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> gardens and open-air museums
Gardens and open-air museums, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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The open-air museum of the Vistula settlement in Wiączemin Polski - Tenement of Art Nouveau
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The open-air museum of the Vistula settlement in Wiączemin Polski is one of two open-air museums in Poland devoted to the Olender settlement on the Vistula and the only institution of this type in Mazovia. The official opening took place on the 14th October 2018. Within the open-air museum there are two Olender farms, church, school, cemetery and the so-called Polish house. The last of...
county płocki
Permanent exhibition
Skansen Osadnictwa Nadwiślanego
The Modernist Garden - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens, proposals for you: 1
The Modernist Garden in the southern part of the Royal Łazienki, with corresponding style and trends, extends along the eastern edge of the Chinese Avenue. The composition of this type of garden is also visible in the western part of the Łazienki, close to the Fryderyk Chopin Monument. The changing fashions in the 1920s, 1930s and 1960s resulted in the Royal and Romantic gardens having a...
Temporary exhibition: 2022.07.09 - 2026.12.31
Arnaldo Pomodoro "Sfera con sfera"
The Museum of Medallic Art - The Royal Palace - The City Museum of Wrocław
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The Museum of Medallic Art is the only place in Poland specializing in gathering medallic and phaleristic exhibits. Currently, its vast collection includes around 50 thousand medals, medallions, and plaques, as well as orders, distinctions, Polish and foreign (mainly European) military decorations. The Museum also owns rich documentation of the artistic output of Polish and foreign sculptors...
Temporary exhibition: 2024.11.20 - 2025.03.30
Monety kolekcjonerskie i okolicznościowe Narodowego Banku Polskiego
The Old Orangery - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens, proposals for you: 1
The Old Orangery was built to house exotic trees in the winter season. It is also a place which is very closely linked to art and culture. The Royal Theatre is situated in the Old Orangery, as is the Gallery containing Stanisław August’s collection of sculptures. The Old Orangery was raised in the years 1785-88, according to a design by Domenico Merlini, court architect to King Stanisław...
Permanent exhibition
The Royal Sculpture Gallery
The Museum of Ceramics in Bolesławiec
Museum, proposals for you: 1
The scope of the Museum’s activity includes the dissemination of knowledge about the history, culture and contemporary life of Bolesławiec and surrounding region, with particular focus on the history of Bolesławiec ceramics in the context of the European ceramics history, shaping cognitive and aesthetic sensitivity in general public as well as collecting, sharing and permanent protection of...
county bolesławiecki
Temporary exhibition: 2025.03.14 - 2025.03.31
Kobiecy wymiar rzeźby
Museum of Folk Architecture – Ethnographic Park in Olsztynek
Museum, proposals for you: 1
Park It has an extensive collection of movable and immovable museum objects. They are gathered in 79 objects of large and small rural architecture from Warmia, Masuria, Powiśle and Little Lithuania, with various functions, structure and structure. These are residential and religious buildings, farm buildings and industrial buildings. The buildings are equipped with exhibits showing...
county olsztyński
Permanent exhibition
Regiony i okolice
Sopot „Stronghold” - Archaeological Museum in Gdańsk
Museum, proposals for you: 1
This charming open-air museum is situated in a picturesque scenery of lush greenery and rustling streams. The reconstructed buildings of the settlement are presented here: huts, gate and partly - a palisade (fence made of wooden piles). All elements of the development were reconstructed exactly in the places where their relics were discovered, i.e. the remains of authentic elements of...
Permanent exhibition
Grodzisko w Sopocie
The White Pavilion - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens
Place temporarily unavailable
The small villa-type building is a unique monument of 18th-century residential architecture in Poland. It was the first building on the premises of Royal Łazienki which was erected from scratch on the order of king Stanisław August. It was built around 1774 by the Royal Promenade, most likely to the design of Domenico Merlini. In the years 1775-1777 it was furnished and gained a painting...
Place temporarily unavailable
Permanent exhibition
The Royal Collection of Prints of Stanisław August
Wilson Park - Poznań Palm House
places of cultural events, parks and gardens, proposals for you: 1
History of Wilson Park 1834 - on the initiative of the Beautification Society, the Beautification Society was established in the commune of St. Łazarz, a nursery of ornamental trees and shrubs near Poznań, occupying the area of the current Wilson Park. 1904 - the nursery is turned into a botanical garden by the Poznań city authorities. The park layout was designed by H. Kube. The...
Permanent exhibition
Air Raid Shelter
The Water Tower - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens
Place temporarily unavailable
The Water Tower, also known as the Reservoir, dates back to the times of Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski. It was used as a tank to collect water from local sources and then to channel it to the Palace through pipes. In 1777, the Water Tower was augmented with an architectural cylinder-shaped shell. At the time, the building was not plastered; it had a brick elevation, and the residents of the...
Place temporarily unavailable
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Place temporarily unavailable
"Caryatide Carrying Her Stone" by Auguste Rodin