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museums and galleries
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> museums and galleries
Museums and galleries, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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The Museum of the Origins of the Polish State in Gniezno
Museum, proposals for you: 8
The mission of the Museum is to shed some light on the cultural heritage and history of the beginnings of the Polish State and the later fate of the region, as it was the cradle of our statehood; to present it to the contemporary generations and to preserve it for posterity. Our work is to shape a citizen, who, knowing and respecting his own identity, with the ability to think critically,...
county gnieźnieński
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.27 - 2025.06.22
Rekowiecze. Wczesne w replikach
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.13 - 2025.03.23
Szukalski Słowiański. (Re)konstrukcja dziedzictwa
Permanent exhibition
Gniezno. Stąd do przeszłości
Permanent exhibition
Sztuka romańska w Polsce
Permanent exhibition
Ceramika gnieźnieńska
Permanent exhibition
Piastów malowane dzieje
Permanent exhibition
Motywy słowiańskie w sztuce
Permanent exhibition
Początki państwa polskiego
The Main Building
Museum, proposals for you: 12
The National Museum in Krakow is the oldest and largest museum with the adjective "national" in its name in Poland. It was established in 1879 by a resolution of the Krakow City Council. Until the end of World War I, it was the only large museum open to the public in Poland, and to this day it remains the institution with the largest number of collections, buildings and permanent galleries....
in just 138 days
Temporary exhibition: 2025.08.08 - 2025.11.30
in just 173 days
Temporary exhibition: 2025.09.12 - 2026.03.01
Lwowianki / Львівʼянки
in just 327 days
Temporary exhibition: 2026.02.13 - 2026.07.05
Grupa Pięciu (1905–1908)
Temporary exhibition: 2025.02.21 - 2025.08.10
Janusz Tarabuła. Pamięć
Temporary exhibition: 2025.01.31 - 2025.03.30
Epoka (Nie)dostępności
in just 117 days
Temporary exhibition: 2025.07.18 - 2025.11.02
Dacja. Zapominane królestwo
Temporary exhibition: 2025.01.17 - 2025.04.13
Temporary exhibition: 2024.05.16 - 2025.05.25
Mehoffer z Fryburga. Projekty witraży katedralnych
Temporary exhibition: 2024.12.20 - 2025.05.18
Permanent exhibition
Gallery of Decorative Art
Permanent exhibition
XX + XXI. Polish Art Gallery
Permanent exhibition
XX + XXI. Polish Art Gallery - sculpture
The Castle in Lancut
Museum, proposals for you: 8
The castle in Łańcut is one of the most beautiful aristocratic residences in Poland. It is famous for its exquisite residential interiors and an extremely interesting collection of horse-drawn vehicles. The palace complex is surrounded by an old, picturesque English-style park, with numerous pavilions and outbuildings, once closely associated with the daily life of the Łańcut residence.
county łańcucki
Permanent exhibition
Interiors of the Second Floor
Permanent exhibition
Castle Stables and Coach House
Permanent exhibition
Orthodox Art
Permanent exhibition
History of the City
Permanent exhibition
Dawna oranżeria - wystawy multimedialne - Tradycja, Historia i Kultura
Permanent exhibition
Dawna ujeżdżalnia
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Castle Baths
The National Museum in Wrocław
Museum, proposals for you: 8
The collection of the National Museum in Wrocław numbers 200,000 artefacts representative for all the artistic disciplines, from mediaeval Silesian sculpture in stone and wood, Silesian, Polish and European painting, as well as contemporary and modernist sculpture, drawings and prints, to an extensive collection of historical artistic craftsmanship which spans the period from the Middle Ages...
Permanent exhibition
Silesian Stone Sculpture of the 12th–16th c.
Permanent exhibition
Silesian Art of the 14th–16th c.
Permanent exhibition
Silesian Art of the 16th–19th c.
Permanent exhibition
Polish Art of the 17th–19th c.
Permanent exhibition
European Art of the 15th–20th c.
