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Places, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: mazowieckie

number of results: 1888


0.000 km
Polish Poster Gallery
turturi level
Posters full of artistic expression, symbols and metaphors, unusual shapes and colours, which we have acquired with passion over the years.
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
0.000 km
The Egyptian Temple - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens
turturi level
It was built around the year 1825 in the southern part of the garden, on a rampart, which is the only preserved element of the so-called Lubomirski Ramparts. They were created in 1770 around Warsaw to serve as protection from a plague epidemic. The Egyptian Temple was used as a fig pavilion - a place where figs matured. The pavilion was constructed during the expansion of the Royal Łazienki...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
0.000 km
The Temple of the Sybil - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens
turturi level
The Temple of the Sybil, initially known as the Greek Temple or the Temple of Diana, was erected at the back of the Belvedere Palace, in the vicinity of the Belvedere Pond. It was created in 1822, most probably according to a design by Jakub Kubicki, and alluded to ancient temples, especially the Roman temple in Garni (Armenia) dating from the 1st century.  Painted in white, the Temple of...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
0.000 km
The New Guardhouse - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens
turturi level
In the place of the contemporary New Guardhouse, an entertainment pavilion known as Trou-Madame was built in the years 1779-1780. Its name came from a popular 18th century game, which consisted in rolling balls through special gates. It was a low, single-storey Chinese-style building adorned with landscape polychromes and painted imitations of a garden arbour.  In 1782, the New Guardhouse...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
0.000 km
New Orangery - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens
turturi level
The building of the New Orangery (erected in 1860-1861) was designed by Adam Adolf Loewe and Józef Orłowski to shelter in cold weather the orange trees and exotic plants that were displayed in the garden in summer. Among the plants were the camphor tree, magnolias, myrtles, pomegranates and cypresses. The plants blissfully enjoyed the light and warmth of the sun through the southern glass...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
0.000 km
The Narutowicz House - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens
turturi level
After Poland regained independence, the Royal Łazienki buildings became state property. In 1922, the Belvedere Palace was designated as the official residence of the newly elected first president of the 2nd Republic, Gabriel Narutowicz. He moved to the villa located behind the Stable and the Couch House. The building, which still exists today, was named as the Narutowicz House. It was built in...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
0.000 km
The Hermitage - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens
turturi level
The small building was constructed amidst dense trees at a certain distance from the central buildings of the Royal Łazienki. It was supposed to be a place where its owners could find refuge from everyday hassles and spend time alone with their thoughts.  The Hermitage building stands in the northern part of the garden, near the Jan III Sobieski monument. The Hermitage (ermitage in French -...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
0.000 km
Muzeum im. Jacka Malczewskiego w Radomiu
Museum, proposals for you: 12
turturi level
Radom, Mazowieckie
Permanent exhibition
Strach ma wielkie oczy
Permanent exhibition
Sztuka polska drugiej połowy XX wieku ze zbiorów Muzeum im. Jacka Malczewskiego w Radomiu
Temporary exhibition: 2024.09.20 - 2025.01.05
Jacek Malczewski. Konteksty
Temporary exhibition: 2024.07.05 - 2024.11.03
Justyna Adamczyk „Golden hour – złota godzina
Temporary exhibition: 2024.06.01 - 2024.10.31
Chajul w Gwatemali
Permanent exhibition
Kolekcja rodziny Pinno
Permanent exhibition
Jacek Malczewski
Permanent exhibition
Polskie Parki Narodowe
Permanent exhibition
Leszek Kołakowski 1927 - 2009
Permanent exhibition
Ekspozycje przyrodnicze
Permanent exhibition
Galeria malarstwa polskiego XIX i XX w
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2024.10.27 12:00
Jacek Malczewski. Konteksty
Muzeum im. Jacka Malczewskiego w Radomiu
Radom, Mazowieckie
0.000 km
Muzeum Diecezjalne w Siedlcach
Museum, proposals for you: 10
turturi level
Siedlce, Mazowieckie
Permanent exhibition
Sztuka unicka
Permanent exhibition
Malarska asysta świętych
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Biblia w malarstwie barokowym
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Zabytkowe szaty liturgiczne
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Przemijanie życia w sztuce kościelnej
Permanent exhibition
Cisza modlitwy w sztuce
Permanent exhibition
Sztuka gotycka
0.000 km
Muzeum Dulag 121
Museum, proposals for you: 5
turturi level
Pruszków, Mazowieckie
Permanent exhibition
Ekspozycja stała
Temporary exhibition: 2024.05.11 - 2024.10.06
Dulag 121 - 80 lat później
spacer: 2024.09.22 12:00
Śladami zbrodni na ludności cywilnej Mokotowa – spacer historyczny
Muzeum Dulag 121
Pruszków, Mazowieckie
wykład: 2024.09.21 15:00
Naoczni świadkowie – Edward Serwański i Akcja Iskra-Dog – wykład dr Agnieszki Pragi
Muzeum Dulag 121
Pruszków, Mazowieckie
wykład: 2024.09.07 15:00
KL Gross-Rosen i transporty z powstańczej Warszawy – wykład Barbary Sawickiej
Muzeum Dulag 121
Pruszków, Mazowieckie
inne: 2024.09.28-2024.10.02
Obchody Dnia Pamięci Więźniów Obozu Dulag 121 i Niosących Im Pomoc 2024
Muzeum Dulag 121
Pruszków, Mazowieckie