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Museums and galleries, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland

number of results: 5505


Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
Museum, proposals for you: 7
turturi level
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw is the only museum institution in Poland dedicated entirely to the history of architecture and contemporary architecture. The institution is organized by the Municipality of Wroclaw. Museum carries out programs andevents for architects, historians and the general public. It preparesexhibitions on architecture, applied art, painting and graphics. Most of the...
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie
Permanent exhibition
Architectural artistic crafts from the twelfth to the twentieth century
Permanent exhibition
Lapidarium and Romanesque Hall
konkurs: 2023.07.27-2023.08.31
Wczasy. Krajobrazy wypoczynku [2023-06-23-2023-10-01]
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie
wernisaż: 2024.06.06 18:00
Wystawa Wrocławskiej Grafiki Użytkowej. Miasto
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie
wykład: 2024.06.12 12:00
Spotkajmy się w mieście! | Spod ziemi patrzy Breslau
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie
spacer: 2024.06.14 12:00
Spotkajmy się w mieście! | Spod ziemi patrzy Breslau
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie
wernisaż: 2024.06.21 18:00
Zgubne skutki nadmiernych zainteresowań
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie
wernisaż: 2024.06.14 18:00
Ruch tektoniczny
Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie
Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow (MOCAK)
Museum, proposals for you: 13
turturi level
The programme of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow MOCAK, which has been active since 19th May 2011 encompasses presentation of the latest international art, education as well as research and publication projects. MOCAK’s two most important aims are presenting the art of the two last decades in the context of the post-war avant-garde and conceptual art as well as clarifying the...
Kraków, Małopolskie
Permanent exhibition
Challenging Experiments on Self and Others
Permanent exhibition
Concept-Shapes (MOCAK Collection)
Permanent exhibition
Live Factory 2: Warhol by Lupa (MOCAK Collection)
Permanent exhibition
History and Oskar Schindler
Permanent exhibition
Contemporary Models of Realism - new opening (MOCAK Collection)
Permanent exhibition
Dialogue with the Space (MOCAK Collection)
Permanent exhibition
The Mieczysław Porębski Library (MOCAK Collection)
Temporary exhibition: 2024.04.12 - 2025.03.16
Food in Art
Permanent exhibition
Outdoor Exhibits from the MOCAK Collection
  in just 5 days
Permanent exhibition
Wielcy Współcześni. Dar Teresy i Andrzeja Starmachów
  in just 5 days
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.11 - 2025.03.09
Małgorzata Blamowska. Wszystkie wcielenia kobiety
  in just 5 days
Temporary exhibition: 2024.10.11 - 2025.03.09
Alicja Biała. Zatruty staw
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2024.09.10 17:30
Jedzenie w sztuce. Oprowadzanie po wystawie
Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow (MOCAK)
Kraków, Małopolskie
Museum of Technology and Transport
Museum, proposals for you: 12
turturi level
What are the hen hunter, the sock, the shell, the princess, the granny, the sock, the roaming pipe, the galloping old mare, the roadside queen, the dymisnierusos? These are all names given to the syrena, the most beloved car in the early era of the People's Republic of Poland, much as that love was unrequited. The Museum of Technology and Transport in Szczecin is full of vehicles that Poles...
Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie
Permanent exhibition
Polskie prototypy
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Pojazdy służb mundurowych
Permanent exhibition
Historia szczecińskiej komunikacji
Permanent exhibition
Samochody państw socjalistycznych
Permanent exhibition
Jednoślady z PRL-u
Permanent exhibition
Motocykle II Rzeczpospolitej
Permanent exhibition
Polska motoryzacja - pojazdy Polskiej Rzeczpospolitej Ludowej
Permanent exhibition
Szczecińska motoryzacja w latach 1954-1967
Permanent exhibition
Szczecińska motoryzacja w latach 1919-1944
Permanent exhibition
Stoewer - jakość ze Szczecina. Lata 1858-1945.
Permanent exhibition
Maszyneria Fajbusiewicza
The Academic Design Center - Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Art in Łódź
gallery, proposals for you: 6
turturi level
The Academic Design Center is a structure which brings together the faculties of 8 public art academies having the department of design. ADC is organized under Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Art in Łódź. The main goal of ADC's activity is to create constant relations between business and science through the implementation of joint research and development and design works. At the same time,...
