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Places, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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The Bishop's Castle in Lidzbark Warmiński - Museum of Warmia and Masuria
Museum, proposals for you: 8
In 1251, the Bishop of Warmia received a wooden stronghold in the strategic place called Lecbarg, and later Heilsberg, from the Teutonic Knights. The castle of Lidzbark was built between the rivers Łyna and Symsarna during the years 1350-1401. During the years 1350 – 1795, it was the seat of the Bishops of Warmia and the castle had numerous prominent residents such as Nicolaus Copernicus and...
Lidzbark Warmiński
county lidzbarski
Permanent exhibition
Anton Hoffman
Permanent exhibition
Sztuka gotycka w zbiorach Muzeum Warmii i Mazur
Permanent exhibition
Portrety rodziny hrabiów z Siecina Krasickich
Permanent exhibition
Galeria Malarstwa Polskiego 1. połowy XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Malarstwo religijne ze zbiorów Muzeum
Permanent exhibition
Gabinet Ignacego Krasickiego
Permanent exhibition
Wielcy mieszkańcy zamku lidzbarskiego
Permanent exhibition
Dzieje budowlane zamku biskupów w Lidzbarku Warmińskim
The Museum of Romanticism
Museum, proposals for you: 8
The museum is located in a 54 acre English landscape park. The exhibitions are held in several buildings listed below: The Neo-Gothic Palace from the 1840s – permanent exhibition dedicated to Zygmunt Krasiński. The Neo-Gothic Outbuilding – The House of Krasiński and Cabinet of Light Cavalry of the Napoleon’s Imperial Guard. The Manor House (constructed according to a...
Opinogóra Górna
county ciechanowski
Permanent exhibition
Neogotycki Pałacyk
Permanent exhibition
Gabinet Szwoleżerów Gwardii Napoleona I - kolekcja ze zbiorów Agnieszki i Marka Axentowiczów
Permanent exhibition
Europejskie Tradycje Polowań Konnych
Permanent exhibition
Pojazdy Konne z kolekcji Wojciecha Wałachowskiego i SGGW w Warszawie
Permanent exhibition
Malarstwo i rzeźba w epoce romantyzmu
Permanent exhibition
Ekspozycja multimedialna z zieloną ścianą
Permanent exhibition
Ród Krasińskich
Zabytkowy Park w Opinogórze
Muzeum im. Jana Kasprowicza w Inowrocławiu
Museum, proposals for you: 6
county inowrocławski
Permanent exhibition
Sztuka czasów Jana Kasprowicza i Stanisława Przybyszewskiego
Permanent exhibition
Galeria kujawskiej rodziny Trzcińskich
Permanent exhibition
Jan Kasprowicz – od Kujaw do Tatr
Permanent exhibition
Widoki miast i szklane przyciski do papieru z kolekcji Stanisława Szenica
Permanent exhibition
Gabinet pisarza i kolekcjonera Stanisława Szenica
Permanent exhibition
Stanisław Przybyszewski – meteor Młodej Polski
Pan Tadeusz Museum Branch - The Ossolinski National Institute
Museum, proposals for you: 3
Pan Tadeusz Museum is the latest and the most modern part of the Ossolineum, exhibiting collections of the Institute on the rich historical and literary background. It was opened to public in May 2016 in one of the most beautiful tenement houses in Wrocław – Under the Golden Sun (Rynek 6). This unique, modern Museum tells the story of an extraordinary book – perhaps the last one known (in...
Permanent exhibition
"Pan Tadeusz" manuscript
Permanent exhibition
Mission: Poland
The Old Factory - Sulkowski Dukes’ Castle
Museum, proposals for you: 3
The Museum is located in Żywieckie Przedmieście district, in the buildings of a former manufactory and, after 1887, a broadcloth and woollen mill, established by Bielsko clothier Karl Büttner (1833-1884), and later run by his sons, Karl Theodor (1863-1932) and Gustav Adolf (1865-1933). The complex of buildings was gradually expanded. On the plot purchased in 1868, they first erected a...
Permanent exhibition
From weaving to the Fiat 126p
Permanent exhibition
Carding willow, self-actor mule, shearing machine...
Permanent exhibition
Widoki Małego Wiednia
Muzeum Mazowsza Zachodniego w Żyrardowie
Museum, proposals for you: 3
county żyrardowski
Permanent exhibition
Galeria prac Józefa Rapackiego
Permanent exhibition
Panorama Żyrardowa z 1899 r.
Permanent exhibition
Izba żyrardowskiej rodziny robotniczej z początku XX w.
Muzeum Etnograficzne im. Marii Znamierowskiej - Prüfferowej w Toruniu
Museum, proposals for you: 2
Permanent exhibition
Tajemnice codzienności. Kultura ludowa i jej pogranicza od Kujaw do Bałtyku (1850-1950)
Permanent exhibition
Salonik prof. Marii Znamierowskiej-Prüfferowej
The Museum of Archeology in Wislica - Former Palace of Cracow Bishop
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The Wiślica branch of the museum is an archaeological and historical one. It was created on 20 May 1966 at the initiative of Zespół Badań nad Polskim Średniowieczem (Polish Middle Ages Research Team). The Team opened the new facility primarily with a view to seeking, sharing and popularising the historical objects acquired during the archaeological research conducted between 1949 and 1964. It...
county buski
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
Museum, proposals for you: 10
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw is the only museum institution in Poland dedicated entirely to the history of architecture and contemporary architecture. The institution is organized by the Municipality of Wroclaw. Museum carries out programs andevents for architects, historians and the general public. It preparesexhibitions on architecture, applied art, painting and graphics. Most of the...
Permanent exhibition
Lapidarium and Romanesque Hall
Temporary exhibition: 2024.11.21 - 2025.03.16
Nowoczesne wnętrze. Wrocławska architektura wnętrz w czasach politycznej odwilży
Permanent exhibition
Architectural artistic crafts from the twelfth to the twentieth century
Temporary exhibition: 2024.12.13 - 2025.04.13
Shinchintaisha. Procesy nietrwałości
wykład: 2024.06.12 12:00
Spotkajmy się w mieście! | Spod ziemi patrzy Breslau
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
, Dolnośląskie
spacer: 2024.06.14 12:00
Spotkajmy się w mieście! | Spod ziemi patrzy Breslau
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
, Dolnośląskie
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2024.11.15 12:00
Maria Michałowska. Na końcu tej drogi być może znajdę lustro - oprowadzanie kuratorskie
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
, Dolnośląskie
wernisaż: 2024.06.14 18:00
Ruch tektoniczny
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
, Dolnośląskie
wernisaż: 2024.06.21 18:00
Zgubne skutki nadmiernych zainteresowań
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
, Dolnośląskie
wernisaż: 2024.06.06 18:00
Wystawa Wrocławskiej Grafiki Użytkowej. Miasto
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
, Dolnośląskie
konkurs: 2023.07.27-2023.08.31
Wczasy. Krajobrazy wypoczynku [2023-06-23-2023-10-01]
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
, Dolnośląskie
Muzeum Rzeźby Alfonsa Karnego w Białymstoku - Muzeum Podlaskie w Białymstoku
Museum, proposals for you: 2
Permanent exhibition
Alfons Karny. Opus Vitae
wernisaż: 2024.09.26 18:00
Bronisław Chromy – Kamień i brąz - wernisaż
Muzeum Rzeźby Alfonsa Karnego w Białymstoku - Muzeum Podlaskie w Białymstoku
, Podlaskie