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> museums and galleries
Museums and galleries, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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The Lublin Open Air Village Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 7
The Lublin Open Air Village Museum located in the valley of Czechówka River is one of the biggest open air museums in Poland. Owing to its rich architecture, exhibits and also the concern of intangible heritage of the region, it shows the cultural diversity of the province. It gathers items related to the former life in the village, in the manor and in the small town. It also preserves the...
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Zespół dworski
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Podlasie i Polesie Lubelskie
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Wyżyna Lubelska
Krupa Art Foundation
gallery, proposals for you: 5
Krupa Art Foundation is a new, independent contemporary art institution established by Sylwia and Piotr Krupa – Wrocław-based businesspeople and art collectors. The foundation is a non-profit organisation that proposes a new model for the functioning of cultural institutions in Poland, based primarily on private patronage. The mission of Krupa Art Foundation is to share art with a wide...
Temporary exhibition: 2024.11.23 - 2025.03.02
Moja pamięć nie należy do mnie
Temporary exhibition: 2024.11.23 - 2025.06.01
Nazwa bez wystawy. Wystawa bez nazwy
Permanent exhibition
Primo! stały program
Temporary exhibition: 2024.11.23 - 2025.03.02
seans filmowy: 2024.07.13-2024.10.20
Pozytywna Przestrzeń Immersyjna
Krupa Art Foundation
, Dolnośląskie
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2024.07.27 17:00
Wojciech Fangor. American Dream
Krupa Art Foundation
, Dolnośląskie
The Museum for Intercultural Dialogue - Former Palace of Cracow Bishop
Museum, proposals for you: 6
Along with a library and space for a future café, the Museum for Intercultural Dialogue is located in the House under Three Coats of Arms, or strictly speaking a complex of three tenement houses: the Tomkiewicz House built in the second half of the 18th century and two adjacent buildings, which gained their present shape as a result of reconstruction works in the 1940s. The House itself...
Temporary exhibition: 2024.11.28 - 2025.03.16
Marmury Kieleckie. Tradycje i współczesność
Permanent exhibition
FROM THE SACRED TO THE PROFANE: Sculpture and painting in folk art
Permanent exhibition
History of Motorisation in Miniature
Permanent exhibition
Prehistory and early Middle Ages of Ponidzie and Wiślica
Permanent exhibition
The diversity triangle
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2025.01.19 12:00
Marmury Kieleckie. Tradycje i współczesność - oprowadzanie kuratorskie
The Museum for Intercultural Dialogue - Former Palace of Cracow Bishop
, Świętokrzyskie
Gold Mine
Museum, proposals for you: 6
Learn the history of the Mine and experience lots of valuable, exciting and unforgettable experiences!
Złoty Stok
county ząbkowicki
Muzeum Przestróg, Uwag i Apeli
Płukanie złota w Złotym Stoku
Gold Mine
Złoty Stok
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
Wybijanie złotych monet w Złotym Stoku
Gold Mine
Złoty Stok
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
Odlewanie złotej sztabki w Złotym Stoku
Gold Mine
Złoty Stok
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
Pole diamentowe
Gold Mine
Złoty Stok
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
Podziemny spływ łodzią w Złotym Stoku
Gold Mine
Złoty Stok
, Dolnośląskie, county ząbkowicki
The Museum of Old Commerce in Świdnica
Museum, proposals for you: 7
The Museum of Old Commerce, which is located in the Old Town Hall, came into being in 1967. It is the only museum in Poland, which deals with commerce so widely. Świdnica is a town with very interesting history and that is why some exhibitions are devoted to the town’s history. Author: Agnieszka Dudzińska Translation: Maciej Perski
county świdnicki
Permanent exhibition
Pharmacy dating from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
Permanent exhibition
Historia Świdnicy
Permanent exhibition
Dom Wagi
Permanent exhibition
Urząd Miar
Permanent exhibition
The matzevahs from the Świdnica medieval Jewish cemetery
Permanent exhibition
Old tavern
Permanent exhibition
The brewing exposition
The National Museum of Technology in Warsaw
Museum, proposals for you: 7
The National Museum of Technology was established on June 1, 2017 on the basis of the agreement “On the establishment and operation as a joint cultural institution by the State Treasury, on behalf of which are: the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Capital City of Warsaw”. By order of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of...