Łódź, Łódzkie
wernisaż: 2024.05.10 18:00
Space of the Water
The Academic Design Center - Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Art in Łódź
Łódź, Łódzkie
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2024.05.23 16:00
Łódzki dywan. Sztuka – rzemiosło – przemysł
The Academic Design Center - Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Art in Łódź
Łódź, Łódzkie
wernisaż: 2024.05.06 18:00
Łódzki dywan. Sztuka – rzemiosło – przemysł
The Academic Design Center - Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Art in Łódź
Łódź, Łódzkie
wernisaż: 2024.04.06 19:30
1 2000 2024
The Academic Design Center - Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Art in Łódź
Łódź, Łódzkie
wernisaż: 2024.04.05 18:00
The Academic Design Center - Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Art in Łódź
Łódź, Łódzkie
wernisaż: 2024.05.24 18:00
Przypadek? Nie sądzę
The Academic Design Center - Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Art in Łódź
Łódź, Łódzkie
Regional Museum in Krasnystaw
Museum, proposals for you: 11
turturi level
With construction beginning in 1695, the building of the former Jesuit College was completed in 1740. Three walls of the College, the garth, and Saint Francis Xavier Church form a quadrangle building complex sited north-west of the town’s square. Located in the east wing, main gate leading to the garth gives access to the Museum. Former bishop’s palace adjoining west wing of the building is...
Krasnystaw, Lubelskie
Permanent exhibition
Most interesting archaeological findings
Permanent exhibition
History of Krasnystaw and the surrounding area from the 14th till the 20th century
Permanent exhibition
Reconstructed blacksmith’s shop from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
Permanent exhibition
Folk material culture
Permanent exhibition
Prehistory of Krasnystaw region
Permanent exhibition
Krasnystaw w malarstwie Antoniego Teslara
Permanent exhibition
Castle and manor house in Krupe
Permanent exhibition
Arts and crafts from the 18th to early 20th century
Permanent exhibition
Portraits of Polish gentry in the 17th and 19th centuries
Permanent exhibition
Typical cottage equipment at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
Permanent exhibition
Reconstructed court kitchen from the 19th century
The Museum of the Slovinian Village in Kluki - The Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle
Museum, proposals for you: 10
turturi level
Kluki is more than just a former Slovincian fishing village on the southern shore of Lake Łebsko, tucked away amidst the natural world of the Slovincian National Park, which takes its name from the people who once lived on this land. Kluki is also a journey through time. As you open the wooden gate to the Slovincian Village Museum, you step back one hundred, two hundred and more years into...
Smołdzino, Pomorskie
Permanent exhibition
Chałupa Charlotty Klick
Permanent exhibition
Zagroda Anny Kötsch
Permanent exhibition
Zagroda Keitschicków
Permanent exhibition
Zagroda Alberta Klücka
Permanent exhibition
Chałupa z Żoruchowa
Permanent exhibition
Zagroda Josta i Klicka
Permanent exhibition
Szałas rybacki
Permanent exhibition
Magazyn Rybacki
Permanent exhibition
Zagroda Reimannów
Permanent exhibition
Galeria Pomorskiego Malarstwa Plenerowego
Museum, proposals for you: 10
turturi level
HistoryLand is an idea of three friends – Marcin Tobolski, Krzysztof Tobolski and Marcin Pietrucha. A passion for history , LEGO bricks and their hometown –Posen [Poznan] bound them together. This idea was born more than 10 years ago, but its implementation took some years –viz.until 2017, when the exhibition was inaugurated. Why so long? The first step in the activities of the three...
Poznań, Wielkopolskie
Permanent exhibition
The naval battle at Oliva
Permanent exhibition
The monastery at Jasna Gora [Clarus Mons]
Permanent exhibition
The battle of Monte Cassino
Permanent exhibition
The defense of Westerplatte
Permanent exhibition
Sala Zabaw
Permanent exhibition
Market square in Cracow
Permanent exhibition
The Wawel Cathedral
Permanent exhibition
The shipyard of Danzig [Gdansk]
Permanent exhibition
The settlement of Biskupin
Permanent exhibition
The battle of Grunewald
Department of Historical Art - The National Museum in Gdańsk
Museum, proposals for you: 6
turturi level
The National Museum in Gdańsk is among the oldest museums in Poland. It was established by the merger of two institutions: the City Museum (est. 1870) and the Handicraft Museum (est. 1881). The core of the Museum’s collection is the collection of Jacob Kabrun (1759–1814), comprising several thousand pictures, drawings and prints by European masters from the end of the fifteenth to the...
