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Places, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: mazowieckie
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The Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The Museum is a modern institution of culture - it is a historical museum which presents the 1000 years of Jewish life in the Polish lands. It is also a place of meeting and dialogue among those who wish to explore the past and present Jewish culture, those eager to draw conclusions for the future from Polish-Jewish history, and finally those who are ready to face the stereotypes and oppose...
Permanent exhibition
1000 years of the history of Polish Jews
The Heritage Interpretation Centre - The Museum of Warsaw
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The Heritage Interpretation Centre is a place of meetings and talks about Warsaw, especially about the reconstruction of the Old Town, which is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. However, our activity is not focused only on the issues of destruction and post-war reconstruction. We support and organize a number of events related to world heritage and its mission. We create educational...
Permanent exhibition
Destruction and Reconstruction of the Old Town
The Old Orangery - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens, proposals for you: 1
The Old Orangery was built to house exotic trees in the winter season. It is also a place which is very closely linked to art and culture. The Royal Theatre is situated in the Old Orangery, as is the Gallery containing Stanisław August’s collection of sculptures. The Old Orangery was raised in the years 1785-88, according to a design by Domenico Merlini, court architect to King Stanisław...
Permanent exhibition
The Royal Sculpture Gallery
The White Pavilion - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens
Place temporarily unavailable
The small villa-type building is a unique monument of 18th-century residential architecture in Poland. It was the first building on the premises of Royal Łazienki which was erected from scratch on the order of king Stanisław August. It was built around 1774 by the Royal Promenade, most likely to the design of Domenico Merlini. In the years 1775-1777 it was furnished and gained a painting...
Place temporarily unavailable
Permanent exhibition
The Royal Collection of Prints of Stanisław August
The Water Tower - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens
Place temporarily unavailable
The Water Tower, also known as the Reservoir, dates back to the times of Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski. It was used as a tank to collect water from local sources and then to channel it to the Palace through pipes. In 1777, the Water Tower was augmented with an architectural cylinder-shaped shell. At the time, the building was not plastered; it had a brick elevation, and the residents of the...
Place temporarily unavailable
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Officer Cadets School - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens, proposals for you: 1
Toward the end of the 17th century, a smaller building stood in the place of today’s Great Annexe (Officer Cadets School). It served as a kitchen, where meals were prepared for the residents of the Bathhouse of Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski. In the time of Stanisław August, the building was considerably expanded (according to a design by Domenico Merlini) and then named the Great Annexe....
Temporary exhibition: 2024.11.29 - 2025.03.02
Ikonosfera Wyspiańskiego. Noc listopadowa w Łazienkach Królewskich
Museum of Ancient Mazovian Metallurgy in Pruszków
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The idea of establishing a museum in Pruszków emerged in the early 1970s. The endeavour was launched by the then Heritage Conservation Officer for the Warsaw Voivodship – Stefan Woyda ; the impulse to create such an institution came from his discovery, at the end of the 1960s, of the so-called Mazovian Centre of Metallurgy . The museum would assist in advanced archaeological exploration of...
county pruszkowski
Permanent exhibition
Museum of Polish Military Technology - The Polish Army Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The mission of this branch museum is to collect, research and excavate heavy equipment of the Polish Army and of other armed forces, as well as to organize, supervise and participate in the conservation of artefacts and the reconstruction of fortification structures and equipment. Three operational teams: research-excavation, renovation and conservation, combine their skills and talents in...
Permanent exhibition
Wystawa plenerowa
The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
The Royal Łazienki was King Stanisław August’s summer residence, in which a classicist architecture is harmoniously blended with its natural surroundings featuring fabulous gardens. Here, one can not only rest while watching nature but also deepen one’s knowledge of the ideas of the Enlightenment by visiting such gems of the European architecture as: The Palace on the Isle , one of the...
festiwal: 2023.07.08-2023.07.30
Festiwal Strefa Ciszy 2023
The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
, Mazowieckie
Treblinka Museum. The Nazi German Extermination and Forced Labour Camp (1941-1944)
Museum, proposals for you: 1
Penal Labour Camp Treblinka I functioned from the summer of 1941 to the end of July 1944. The initiator and organizer was the county staroste in Sokołów Podlaski, Ernst Gramss. The commandant of the camp throughout the entire period was Theo van Eupen. German service consisted of about 20 people. They had help from a group of guards (about 100 people) – mainly Ukrainians. Over 20,000...
Kosów Lacki
county sokołowski
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition