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museums and galleries
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Places, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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0.000 km
Sixt’s Villa - Galeria Bielska BWA
gallery, proposals for you: 4
Permanent exhibition of works from the Art Collection of Galeria Bielska BWA, temporary exhibitions, art workshops, lectures, meetings, screenings and outdoor activities in the garden – all these and more in the newly reopened Sixt’s Villa. Standing in the immediate neighbourhood of Galeria Bielska BWA, the renovated villa at ul. Mickiewicza 24 opens its doors to enthusiasts of art and...
Maks Skrzeczkowski – „Kocham Cię Polsko”
wernisaż: 2023.11.24 18:00
Dear Future vol. 2 - wystawa czasowa [2023-11-24 - 2024-02-25]
Sixt’s Villa - Galeria Bielska BWA
, Śląskie
warsztaty: 2023.11.25 12:00
Eurowarsztat Marty Romankiv
Sixt’s Villa - Galeria Bielska BWA
, Śląskie
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2023.11.25 12:00
Dear Future vol. 2 - wystawa czasowa [2023-11-24 - 2024-02-25]
Sixt’s Villa - Galeria Bielska BWA
, Śląskie
inne: 2023.10.03-2024.02.24
Akcja zbiórki używanych okien dla Ukrainy
Sixt’s Villa - Galeria Bielska BWA
, Śląskie
wernisaż: 2024.04.11 14:00
Szczegóły i Epizody – Szymborska typograficznie
Sixt’s Villa - Galeria Bielska BWA
, Śląskie
0.000 km
The Old Town Hall - The District Museum in Toruń
Museum, proposals for you: 9
Located in the heart of the historic Old Town of Toruń, the Old Town Hall is not only one of the most important historic buildings in the city, but also one of the largest and most beautiful constructions of this type in Europe. Built on a square plan with an inner courtyard, it is a symbol of the Gothic Old Town Complex which became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. For centuries, the...
Permanent exhibition
Dawny Toruń – Historia i Rzemiosło Artystyczne 1233–1793
Permanent exhibition
Galeria Sztuki Gotyckiej
Permanent exhibition
Mennice i Monety Toruńskie 1233/1238–1765
Permanent exhibition
Galeria portretów wybitnych mieszczan Torunia (XVI–XVIII wiek)
Permanent exhibition
Poczet Królów Polskich
Permanent exhibition
Kolekcja biżuterii i zastawy stołowej ze skarbów ze Skrwilna i Nieszawy
Permanent exhibition
Galeria Malarstwa i Rzeźby Polskiej od końca XVIII do początku XXI wieku
Temporary exhibition: 2024.12.14 - 2025.03.02
Oprawy gotyckie XIII–XVI wieku ze zbiorów toruńskich
Temporary exhibition: 2024.11.23 - 2025.03.02
Formy piernikarskie w polskich kolekcjach muzealnych
0.000 km
Sulkowski Dukes’ Castle
Museum, proposals for you: 9
Rising high in the centre of Bielsko-Biała, the castle is the oldest and largest building in the historic town of Bielsko. According to legend, this site formerly sheltered a settlement of robbers who would set upon travelling traders. It is said that Casimir, Duke of Opole (d. 1229/30), captured this stronghold, wiped out the bandits, and in its place constructed a hunting lodge. Over...
Permanent exhibition
Dzieje Archeologiczno-Historyczne Bielska-Białej i Okolic
Permanent exhibition
The Embrasure Room (Armoury)
Permanent exhibition
Portrait Gallery – the 19th and first half of the 20th century
Permanent exhibition
Gallery of Prints from the turn of the 20th Century
Permanent exhibition
Gallery of Contemporary Art from the Bielsko-Biała Region
Permanent exhibition
The Biedemeier Room or Bourgeois Parlour from the second half of the 19th century
Permanent exhibition
The Music Room
Permanent exhibition
Gallery of 19th and 20th century European and Polish Art
Permanent exhibition
Early Art Room
0.000 km
Historical Museum in Sanok
Museum, proposals for you: 9
The main seat of the museum is located in the Royal Castle. The first Sanok castle was built by the Polish king Casimir III the Great (Kazimierz III Wielki) after 1341 in a place of the Ruthenian wooden stronghold. A wedding of the king Ladislaus II Jagiello (Władysław II Jagiełło) and his third wife Elizabeth Granowska (Elżbieta Granowska) took place in the castle chambers. The local...
