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> museums and galleries
Museums and galleries, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland
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The Castle Museum in Pszczyna
Museum, proposals for you: 6
At the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries Pszczyna grounds were ruled by Cieszyn dukes. In 1517 the duke of Cieszyn, Kazimierz II, sold the lands to a Hungarian magnate, Aleksy Turzo which ended a ruling period of Piast dynasty in Pszczyna district. A Free State Country (Wolne Państwo Stanowe) was formed, including Pszczyna, Mikołów, Bieruń, and since 1536 Mysłowice, with a capital in...
county pszczyński
Permanent exhibition
Known and unnown
Permanent exhibition
Interiors of the 19th and 20th centuries
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Portrait gallery
Permanent exhibition
The Polish Chamber
koncert: 2025.03.22 18:00-2025.04.12 18:00
Wiosna z Fryderykiem w Zamku pszczyńskim 2025
The Castle Museum in Pszczyna
, Śląskie, county pszczyński
Tony Halik Explorers’ Museum - The District Museum in Toruń
Museum, proposals for you: 7
The Tony Halik Explorers’ Museum found its home in a tenement house at ul. Franciszkańska 9/11, opening its doors to the public in 2003. The impulse for its creation was the gift of over 800 exhibits representing non-European cultures which the residents of Toruń received in 1999 from Elżbieta Dzikowska, a well-known explorer and journalist. The donated collection of artefacts was collected...
Permanent exhibition
Polish Exploration and Description of the World
Permanent exhibition
Collections of Elżbieta Dzikowska
Permanent exhibition
Great Explorers and Discoverers
Permanent exhibition
Through the Black Land
Permanent exhibition
In the Land of Head-Hunters
Permanent exhibition
Expeditions of Tony Halik and Elżbieta Dzikowska
Permanent exhibition
Tony Halik. My Great Adventure
White Factory
Museum, proposals for you: 7
It is not a coincidence that the Museum of Textiles is located in the White Factory - a unique place on the map of Łódź and a symbol of its textile past. The complex of post-industrial buildings has been revitalised step by step over the years, with respective wings adapted for exhibition purposes. This has allowed the renovated interiors to host many exhibitions and cultural events connected...
Temporary exhibition: 2024.12.27 - 2025.06.29
Wojciech Sadley. Sacrum i Profanum. Współczesny dyskurs
Temporary exhibition: 2024.06.09 - 2025.07.27
Arkadius. Wielkie namiętności. Konfrontacje
Temporary exhibition: 2024.05.15 - 2025.07.27
Tak pracuje tkanina. W zbiorach CMWŁ
Permanent exhibition
Google Arts & Culture
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Microhistories. Łódź and its People
Permanent exhibition
The Lublin Open Air Village Museum
Museum, proposals for you: 7
The Lublin Open Air Village Museum located in the valley of Czechówka River is one of the biggest open air museums in Poland. Owing to its rich architecture, exhibits and also the concern of intangible heritage of the region, it shows the cultural diversity of the province. It gathers items related to the former life in the village, in the manor and in the small town. It also preserves the...
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Zespół dworski
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Podlasie i Polesie Lubelskie
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Wyżyna Lubelska
GASPAR Museum of Old Tools and Machines IHO Gaspar Hipolit Cegielski
Museum, proposals for you: 4
A private museum of techniques - collection of old tools and machines as well as memorabilia related to Hipolit Cegielski and the HCP factory (Hipolit Cegielski Poznań). The collections are presented in a stylish buildings made in the "Prussian wall" (timber frame) technique using bricks and roof tiles over 100 years old.
Permanent exhibition
600 mm narrow gauge railway
Permanent exhibition
Collection of information boards
Permanent exhibition
Collection of memorabilia related to Hipolit Cegielski and the HCP factory
Permanent exhibition
Collection of old tools and machines
warsztaty: 2024.05.11 10:00-16:00
Warsztaty rzeźbienia drewnianych talerzy i mis AleLipa
GASPAR Museum of Old Tools and Machines IHO Gaspar Hipolit Cegielski
, Wielkopolskie
pokaz: 2024.09.20-2024.09.22
GASPAR na targach Retro Motor Show
GASPAR Museum of Old Tools and Machines IHO Gaspar Hipolit Cegielski
, Wielkopolskie
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2025.01.06 12:00-17:00
„Urodziny Hipolita” - dzień otwarty z okazji 212 rocznicy urodzin Hipolita Gaspara Cegielskiego
GASPAR Museum of Old Tools and Machines IHO Gaspar Hipolit Cegielski
, Wielkopolskie
Granaries on Ołowianka Island - National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk
Museum, proposals for you: 6
The main exhibition visiting route in the National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk leads through the interior of three historic granaries. Visitors can see the abundance of treasures related to the history of shipping, boatbuilding, shipbuilding and sea battles in the Polish waters from medieval times to the 20th century. The exhibition narrative refers to the archaeological discoveries from the...
