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Places, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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Tony Halik Explorers’ Museum - The District Museum in Toruń
Museum, proposals for you: 8
The Tony Halik Explorers’ Museum found its home in a tenement house at ul. Franciszkańska 9/11, opening its doors to the public in 2003. The impulse for its creation was the gift of over 800 exhibits representing non-European cultures which the residents of Toruń received in 1999 from Elżbieta Dzikowska, a well-known explorer and journalist. The donated collection of artefacts was collected...
Temporary exhibition: 2025.03.21 - 2025.06.01
Błękitni Ludzie Sahary. Świat Tuaregów w kolekcji Adama Rybińskiego
Permanent exhibition
In the Land of Head-Hunters
Permanent exhibition
Through the Black Land
Permanent exhibition
Great Explorers and Discoverers
Permanent exhibition
Collections of Elżbieta Dzikowska
Permanent exhibition
Polish Exploration and Description of the World
Permanent exhibition
Tony Halik. My Great Adventure
Permanent exhibition
Expeditions of Tony Halik and Elżbieta Dzikowska
The Museum of Old Commerce in Świdnica
Museum, proposals for you: 7
The Museum of Old Commerce, which is located in the Old Town Hall, came into being in 1967. It is the only museum in Poland, which deals with commerce so widely. Świdnica is a town with very interesting history and that is why some exhibitions are devoted to the town’s history. Author: Agnieszka Dudzińska Translation: Maciej Perski
county świdnicki
Permanent exhibition
The matzevahs from the Świdnica medieval Jewish cemetery
Permanent exhibition
Old tavern
Permanent exhibition
The brewing exposition
Permanent exhibition
Pharmacy dating from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
Permanent exhibition
Historia Świdnicy
Permanent exhibition
Dom Wagi
Permanent exhibition
Urząd Miar
Gold Mine
Museum, proposals for you: 6
Learn the history of the Mine and experience lots of valuable, exciting and unforgettable experiences!
Złoty Stok
county ząbkowicki
Muzeum Przestróg, Uwag i Apeli
Płukanie złota w Złotym Stoku
Gold Mine
Złoty Stok
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
Odlewanie złotej sztabki w Złotym Stoku
Gold Mine
Złoty Stok
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
Wybijanie złotych monet w Złotym Stoku
Gold Mine
Złoty Stok
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
Pole diamentowe
Gold Mine
Złoty Stok
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
Podziemny spływ łodzią w Złotym Stoku
Gold Mine
Złoty Stok
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
GASPAR Museum of Old Tools and Machines IHO Gaspar Hipolit Cegielski
Museum, proposals for you: 4
A private museum of techniques - collection of old tools and machines as well as memorabilia related to Hipolit Cegielski and the HCP factory (Hipolit Cegielski Poznań). The collections are presented in a stylish buildings made in the "Prussian wall" (timber frame) technique using bricks and roof tiles over 100 years old.
Permanent exhibition
600 mm narrow gauge railway
Permanent exhibition
Collection of information boards
Permanent exhibition
Collection of memorabilia related to Hipolit Cegielski and the HCP factory
Permanent exhibition
Collection of old tools and machines
warsztaty: 2024.05.11 10:00-16:00
Warsztaty rzeźbienia drewnianych talerzy i mis AleLipa
GASPAR Museum of Old Tools and Machines IHO Gaspar Hipolit Cegielski
, Wielkopolskie
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2025.01.06 12:00-17:00
„Urodziny Hipolita” - dzień otwarty z okazji 212 rocznicy urodzin Hipolita Gaspara Cegielskiego
GASPAR Museum of Old Tools and Machines IHO Gaspar Hipolit Cegielski
, Wielkopolskie
pokaz: 2024.09.20-2024.09.22
GASPAR na targach Retro Motor Show
GASPAR Museum of Old Tools and Machines IHO Gaspar Hipolit Cegielski
, Wielkopolskie
White Factory
Museum, proposals for you: 7
It is not a coincidence that the Museum of Textiles is located in the White Factory - a unique place on the map of Łódź and a symbol of its textile past. The complex of post-industrial buildings has been revitalised step by step over the years, with respective wings adapted for exhibition purposes. This has allowed the renovated interiors to host many exhibitions and cultural events connected...
