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Places, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: dolnośląskie
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Książ Castle
Museum, proposals for you: 3
Książ is one of the largest castles in Poland. This huge and beautifully situated architectural complex is exceptional on a European scale. Discover a place where Europe’s crowned heads met, where the von Hochberg dynasty’s aristocratic history is intertwined with the mysteries of the Second World War. Książ’s first centuries were marked by a number of stormy events. It changed hands often,...
Permanent exhibition
A Gourmet’s View of Książ
Permanent exhibition
Metamorphoses of Książ Castle
Nocne zwiedzanie
Książ Castle
, Dolnośląskie
“Former Mine” Science and Art Centre
science centers, lookout points, proposals for you: 3
Centrum Nauki i Sztuki Stara Kopalnia (en. “Former Mine” Science and Art Centre) in Wałbrzych is the biggest post-industrial tourist attraction in Poland, located in the former bituminous coal mine – Kopalnia Węgla Kamiennego “Julia” (“Thorez”). The 2014 revitalization of the biggest mine located in Wałbrzych which at the height of its activity employed several thousand workers allowed for the...
Permanent exhibition
Wałbrzyska Solidarność
Elementy zabytkowych maszyn górniczych
Nocne zwiedzanie
“Former Mine” Science and Art Centre
, Dolnośląskie
Museum of Railway in Silesia - Foundation for the Protection of Silesian Industrial Heritage
Museum, proposals for you: 3
Museum of Industry and Railway in Silesia in Jaworzyna Śląska is a large European scale railway museum established in 2005 in a historic depot of 1908 in Jaworzyna Śląska in Lower Silesia. The Museum is located in a railway site of over 2 hectares with preserved railway infrastructure, depot buildings and technical facilities. The collection covers over 120 rail vehicles from 1880 until the...
Jaworzyna Śląska
county świdnicki
Permanent exhibition
Pokazy zabytkowej drezyny – Warszawy M20
Trasa Parowozowa
Permanent exhibition
Naczelnik 1930
SKY WALK - Trail in the Clouds
lookout points, proposals for you: 2
A unique landmark towering over the spa town of Świeradów-Zdrój will take you to a height of 62 metres above the ground, from where you can see the romantic spa town and the natural beauty of the border area. In addition to the charming views of the trail's surroundings you will encounter attractions for the lovers of adrenaline, rest atop the viewing tower and learn something about the...
county lubański
Slide – 6 rides
SKY WALK - Trail in the Clouds
, Dolnośląskie, county lubański
Slide – 1 ride
SKY WALK - Trail in the Clouds
, Dolnośląskie, county lubański
The Museum of Industry and Technology - “Former Mine” Science and Art Centre
Museum, proposals for you: 2
This is where you can learn about the history of coal, mining, and miners working in extremely dangerous conditions. The museum collections include mining equipment and its elements, relics related to the activity of Wałbrzych mines, as well as audio-visual materials and archives. The museum also has an archaeological and geological departments with extensive collections from the Wałbrzych area.
county wałbrzyski
Permanent exhibition
Podziemny świat – górnicza praca na przedwojennych fotografiach
Permanent exhibition
Przetrwały ukryte w ziemi. Skarb groszy praskich i zabytki archeologiczne
The Srebrna Góra Stronghold
Museum, proposals for you: 3
The Srebrna Góra Stronghold is a unique cultural heritage site in Europe and one of the most important attractions in Lower Silesia. At the time of its construction (1765-1777) it was one of the most modern fortifications of its kind in Europe. The mighty Donjon, one of the most interesting fortifications of the modern era, was and still is a source of the greatest admiration. However, the...
Srebrna Góra
county ząbkowicki
Zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem
Nocne zwiedzanie
warsztaty: 2024.08.17
Poznaj Dawne Rzemiosła: Wydarzenie dla Aktywnych
The Srebrna Góra Stronghold
Srebrna Góra
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
Ethnographic Museum - The National Museum in Wrocław
Museum, proposals for you: 3
The present seat of the Ethnographic Museum (since October 2004), once a summer residence of the bishops of Wrocław, is located in Traugutta Street. The palace was erected by Cardinal Philipp Ludwig von Sinzendorf in the grounds of the country estate of the Wrocław bishopric, in the 16th century known as the White Grange (Ger. Weisses Vorverk). The construction, designed by Christopher...
in just 50 days
Temporary exhibition: 2025.05.17 - 2025.08.17
Dolny Śląsk pnie się w górę. Rzemiosło i przemysł wzdłuż Śląskiej Kolei Górskiej
Permanent exhibition
Dolnoślązacy. Pamięć, kultura, tożsamość
Temporary exhibition: 2025.03.11 - 2025.04.27
Pisanki i palmy wielkanocne
Fishing Tradition of Stawy Milickie and Barycza Valley Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 2
One of goals of Stawy Milickie Company is educating children and youth and improving knowledge about the history of pond fishing in Barycz Valley. One of ambitions of Stawy Milickie's authorities, as well as directors of the Combine in the past, became establishing Stawy Milickie's museum of fishing. Among 106 exhibits handed over to Ethnographic museum in Worcław, mostly tools and devices...
county milicki
Permanent exhibition
Open air-museum
Permanent exhibition
Fisherman's House
The Museum of Ceramics in Bolesławiec
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The scope of the Museum’s activity includes the dissemination of knowledge about the history, culture and contemporary life of Bolesławiec and surrounding region, with particular focus on the history of Bolesławiec ceramics in the context of the European ceramics history, shaping cognitive and aesthetic sensitivity in general public as well as collecting, sharing and permanent protection of...
county bolesławiecki
Temporary exhibition: 2025.03.14 - 2025.03.31
Kobiecy wymiar rzeźby
Four Domes Pavilion - The National Museum in Wrocław
Museum, proposals for you: 2
On 25 June 2016 The Four Domes Pavilion, a modernist building designed by the distinguished architect Hanz Poelzig and erected in 1912, became the seat of the Museum of Contemporary Art, a branch of the National Museum in Wrocław. This building, and the nearby Centennial Hall designed by Max Berg, are the two architectural elements dominating the so-called Exhibition Grounds. This unique...
in just 16 days
Temporary exhibition: 2025.04.13 - 2025.08.24
FENOMENalny. Beksiński Nowe spojrzenie na twórczość mistrza polskiej fotografii
Permanent exhibition
Collection of Polish art from the second half of the 20th and early 21st century