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Places, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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Dom Szewski - The Historical and Ethnographic Museum in Chojnice
Museum, proposals for you: 1
3-storey, placed between Baszta Szewska and Dom na Murach. Rebuilt by museum in 1979 with the preservation of fragments from original bastille. During renovation goth structure that was a part of west bastille has been discovered alongside with row of three arcade niches and Teutonic stone foundaments. Object is one of the six bastille buildings in partially preserved medieval military...
county chojnicki
Permanent exhibition
Militaria europejskie XVI-XX w.
Photography Workshop, The Hartwig Alley - Workshops of Culture in Lublin
places of cultural events
The photography studio of Workshops of Culture is a place dedicated to noble, historical photographic techniques. Here you can learn the secrets of a variety of analogue techniques, see what the work of photographers and lab assistants looked like 100 years ago, commission a custom portrait or purchase landscape photographs.. Can you think of a more beautiful and meaningful place for a...
warsztaty: 2023.12.16 10:00-12:30
Talbotypia - papier solny
Photography Workshop, The Hartwig Alley - Workshops of Culture in Lublin
, Lubelskie
Opera Gallery - Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera
gallery, proposals for you: 1
Opera Gallery is a joint project of the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, spearheaded by the two institutions' respective heads: Waldemar Dąbrowski and Adam Myjak. The gallery features the classics of Polish avant-garde – a generation of artists who laid foundations for Polish modern art. The finest examples include: Tarasin, Gierowski, Dominik,...
Temporary exhibition: 2024.12.14 - 2025.03.31
Andrzej Dudziński
The open-air museum of the Vistula settlement in Wiączemin Polski - Tenement of Art Nouveau
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The open-air museum of the Vistula settlement in Wiączemin Polski is one of two open-air museums in Poland devoted to the Olender settlement on the Vistula and the only institution of this type in Mazovia. The official opening took place on the 14th October 2018. Within the open-air museum there are two Olender farms, church, school, cemetery and the so-called Polish house. The last of...
county płocki
Permanent exhibition
Skansen Osadnictwa Nadwiślanego
The Mining and the History of Złoty Stok Museum - Gold Mine
Museum, proposals for you: 1
Historical heritage of Złoty Stok and the Museum of the Chamber of Mining. The museum offers an exhibition illustrating the history of gold mining, an expedition to the “Czarna” Adit, a unique collection of geological and mine maps showing the development of mining fields.
Złoty Stok
county ząbkowicki
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Wilson Park - Poznań Palm House
places of cultural events, parks and gardens, proposals for you: 1
History of Wilson Park 1834 - on the initiative of the Beautification Society, the Beautification Society was established in the commune of St. Łazarz, a nursery of ornamental trees and shrubs near Poznań, occupying the area of the current Wilson Park. 1904 - the nursery is turned into a botanical garden by the Poznań city authorities. The park layout was designed by H. Kube. The...
Permanent exhibition
Air Raid Shelter
Vistula Lagoon Museum (Kąty Rybackie) - National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The Museum, located near the port in Kąty Rybackie, holds a collection of treasures related to the history of fishing and boatbuilding in the Vistula Lagoon. The exhibition, intentionally located in the former boatbuilding workshops, presents the traditional fishing boats, including a 10-meter sailing long-boat, fishing tools from the late 19th century and the early 20th century, as well as a...
Kąty Rybackie
county nowodworski
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Shipwreck Conservation Centre - National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The branch, designed under the principle of openness, merges the exhibition site with the educational centre with its modern conservation workshop. The spacious Studio Warehouse, allowing to display large-size objects, presents e.g., fragments of shipwrecks discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, ancient Polish boats and the collection of exotic vessels from around the world. Additionally,...
county tczewski
Permanent exhibition
Studio Warehouse
Vistula River Museum - National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The 19th-century industrial structure of the former factory in Tczew holds the Polish largest museum dedicated to the history of Vistula River. The exhibition narrative refers to the history of the Polish State and its greatest river. The presented archaeological treasures document the former settlements and the Vistula River navigation, whereas the traditional tools, boats, ship models and...
county tczewski
Permanent exhibition
Wisła w dziejach Polski
The Praga Museum of Warsaw - The Museum of Warsaw
Museum, proposals for you: 1
We are a division of the Museum of Warsaw and we are one of the first museums (ever!) on Warsaw’s right bank. Our mission is to preserve and promote the heritage of the entire eastern Warsaw. We are located on 50/52 Targowa Str., in one of the oldest residential buildings in this part of the city. Our offer is aimed not only at local residents, Praga’s (Warsaw’s) art communities, Polish...
Permanent exhibition
Core Exhibition