation and conservation of the “Wikarówka” building, the collection of the Sacred Museum was moved to the historic Vicars’ House, creating an exhibition titled Treasury of History, Art, and Science ....
Zamość, Lubelskie
Permanent exhibition
Treasury of History, Art, and Science
0.000 km
The Czartoryski Museum in Puławy
Museum, proposals for you: 1
turturi level
We invite you to the place where Polish museology was born! The Czartoryski Museum in Puławy continues the traditions of the first Polish museum - the Temple of the Sibyl, founded in this city by Princess Izabela Czartoryska née Fleming in 1801. The most beautiful interiors of the Princes Czartoryski Palace present unique, diverse exhibits collected from the end of the 18th century to...
Puławy, Lubelskie
Permanent exhibition
Homeland! Let me immortalize you!
0.000 km
Photography Workshop, The Hartwig Alley - Workshops of Culture in Lublin
places of cultural events
turturi level
The photography studio of Workshops of Culture is a place dedicated to noble, historical photographic techniques. Here you can learn the secrets of a variety of analogue techniques, see what the work of photographers and lab assistants looked like 100 years ago, commission a custom portrait or purchase landscape photographs.. Can you think of a more beautiful and meaningful place for a...
Lublin, Lubelskie
warsztaty: 2023.12.16 10:00-12:30
Talbotypia - papier solny
Photography Workshop, The Hartwig Alley - Workshops of Culture in Lublin
Lublin, Lubelskie
0.000 km
Workshops of Culture in Lublin
house of culture
turturi level
We are the heart and mind behind a variety of open and non-standard activities in Lublin. Our programming focuses on promoting the practice of “active culture”. We enthusiastically support and implement long-term development plans based on a sense of community among Lublin’s cultural operators and recipients, acting together and supporting one another. We create culture that is modern,...
Lublin, Lubelskie
0.000 km
Muzeum Narodowe w Lublinie
Museum, proposals for you: 9
turturi level
Lublin, Lubelskie
Permanent exhibition
Grupa Zamek i Awangarda
Permanent exhibition
Galeria Malarstwa Polskiego XIX-XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Wieża zamkowa – Donżon
Permanent exhibition
Kaplica Trójcy Świętej
Permanent exhibition
Tamara Łempicka – ponad granicami
Permanent exhibition
Monety i Medale na Ziemiach Polskich od X do XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Śladami przeszłości. Najdawniejsze dzieje ziemi lubelskiej
Permanent exhibition
Historia uzbrojenia i malarstwo batalistyczne
Permanent exhibition
Galeria Sztuki Zdobniczej i Malarstwa Europejskiego od XVI do XX wieku
0.000 km
Muzeum Południowego Podlasia w Białej Podlaskiej
Museum, proposals for you: 9
turturi level
Biała Podlaska, Lubelskie
Permanent exhibition
Archeologia na bialskim zamku
Permanent exhibition
Ogrody. Twórczość Bazylego Albiczuka
Permanent exhibition
Przedstawienia dewocyjne w zbiorach etnograficznych
Permanent exhibition
Kultura ludowa Południowego Podlasia
Permanent exhibition
Ikona - święta tajemnica
Permanent exhibition
Konie, jeźdźcy, zaprzęgi w malarstwie polskim XIX i XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Biała za czasów Radziwiłłów
Permanent exhibition
Archeologia na pograniczu podlasko-poleskim
Permanent exhibition
Historia miasta w latach 1795 – 1939