Temporary exhibition: 2024.06.09 - 2025.07.27
Arkadius. Wielkie namiętności. Konfrontacje
Temporary exhibition: 2024.05.15 - 2025.07.27
Tak pracuje tkanina. W zbiorach CMWŁ
Permanent exhibition
Google Arts & Culture
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Microhistories. Łódź and its People
Permanent exhibition
Temporary exhibition: 2024.12.27 - 2025.06.29
Wojciech Sadley. Sacrum i Profanum. Współczesny dyskurs
The Castle Museum in Pszczyna
Museum, proposals for you: 6
At the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries Pszczyna grounds were ruled by Cieszyn dukes. In 1517 the duke of Cieszyn, Kazimierz II, sold the lands to a Hungarian magnate, Aleksy Turzo which ended a ruling period of Piast dynasty in Pszczyna district. A Free State Country (Wolne Państwo Stanowe) was formed, including Pszczyna, Mikołów, Bieruń, and since 1536 Mysłowice, with a capital in...
county pszczyński
Permanent exhibition
Portrait gallery
Permanent exhibition
The Polish Chamber
Permanent exhibition
Known and unnown
Permanent exhibition
Interiors of the 19th and 20th centuries
Permanent exhibition
koncert: 2025.03.22 18:00-2025.04.12 18:00
Wiosna z Fryderykiem w Zamku pszczyńskim 2025
The Castle Museum in Pszczyna
, Śląskie, county pszczyński
The Lublin Open Air Village Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 7
The Lublin Open Air Village Museum located in the valley of Czechówka River is one of the biggest open air museums in Poland. Owing to its rich architecture, exhibits and also the concern of intangible heritage of the region, it shows the cultural diversity of the province. It gathers items related to the former life in the village, in the manor and in the small town. It also preserves the...
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Zespół dworski
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Podlasie i Polesie Lubelskie
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Wyżyna Lubelska
The Old Town Hall - The District Museum in Toruń
Museum, proposals for you: 7
Located in the heart of the historic Old Town of Toruń, the Old Town Hall is not only one of the most important historic buildings in the city, but also one of the largest and most beautiful constructions of this type in Europe. Built on a square plan with an inner courtyard, it is a symbol of the Gothic Old Town Complex which became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. For centuries, the...
Permanent exhibition
Galeria portretów wybitnych mieszczan Torunia (XVI–XVIII wiek)
Permanent exhibition
Mennice i Monety Toruńskie 1233/1238–1765
Permanent exhibition
Galeria Sztuki Gotyckiej
Permanent exhibition
Dawny Toruń – Historia i Rzemiosło Artystyczne 1233–1793
Permanent exhibition
Poczet Królów Polskich
Permanent exhibition
Kolekcja biżuterii i zastawy stołowej ze skarbów ze Skrwilna i Nieszawy
Permanent exhibition
Galeria Malarstwa i Rzeźby Polskiej od końca XVIII do początku XXI wieku
University of Warsaw Library
library, proposals for you: 7
The new building of the Warsaw University Library has won numerous prestigious awards and prizes in architectural competitions and polls among residents of the capital. The concept, which combines the functionality of a modern library, respect for the shaping of the Vistula embankment, and fascination with the intermingling of culture and nature, found expression in a building of surprising...
Permanent exhibition
19th Century Publications Department
Permanent exhibition
Music Department
Permanent exhibition
Ephemera Department
Permanent exhibition
Print Room
Permanent exhibition
Maps Department
Permanent exhibition
Early Printed Books Department
Permanent exhibition
Manuscripts Department
The Museum of the Origins of the Polish State in Gniezno
Museum, proposals for you: 7
The mission of the Museum is to shed some light on the cultural heritage and history of the beginnings of the Polish State and the later fate of the region, as it was the cradle of our statehood; to present it to the contemporary generations and to preserve it for posterity. Our work is to shape a citizen, who, knowing and respecting his own identity, with the ability to think critically,...
county gnieźnieński
Permanent exhibition
Motywy słowiańskie w sztuce
Permanent exhibition
Piastów malowane dzieje
Permanent exhibition
Ceramika gnieźnieńska
Permanent exhibition
Sztuka romańska w Polsce
Permanent exhibition
Gniezno. Stąd do przeszłości
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.27 - 2025.06.22
Rekowiecze. Wczesne w replikach
Permanent exhibition
Początki państwa polskiego