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.30 - 2025.06.15
Nowy wspaniały świat. Marynistyka czasów PRL w zbiorach Narodowego Muzeum Morskiego w Gdańsku
Permanent exhibition
Maritime Gallery
Permanent exhibition
Poles on the Seas of the World
Permanent exhibition
Underwater Archaeology and Diving
Temporary exhibition: 2024.05.12 - 2025.05.04
100 lat polskiego żeglarstwa
Temporary exhibition: 2024.12.06 - 2025.03.30
Malarstwo Ivana Marchuka. Spojrzenie w nieskończoność
Depot - The Museum of Engineering and Technology in Krakow
Museum, proposals for you: 4
The Museum of Engineering and Technology in Krakow is a cultural institution of the City of Krakow, which gathers and exhibits collections on the history and development of technology. Over the years of its existence, the Museum has gathered collections through acquisitions and donations from private individuals, companies, and public institutions. Currently, more than 2,900 items are listed...
Permanent exhibition
The City. Technosensitivity
Permanent exhibition
Presentation of historical tram carriages
Permanent exhibition
Strefa Klocków
warsztaty: 2024.07.01-2024.07.05
Wakacje w MIT - I tura
Depot - The Museum of Engineering and Technology in Krakow
, Małopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.07.08-2024.07.12
Wakacje w MIT - II tura
Depot - The Museum of Engineering and Technology in Krakow
, Małopolskie
The Building Blocks Zone
Depot - The Museum of Engineering and Technology in Krakow
, Małopolskie
Museum of Masuria in Szczytno - Museum of Warmia and Masuria
Museum, proposals for you: 6
The Museum of Masuria in Szczytno was founded in 1945 based on surviving collections of the Kreisheimatmuseum Ortelsburg opened in 1925. Originally located in the fourteenth-century Teutonic castle, in 1948 it was transferred to the south and east wing of the Town Hall neighbouring the castle ruins. The Szczytno Division of the Museum of Warmia and Masuria holds collections currently...
county szczycieński
Permanent exhibition
Historia Szczytna i okolic. Od pradziejów do współczesności
Permanent exhibition
Kultura ludowa Mazurów
Permanent exhibition
Ludowe kafle mazurskie
Permanent exhibition
Meble i tkaniny mazurskie
Permanent exhibition
W mazurskiej kniei
Permanent exhibition
Józef Balicki, Łowiectwo pasją życia
The Museum for Intercultural Dialogue - Former Palace of Cracow Bishop
Museum, proposals for you: 5
Along with a library and space for a future café, the Museum for Intercultural Dialogue is located in the House under Three Coats of Arms, or strictly speaking a complex of three tenement houses: the Tomkiewicz House built in the second half of the 18th century and two adjacent buildings, which gained their present shape as a result of reconstruction works in the 1940s. The House itself...
Permanent exhibition
The diversity triangle
Permanent exhibition
Prehistory and early Middle Ages of Ponidzie and Wiślica
Permanent exhibition
History of Motorisation in Miniature
Permanent exhibition
FROM THE SACRED TO THE PROFANE: Sculpture and painting in folk art
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2025.01.19 12:00
Marmury Kieleckie. Tradycje i współczesność - oprowadzanie kuratorskie
The Museum for Intercultural Dialogue - Former Palace of Cracow Bishop
, Świętokrzyskie
The Museum of Post and Telecommunications in Wroclaw
Museum, proposals for you: 6
The Museum of Post and Telecommunications in Wroclaw is the only museum institution in Poland collecting and protecting monuments constituting a certificate of postal activity in Poland, including Poczta Polska founded by King Sigismund Augustus in 1558. The museum, established in 1921 in Warsaw, from 1956 is located in the historic building of the Main Post Office in Wrocław. The museum...
county wrocławski
Permanent exhibition
Telegraph and telephone
Permanent exhibition
Horse-drawn postal vehicles
Permanent exhibition
Radio and television
Permanent exhibition
Filatelistyka polska i zagraniczna
Permanent exhibition
Signs and mailboxes
Permanent exhibition
The history of Poczta Polska