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Places, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: mazowieckie

mazowieckie X

number of results: 1886


turturi level
WALLSPACE Gallery is a modern art gallery focusing on high quality Polish and international contemporary and old art. A competent and innovative approach to the art market is one of the main pillars of our activity, aiming to concentrate the works of the best and most promising artists in the gallery's collection. The gallery showcases a variety of artwork such as paintings, sculptures,...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
Stalowa Gallery
turturi level
Opened in 2013, STALOWA is a privately-owned modern art galery located in Warsaw’s district Praga at 26 Stalowa Street. The gallery’s owner is Krzysztof Fabijański, he is not only art and culture lover, but also an active art dealer of Polish modern art. Focused on contemporary art, particularly young Polish painting, up until today we have organised about 30 individual and collective...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
The Polish Army Museum
turturi level
The new headquarters of the Polish Army Museum is a modern pavilion that utilizes the latest technical capabilities and architectural solutions while simultaneously reflecting historical forms and Polish military traditions. It provides a fitting setting for the rich collections and serves as a Museum headquarters for the 21st century. In addition to the exhibition halls, it houses a storage...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
The Temple of the Sybil - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens
turturi level
The Temple of the Sybil, initially known as the Greek Temple or the Temple of Diana, was erected at the back of the Belvedere Palace, in the vicinity of the Belvedere Pond. It was created in 1822, most probably according to a design by Jakub Kubicki, and alluded to ancient temples, especially the Roman temple in Garni (Armenia) dating from the 1st century.  Painted in white, the Temple of...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
The New Guardhouse - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens
turturi level
In the place of the contemporary New Guardhouse, an entertainment pavilion known as Trou-Madame was built in the years 1779-1780. Its name came from a popular 18th century game, which consisted in rolling balls through special gates. It was a low, single-storey Chinese-style building adorned with landscape polychromes and painted imitations of a garden arbour.  In 1782, the New Guardhouse...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
New Orangery - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens
turturi level
The building of the New Orangery (erected in 1860-1861) was designed by Adam Adolf Loewe and Józef Orłowski to shelter in cold weather the orange trees and exotic plants that were displayed in the garden in summer. Among the plants were the camphor tree, magnolias, myrtles, pomegranates and cypresses. The plants blissfully enjoyed the light and warmth of the sun through the southern glass...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
Leto Gallery
turturi level
Founded in 2007, LETO Gallery is a major player on the Polish contemporary art scene. Through the unconventional perspective and fearless choices of its founder, Marta Kołakowska, the gallery has established itself as a site of cooperation, education and promotion for the millennial generation of artists, namely, those who came of age after the fall of communism in 1989. The work shown by the...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
Muzeum im. Jacka Malczewskiego w Radomiu
Museum, proposals for you: 12
turturi level
Radom, Mazowieckie
Permanent exhibition
Galeria malarstwa polskiego XIX i XX w
Permanent exhibition
Strach ma wielkie oczy
Permanent exhibition
Jacek Malczewski
Permanent exhibition
Ekspozycje przyrodnicze
Permanent exhibition
Leszek Kołakowski 1927 - 2009
Permanent exhibition
Polskie Parki Narodowe
Temporary exhibition: 2024.06.01 - 2024.10.31
Chajul w Gwatemali
Permanent exhibition
Kolekcja rodziny Pinno
Temporary exhibition: 2024.07.05 - 2024.11.03
Justyna Adamczyk „Golden hour – złota godzina
Temporary exhibition: 2024.09.20 - 2025.01.05
Jacek Malczewski. Konteksty
Permanent exhibition
Sztuka polska drugiej połowy XX wieku ze zbiorów Muzeum im. Jacka Malczewskiego w Radomiu
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2024.10.27 12:00
Jacek Malczewski. Konteksty
Muzeum im. Jacka Malczewskiego w Radomiu
Radom, Mazowieckie
Muzeum Diecezjalne w Siedlcach
Museum, proposals for you: 10
turturi level
Siedlce, Mazowieckie
Permanent exhibition
Sztuka gotycka
Permanent exhibition
Cisza modlitwy w sztuce
Permanent exhibition
Zabytkowe szaty liturgiczne
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Przemijanie życia w sztuce kościelnej
Permanent exhibition
Biblia w malarstwie barokowym
Permanent exhibition
Sztuka unicka
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Malarska asysta świętych
Muzeum Geologiczne Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego w Warszawie
Museum, proposals for you: 9
turturi level
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
Permanent exhibition
Polski kamień budowlany
Permanent exhibition
Historia geologiczna Polski
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Skamieniały świat
Permanent exhibition
Surowce mineralne Polski
Permanent exhibition
Sedymentacja i diageneza
Permanent exhibition
Procesy krasowe
Permanent exhibition
Materia Ziemi