county sanocki
Permanent exhibition
Sacral art of the roman catholic church 15th - 19th c.
Permanent exhibition
Gallery of Zdzisław Beksiński
Permanent exhibition
The orthodox and greek catholic church art 12th - 20th c.
Permanent exhibition
Portraits of the 17th - 19th c.
Permanent exhibition
Modern Art
Permanent exhibition
Armory and observational shelter
Permanent exhibition
Pokuttyan ceramics
Permanent exhibition
Stories stored in the ground
Permanent exhibition
Gallery of Marian Kruczek
0.000 km
NOMUS - New Art Museum - The National Museum in Gdańsk
Museum, proposals for you: 3
NOMUS is Poland’s youngest museum of modern art, operating as a branch of the National Museum in Gdańsk, Department of Modern Art. We have created a visitor-friendly space in a former school workshop building on the historic premises of Gdańsk Shipyard. We want to talk with our visitors about the contemporary world through the medium of art, and bring art itself closer to the viewer, make it...
spacer: 2024.07.30 10:00-11:30
Działkowy spacer dla najmłodszych
NOMUS - New Art Museum - The National Museum in Gdańsk
, Pomorskie
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2024.11.16 13:00-14:00
Oprowadzanie kuratorskie po wystawie „Sala Kolekcji. FotoFauna”
NOMUS - New Art Museum - The National Museum in Gdańsk
, Pomorskie
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2024.11.17 13:00-14:00
Oprowadzanie kuratorskie po wystawie „Todd Forsgren. Postindustrialny Eden”
NOMUS - New Art Museum - The National Museum in Gdańsk
, Pomorskie
wykład: 2024.11.28 18:00
Potencjał i zagrożenia AI w pracy artystek/artystów
NOMUS - New Art Museum - The National Museum in Gdańsk
, Pomorskie
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2025.01.19 13:00
Oprowadzanie kuratorskie po wystawie „Sala Kolekcji. FotoFauna”
NOMUS - New Art Museum - The National Museum in Gdańsk
, Pomorskie
wernisaż: 2024.07.05 19:00
Todd Forsgren. Postindustrialny Eden
NOMUS - New Art Museum - The National Museum in Gdańsk
, Pomorskie
0.000 km
The Museum of Romanticism
Museum, proposals for you: 8
The museum is located in a 54 acre English landscape park. The exhibitions are held in several buildings listed below: The Neo-Gothic Palace from the 1840s – permanent exhibition dedicated to Zygmunt Krasiński. The Neo-Gothic Outbuilding – The House of Krasiński and Cabinet of Light Cavalry of the Napoleon’s Imperial Guard. The Manor House (constructed according to a...
Opinogóra Górna
county ciechanowski
Permanent exhibition
Neogotycki Pałacyk
Permanent exhibition
Malarstwo i rzeźba w epoce romantyzmu
Permanent exhibition
Ród Krasińskich
Permanent exhibition
Gabinet Szwoleżerów Gwardii Napoleona I - kolekcja ze zbiorów Agnieszki i Marka Axentowiczów
Permanent exhibition
Pojazdy Konne z kolekcji Wojciecha Wałachowskiego i SGGW w Warszawie
Permanent exhibition
Europejskie Tradycje Polowań Konnych
Permanent exhibition
Ekspozycja multimedialna z zieloną ścianą
Zabytkowy Park w Opinogórze
0.000 km
Tony Halik Explorers’ Museum - The District Museum in Toruń
Museum, proposals for you: 8
The Tony Halik Explorers’ Museum found its home in a tenement house at ul. Franciszkańska 9/11, opening its doors to the public in 2003. The impulse for its creation was the gift of over 800 exhibits representing non-European cultures which the residents of Toruń received in 1999 from Elżbieta Dzikowska, a well-known explorer and journalist. The donated collection of artefacts was collected...