Permanent exhibition
The contribution of Poles to the world’s technical and scientific heritage
Permanent exhibition
History of computers. Counts!
Permanent exhibition
Sources of energy of civilization – the history of fossil fuels and Ignacy Łukasiewicz – the pioneer of the oil industry
Permanent exhibition
History of transport – by sea, land and air
Permanent exhibition
Wszystkie teleskopy świata – historia badań kosmosu. Polski wkład w badanie i podbój kosmosu
Permanent exhibition
Media naszych czasów - historia radia i telewizji
Permanent exhibition
Przyroda największym wynalazcą
White Factory
Museum, proposals for you: 7
It is not a coincidence that the Museum of Textiles is located in the White Factory - a unique place on the map of Łódź and a symbol of its textile past. The complex of post-industrial buildings has been revitalised step by step over the years, with respective wings adapted for exhibition purposes. This has allowed the renovated interiors to host many exhibitions and cultural events connected...
Temporary exhibition: 2024.12.27 - 2025.06.29
Wojciech Sadley. Sacrum i Profanum. Współczesny dyskurs
Temporary exhibition: 2024.06.09 - 2025.07.27
Arkadius. Wielkie namiętności. Konfrontacje
Temporary exhibition: 2024.05.15 - 2025.07.27
Tak pracuje tkanina. W zbiorach CMWŁ
Permanent exhibition
Google Arts & Culture
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Microhistories. Łódź and its People
Permanent exhibition
Rezerwat Archeologiczny Genius loci – przekrój poznania - Archeological Museum in Poznań
Museum, proposals for you: 4
The name of the reserve, Genius Loci (Latin "Protective Spirit"), refers to the tradition of lucky, chosen places that possess their protective spirit. We believe that this Latin term suits best the unique nature of Ostrów Tumski, which for over 1,000 years has been inextricably linked with the history of our country and our city. Excavations carried out here since 2008 have uncovered...
Permanent exhibition
Zabytki Ostrowa Tumskiego
Permanent exhibition
Pokolenie 966
wykład: 2024.04.08 18:00
Odyseja kulturowa - prelekcja prof. UAM Dariusza Sikorskiego - „Homo viator - czy ludzie w średniowieczu podróżowali?”
Rezerwat Archeologiczny Genius loci – przekrój poznania - Archeological Museum in Poznań
, Wielkopolskie
Gra Terenowa ”Połącz kropki” - Przeżyj przygodę na Ostrowie Tumskim!
Archeological Museum in Poznań
Museum, proposals for you: 6
The Archaeological Museum in Poznań was opened in the reconstructed Górka Palace on 8 June 1968. With time, the courtyard was roofed and modernised, which created an interior of an exceptional character. Archaeological research carried out in connection with this rebuilding project revealed the remains of wooden structures and brick architecture from the earlier phases of the building....
Permanent exhibition
Rock Art of North Africa
Permanent exhibition
Obelisk of Ramesses II
Permanent exhibition
It was here that Poland was born
Permanent exhibition
Archaeology of Sudan
Permanent exhibition
Prehistory of Greater Poland
Permanent exhibition
Death and life in Ancient Egypt
The Museum of Regional Traditions - The National Museum in Szczecin
Museum, proposals for you: 5
The Museum of Regional Traditions is located in Baroque Landed Gentry House (Pommersche Landsmannschaft), built in years 1726–1727 according to the order of Prussian king Frederick William I. The building was designed by Gerhard Cornelius de Walrave (1692–1773), the author of, among others, famous Kłodzko fortess and fortifications of Szczecin. The palace served as the session hall of...
Permanent exhibition
The Golden Age of Pomerania. The Art at the Court of Pomeranian Dukes in 16th and 17th Centuries
Permanent exhibition
Old Silver
Permanent exhibition
Pomeranian Cabinet. In the mirror of coins, banknotes and stamps
Permanent exhibition
The Dawn of Pomerania. The Collection of Pomeranian Antiquities
inne: 2024.05.15 10:00
Konfernecja prasowa: XX Targ Solny w Kołobrzegu + obchody 900-lecia Chrystianizacji Pomorza
The Museum of Regional Traditions - The National Museum in Szczecin
, Zachodniopomorskie