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gardens and open-air museums
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> gardens and open-air museums
Gardens and open-air museums, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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The Lublin Open Air Village Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 7
The Lublin Open Air Village Museum located in the valley of Czechówka River is one of the biggest open air museums in Poland. Owing to its rich architecture, exhibits and also the concern of intangible heritage of the region, it shows the cultural diversity of the province. It gathers items related to the former life in the village, in the manor and in the small town. It also preserves the...
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Wyżyna Lubelska
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Podlasie i Polesie Lubelskie
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Zespół dworski
The Museum of the Pomeranian Folk Culture in Swołowo - The Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle
Museum, proposals for you: 5
Swołowo is one of the best preserved villages in Pomerania. Its medieval oval plan remained unchanged until today. Swołowo is a fine example of the framework architecture, which is typical for the region. The unique architectural and spatial features of the village are the reason why it is called ʽthe capitol of the Checkered Houses Land’. The Museum of the Folk Culture of Pomerania in...
Permanent exhibition
Swołowo 26. „Swołowo. Historie (nie)oczywiste”
Permanent exhibition
Swołowo 39A. „«Effatha», to znaczy: Otwórz się! Ludowe rytuały lecznicze na Pomorzu”
Permanent exhibition
Zagroda nr 8. Czworoboczna Zagroda Albrechta, Browarnictwo w Swołowie, czyli wystawa o piwie, „Kuchnia Pomorska”
Permanent exhibition
Swołowo 14. Dom zagrodnika z piecem chlebowym i kuźnią
Permanent exhibition
Swołowo 15
Wielkopolska Ethnographic Park in Dziekanowice - The Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica
Museum, proposals for you: 4
The Wielkopolska Ethnographic Park is situated at the edge of the village of Dziekanowice, near National Road 5 from Poznań to Gniezno. It is placed in the south-eastern coast of the picturesque Lake Lednica and is one of the largest open air museums in Poland. Its centre is a ring-shaped village of a circular type, composed of original peasant homesteads, mainly of a 19th c. date, which were...
county gnieźnieński
Permanent exhibition
Rekonstrukcja wsi wielkopolskiej
Permanent exhibition
Wielkopolska rzeźba, wielkopolscy rzeźbiarze
Permanent exhibition
Dziedzictwo nowotomyskich Olędrów. Chmiel - historia uprawy w Wielkopolsce
Permanent exhibition
Dziekanowice i ich mieszkańcy
Lednica Holm - The Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica
Museum, proposals for you: 4
Ostrów Lednicki is an island in Lake Lednica, situated near a route from Poznań to Gniezno. The earliest surviving traces demonstrate that a settlement developed there about 11,000 years ago. In the Early Middle Ages on this island one of the most important strongholds of the first Piast state was built. It was constructed in the second half of the 10th c. at the place of earlier, smaller...
county gnieźnieński
Ekspozycja plenerowa
Permanent exhibition
Żarna i nie tylko
Permanent exhibition
Gdy bogów było wielu
Permanent exhibition
Z archiwum ziemi i toni wodnej...
The Archaeological Museum and Krzemionki Reserve - Historical and Archaeological Museum in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
Museum, proposals for you: 4
In Sudol near Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski there is an unusual place – the Archaeological Museum and Krzemionki Reserve. Striped flint mines operated here during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. The architecture of the prehistoric excavations and the landscape on the surface are an invaluable testimony to the knowledge and technical capabilities of the people of the Stone Age. This unique...
Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
county ostrowiecki
Permanent exhibition
Krzemionki Opatowskie
Permanent exhibition
Rekonstrukcja osady neolitycznej
Permanent exhibition
Władcy krzemienia
Trasa turystyczna
The Palace on the Isle - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
palaces, parks and gardens, proposals for you: 2
The origins of today’s Palace on the Isle date back to the late seventeenth century. The Bathhouse was built at the behest of Prince Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski, one of the most important politicians, writers and philosophers of the time. The Baroque garden pavilion, designed by the Dutch architect, Tylman van Gameren, was intended as a place for resting, leisure and contemplation. The...
Permanent exhibition
Royal Picture Gallery of Stanisław August
koncert: 2024.12.15 12:00
Salony Muzyczne. Między Europą a Azją
The Palace on the Isle - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
, Mazowieckie
The Józef Piłsudski Museum in Sulejówek
Museum, proposals for you: 2
The idea of the Józef Piłsudski Museum in Sulejówek is to present the figure of Józef Piłsudski against a broad historical, cultural and social background, and to convey and popularize the values he represented – the idea of fighting for independence and working to build the state. The statutory goal of the museum should be achieved through contact and dialogue with the audience, respecting...
county miński
Permanent exhibition
Dla Rzeczypospolitej. Józef Piłsudski 1867-1935
Moje wybory. Aleksandra Piłsudska
U Piłsudskich w „Milusinie”
The Józef Piłsudski Museum in Sulejówek
, Mazowieckie, county miński
Castle in Krasiczyn
castles, parks and gardens, proposals for you: 4
Krasiczyn is a late renaissance castle situated in the south-eastern corner of Poland, close to the historical city of Przemyśl and not far from the Polish-Ukrainian border. The region's scenic landscapes are ideal for cycling, hiking and horse-riding, but even those not partial to active rest will be satisfied with the peacefulness and beauty of the area. Krasiczyn Castle is one of the...
county przemyski
Zwiedzanie zamku z przewodnikiem
Wejście na Wieżę Zegarową
Castle in Krasiczyn
, Podkarpackie, county przemyski
Zwiedzanie Sali Tortur w lochach zamkowych
Castle in Krasiczyn
, Podkarpackie, county przemyski
Casimir Pulaski Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 2
Winiary, once a village and now a northeast part of Warka, has a long-standing tradition of wine and history. Located on an escarpment on the Pilica River, this extraordinary place is one you simply must visit. Tall, old trees of the historic park surround this white classicistic manor. Its history can be traced back to the early 17th century. For over 300 years, it often changed owners,...
county grójecki
Permanent exhibition
Casimir Pulaski and other great Poles in the USA
Permanent exhibition
Warka - the town touched with history
The Museum of Medallic Art - The Royal Palace - The City Museum of Wrocław
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The Museum of Medallic Art is the only place in Poland specializing in gathering medallic and phaleristic exhibits. Currently, its vast collection includes around 50 thousand medals, medallions, and plaques, as well as orders, distinctions, Polish and foreign (mainly European) military decorations. The Museum also owns rich documentation of the artistic output of Polish and foreign sculptors...
Temporary exhibition: 2024.11.20 - 2025.03.30
Monety kolekcjonerskie i okolicznościowe Narodowego Banku Polskiego