Permanent exhibition
Tony Halik. My Great Adventure
Permanent exhibition
Through the Black Land
Permanent exhibition
In the Land of Head-Hunters
Permanent exhibition
Expeditions of Tony Halik and Elżbieta Dzikowska
Temporary exhibition: 2024.11.30 - 2025.02.23
Z życia lasu
Permanent exhibition
Polish Exploration and Description of the World
Permanent exhibition
Collections of Elżbieta Dzikowska
Permanent exhibition
Great Explorers and Discoverers
0.000 km
The Main Building
Museum, proposals for you: 9
The National Museum in Krakow is the oldest and largest museum with the adjective "national" in its name in Poland. It was established in 1879 by a resolution of the Krakow City Council. Until the end of World War I, it was the only large museum open to the public in Poland, and to this day it remains the institution with the largest number of collections, buildings and permanent galleries....
Temporary exhibition: 2025.01.31 - 2025.03.30
Epoka (Nie)dostępności
in just 146 days
Temporary exhibition: 2025.07.18 - 2025.11.02
Dacja. Zapominane królestwo
Temporary exhibition: 2025.02.21 - 2025.08.10
Janusz Tarabuła. Pamięć
Temporary exhibition: 2025.01.17 - 2025.04.13
Temporary exhibition: 2024.05.16 - 2025.05.25
Mehoffer z Fryburga. Projekty witraży katedralnych
Temporary exhibition: 2024.12.20 - 2025.05.18
Permanent exhibition
Gallery of Decorative Art
Permanent exhibition
XX + XXI. Polish Art Gallery
Permanent exhibition
XX + XXI. Polish Art Gallery - sculpture
0.000 km
The Museum of the Origins of the Polish State in Gniezno
Museum, proposals for you: 8
The mission of the Museum is to shed some light on the cultural heritage and history of the beginnings of the Polish State and the later fate of the region, as it was the cradle of our statehood; to present it to the contemporary generations and to preserve it for posterity. Our work is to shape a citizen, who, knowing and respecting his own identity, with the ability to think critically,...
county gnieźnieński
Permanent exhibition
Piastów malowane dzieje
Permanent exhibition
Motywy słowiańskie w sztuce
Permanent exhibition
Początki państwa polskiego
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.27 - 2025.06.22
Rekowiecze. Wczesne w replikach
Permanent exhibition
Ceramika gnieźnieńska
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.13 - 2025.03.23
Szukalski Słowiański. (Re)konstrukcja dziedzictwa
Permanent exhibition
Gniezno. Stąd do przeszłości
Permanent exhibition
Sztuka romańska w Polsce
0.000 km
Moszna Castle
Museum, proposals for you: 3
There are many legends about Moszna and in each of them there is a grain of truth. The history of the origin of the building is also complicated as the final form is a result of subsequent centuries-long works. Nowadays the Castle, famous for its 99 towers and 365 rooms, attracts tourist from Poland and abroad with its astonishing charm, fairytale architecture, as well as an extensive park...
county krapkowicki
inne: 2023.10.27-2023.10.29
Rezydencja rodziny Adamsów - zwiedzanie zamku w upiornym klimacie
Moszna Castle
, Opolskie, county krapkowicki
inne: 2023.10.27-2023.10.29
Rezydencja rodziny Adamsów (dla dzieci) - zwiedzanie zamku w upiornym klimacie
Moszna Castle
, Opolskie, county krapkowicki
Życie codzienne zamku
Park w Mosznej
Komnaty zamkowe