Permanent exhibition
Temporary exhibition: 2025.02.25 - 2025.05.18
Moda. Historia osobista Profesor Irena Huml (1928-2015)
Temporary exhibition: 2025.03.18 - 2025.08.31
Monety i banknoty z daru Narodowego Banku Polskiego
Moszna Castle
Museum, proposals for you: 3
There are many legends about Moszna and in each of them there is a grain of truth. The history of the origin of the building is also complicated as the final form is a result of subsequent centuries-long works. Nowadays the Castle, famous for its 99 towers and 365 rooms, attracts tourist from Poland and abroad with its astonishing charm, fairytale architecture, as well as an extensive park...
county krapkowicki
inne: 2023.10.27-2023.10.29
Rezydencja rodziny Adamsów (dla dzieci) - zwiedzanie zamku w upiornym klimacie
Moszna Castle
, Opolskie, county krapkowicki
inne: 2023.10.27-2023.10.29
Rezydencja rodziny Adamsów - zwiedzanie zamku w upiornym klimacie
Moszna Castle
, Opolskie, county krapkowicki
Życie codzienne zamku
Park w Mosznej
Komnaty zamkowe
Polish Aviation Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 9
The museum is located on the site of the former Rakowice-Czyżyny airport, created before World War I by the Austrians and closed in 1963 due to the expansion of Nowa Huta. Thanks to the existence of the Museum, this area still has an aviation function. The museum collects, restores and makes available monuments of aviation technology, ensures the preservation of the aviation character of...
Permanent exhibition
Hangar Łukowy
Permanent exhibition
Archeologia lotnictwa
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Magazyny historii
Aleja MIGów
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Skrzydła Wielkiej Wojny
Permanent exhibition
Skrzydła i Ludzie XX wieku
The Castle Museum in Pszczyna
Museum, proposals for you: 6
At the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries Pszczyna grounds were ruled by Cieszyn dukes. In 1517 the duke of Cieszyn, Kazimierz II, sold the lands to a Hungarian magnate, Aleksy Turzo which ended a ruling period of Piast dynasty in Pszczyna district. A Free State Country (Wolne Państwo Stanowe) was formed, including Pszczyna, Mikołów, Bieruń, and since 1536 Mysłowice, with a capital in...
county pszczyński
Permanent exhibition
Known and unnown
Permanent exhibition
The Polish Chamber
Permanent exhibition
Portrait gallery
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Interiors of the 19th and 20th centuries
koncert: 2025.03.22 18:00-2025.04.12 18:00
Wiosna z Fryderykiem w Zamku pszczyńskim 2025
The Castle Museum in Pszczyna
, Śląskie, county pszczyński
Gold Mine
Museum, proposals for you: 6
Learn the history of the Mine and experience lots of valuable, exciting and unforgettable experiences!
Złoty Stok
county ząbkowicki
Muzeum Przestróg, Uwag i Apeli
Wybijanie złotych monet w Złotym Stoku
Gold Mine
Złoty Stok
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
Pole diamentowe
Gold Mine
Złoty Stok
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
Podziemny spływ łodzią w Złotym Stoku
Gold Mine
Złoty Stok
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
Płukanie złota w Złotym Stoku
Gold Mine
Złoty Stok
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
Odlewanie złotej sztabki w Złotym Stoku
Gold Mine
Złoty Stok
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
The National Museum of Technology in Warsaw
Museum, proposals for you: 7
The National Museum of Technology was established on June 1, 2017 on the basis of the agreement “On the establishment and operation as a joint cultural institution by the State Treasury, on behalf of which are: the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Capital City of Warsaw”. By order of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of...
Permanent exhibition
History of transport – by sea, land and air
Permanent exhibition
Sources of energy of civilization – the history of fossil fuels and Ignacy Łukasiewicz – the pioneer of the oil industry
Permanent exhibition
Przyroda największym wynalazcą
Permanent exhibition
Media naszych czasów - historia radia i telewizji
Permanent exhibition
Wszystkie teleskopy świata – historia badań kosmosu. Polski wkład w badanie i podbój kosmosu
Permanent exhibition
History of computers. Counts!
Permanent exhibition
The contribution of Poles to the world’s technical and scientific heritage
The Old Town Hall - The District Museum in Toruń
Museum, proposals for you: 7
Located in the heart of the historic Old Town of Toruń, the Old Town Hall is not only one of the most important historic buildings in the city, but also one of the largest and most beautiful constructions of this type in Europe. Built on a square plan with an inner courtyard, it is a symbol of the Gothic Old Town Complex which became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. For centuries, the...
Permanent exhibition
Poczet Królów Polskich
Permanent exhibition
Kolekcja biżuterii i zastawy stołowej ze skarbów ze Skrwilna i Nieszawy
Permanent exhibition
Galeria Malarstwa i Rzeźby Polskiej od końca XVIII do początku XXI wieku
Permanent exhibition
Dawny Toruń – Historia i Rzemiosło Artystyczne 1233–1793
Permanent exhibition
Galeria Sztuki Gotyckiej
Permanent exhibition
Mennice i Monety Toruńskie 1233/1238–1765
Permanent exhibition
Galeria portretów wybitnych mieszczan Torunia (XVI–XVIII wiek)