Gdańsk, Pomorskie
Permanent exhibition
The pious and virtuous. Gdańsk citizens of the past in the mirror of art
Permanent exhibition
Galeria Współczesnej Rzeźby Gdańskiej w Parku Oliwskim
wykład: 2024.06.04 18:00
Nowy, dawny obiekt w zbiorach Pracowni Ceramiki. Niezwykła historia pewnej filiżanki
Department of Historical Art - The National Museum in Gdańsk
Gdańsk, Pomorskie
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2024.06.16 13:00
Przechadzki po Oddziale Sztuki Dawnej. W kręgu gdańskich patrycjuszy: sztuka, zwyczaje, życie codzienne
Department of Historical Art - The National Museum in Gdańsk
Gdańsk, Pomorskie
wykład: 2024.06.18 18:00
Gdańskie „Rembrandty”. Ryciny z kolekcji Muzeum Narodowego w Gdańsku
Department of Historical Art - The National Museum in Gdańsk
Gdańsk, Pomorskie
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2024.09.15 13:00
Pobożni i cnotliwi. Dawni gdańszczanie w zwierciadle sztuki
Department of Historical Art - The National Museum in Gdańsk
Gdańsk, Pomorskie
The Szczecin History Museum - The National Museum in Szczecin
Museum, proposals for you: 8
turturi level
The seat of Szczecin's History Museum is a Gothic old town hall in the castle surroundings,  located in the centre of the oldest part of the city – between the Hay Market and the New Market. The building, beginnings of which date back to middle 13th century, was given a Gothic form with  an arcade, impressive gables and a grand cellar with beautiful „star” rib vaults at the turn of the 14th...
Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie
Permanent exhibition
The Oldest Charts of History of Szczecin
Permanent exhibition
History and Culture of Szczecin in Swedish and Prussian Times
Permanent exhibition
Hans Stettiner and Jan Szczeciński. Everyday Life in Szczecin of 20th Century
Temporary exhibition: 2023.09.19 - 2025.04.30
Paweł Bałakirew "Colours of Melancholy"
Temporary exhibition: 2023.10.05 - 2025.04.30
Hans Hartig. Wirtuoz pomorskiego krajobrazu
Permanent exhibition
Bernhard Heiliger
oprowadzanie kuratorskie: 2024.04.13 12:00
Pieniądz na Pomorzu po pierwszej wojnie światowej
The Szczecin History Museum - The National Museum in Szczecin
Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie
finisaż: 2024.04.28 12:00
Pieniądz na Pomorzu po pierwszej wojnie światowej
The Szczecin History Museum - The National Museum in Szczecin
Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie
The Museum of Contemporary Art - The National Museum in Szczecin
Museum, proposals for you: 5
turturi level
The Museum of Contemporary Art is located in a classicist building of former Szczecin stronghold garrison headquarters, built in the last quarter of the 18th century, repeatedly converted in subsequent years. As long, as until the end of World War II, it was used by military authorities. In 1970s it was handed over to the National Museum in Szczecin. In 1980, after a conversion, it became...
Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie
Temporary exhibition: 2024.05.17 - 2024.11.03
Leonia Chmielnik Mój świat – nasz świat
spotkanie z artystą: 2024.06.15 12:00-13:30
Leonia Chmielnik Mój świat – nasz świat
The Museum of Contemporary Art - The National Museum in Szczecin
Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie
wernisaż: 2024.06.20 18:00
Radek Dąbrowski. Under the Volcano / Pod Wulkanem
The Museum of Contemporary Art - The National Museum in Szczecin
Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie
wernisaż: 2024.05.16 18:00
Leonia Chmielnik Mój świat – nasz świat
The Museum of Contemporary Art - The National Museum in Szczecin
Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie
wernisaż: 2024.05.09 18:00
Emilia Łapko. Sztuczne raje. Hybrydowość w fotografii mody
The Museum of Contemporary Art - The National Museum in Szczecin
Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie
wernisaż: 2023.10.12 18:00
KONIK STUDIO timeline [2023-10-13-2023-12-10]
The Museum of Contemporary Art - The National Museum in Szczecin
Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie