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Gardens and open-air museums, Exhibitions, Events, Attractions: whole Poland

number of results: 270


Zoological Garden in Lubin
turturi level
The Zoo in Lubin was founded in 2014 on the grounds of a revitalised town park, whose history reaches back to the 19th century. It covers an area of 14 ha, the central part preserved in its natural state: a remnant of riparian woodland. Subsequently, the Garden features exceptional biodiversity, both in the case of dendroflora and avifauna. The Zoo can be enjoyed by following the different...
Lubin, Dolnośląskie
The Royal Garden - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens
turturi level
This is the oldest of the gardens. It was created in the seventeenth century on the marshlands of the former Hunting Grounds which had once belonged to the Grand Marshal of the Crown, Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski. Channels were dug through the ground to drain the marshes. A small Italianate garden was laid out on a regular, star-shaped plan close to the Bathhouse pavilion which was built...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
The Palm House - Książ Castle
botanical gardens
turturi level
The Wałbrzych Palm House arose from the initiative of the last representative of the Hochberg dynasty in Książ Castle, Hans Heinrich XV. The Prince had it built for his spouse, Mary Theresa Cornwallis-West, known as Daisy:  a lover of beautiful flowers and original plants. To this day, this expression of love -- the largest imaginable “bouquet of flowers” -- holds great charm. It is the only...
Wałbrzych, Dolnośląskie
Gardens of Light - Książ Castle
parks and gardens
turturi level
For the first time ever, the gardens of Książ Castle will come alive with a thousand lights! For five months (November 8, 2019 – March 31, 2020), the Castle terraces will turn into a spectacular light show, bringing a shimmering vitality to the Castle walls. Streams of light will flow from the fountains; flowers will bloom on the Rose Terrace; and on the West Terrace, transformed into a...
Wałbrzych, Dolnośląskie
The terraces and Książ garden - Książ Castle
castles, parks and gardens
turturi level
The terraces and Książ garden were developed in the eighteenth century, at first in the symmetrical French style. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the castle’s last mistress, Princess Daisy, brought about further embellishments. The British gardeners whom she engaged arranged some of the terraces in the English style, adapting them to the natural landscape. Today up to 14 terraces...
Wałbrzych, Dolnośląskie
Castle on Birów Mountain - Ogrodzieniec Castle
towns and settlements
turturi level
The castle in Birów shows us what a defensive settlement might have looked like from the times when Poland was ruled by the first Piast dynasty. The main building material was wood, but our ancestors also used earth and stones. Ramparts and a palisade protected against enemies. When building them, the natural defensive qualities of the mountain were made great use of - steep rocks and...
Ogrodzieniec, Śląskie
The European Bison Show Farm in the Historic Park of Pszczyna
turturi level
The European Bison Show Farm in the Historic Park of Pszczyna has not only the essential facilities for bison breeding, such as feeding racks and fodder stores (two-in-one structures), sheds and garages, but also buildings for tourists, including the main building that serves as an educational and exhibition venue. In addition to displays of the flora and fauna of Poland, the building houses a...
Pszczyna, Śląskie
The Hermitage - The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
parks and gardens
turturi level
The small building was constructed amidst dense trees at a certain distance from the central buildings of the Royal Łazienki. It was supposed to be a place where its owners could find refuge from everyday hassles and spend time alone with their thoughts.  The Hermitage building stands in the northern part of the garden, near the Jan III Sobieski monument. The Hermitage (ermitage in French -...
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Museum, proposals for you: 38
turturi level
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
Permanent exhibition
The grange and its contribtion to the development of Polish agriculture in the 19th and 20th centuries
Permanent exhibition
The preserved glory of carriages
Permanent exhibition
Museum of the Tarpan car
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Rural transport
Permanent exhibition
Produce harvesting, treshing, cleaning and storage techniques
Permanent exhibition
Farm animal breeding and husbandry
Permanent exhibition
Veterinary science
Permanent exhibition
fodder studies
Permanent exhibition
Plant cultivation
Permanent exhibition
Horitculture and soil studies
Permanent exhibition
Technological progress in agriculture in the 19th and 20th centuries
Permanent exhibition
History of Polish plant protection and fertilisation
Permanent exhibition
Land reclamation
Permanent exhibition
Beekeeping and an open-air exhibit
Permanent exhibition
Food processing and agri-food industry
Permanent exhibition
Rural crafts
Permanent exhibition
History of Polish agriculture until the 20th c.
Temporary exhibition: 2024.04.28 - 2024.10.10
Chłop-niewolnik? Opowieść o pańszczyźnie
Permanent exhibition
Outdoor sculpture
Permanent exhibition
Herb garden
Permanent exhibition
Demonstration fields of traditional cultivated plants
Permanent exhibition
Sad starych odmian drzew owocowych
Permanent exhibition
Blacksmith’s workshop
Permanent exhibition
Equipment of large farmsteads
Permanent exhibition
Wheelwright’s workshop
Permanent exhibition
Barn: live animals
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Water supply to rural areas and agriculture
Permanent exhibition
Energy sources in agriculture
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
History of green forage and cereal harvesting
Permanent exhibition
Agricultural aircraft
Permanent exhibition
Seed assessment laboratory
Permanent exhibition
Granary pests
Permanent exhibition
Plant and machinery for cleaning and sorting cereals, industrial plants, spermatophytes, and legumes
Permanent exhibition
Transport within a granary
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2024.06.22 12:00
Tajemnice naszej gorzelni
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
festiwal: 2024.06.23 11:00-18:00
Piwo z kulturą XIII Szreniawski Festiwal Piwa
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.07.19-2024.08.31
Makatki, dzbanki i firanki, czyli spotkanie z rękodziełem ludowym
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.07.19-2024.08.31
Struktury natury
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem: 2024.07.19-2024.08.31
Tarpanem od wiejskiej chaty do wiaty, czyli historia motoryzacji w pigułce
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.07.19-2024.08.31
Kupa zabawy przy wiejskich zwierzakach
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
warsztaty: 2024.08.15 10:00-17:00
Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie
Szreniawa, Wielkopolskie
Muzeum Rolnictwa im. ks. Krzysztofa Kluka w Ciechanowcu
Museum, proposals for you: 44
turturi level
Ciechanowiec, Podlaskie
Permanent exhibition
Bróg na siano
Permanent exhibition
Mieszkanie wielopokoleniowej rodziny drobnoszlacheckiej z przełomu XIX/XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Mieszkanie wielopokoleniowej rodziny małorolnego gospodarza z przełomu XIX/XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Pomieszczenia mieszkalne z okresu 20-lecia międzywojennego
Permanent exhibition
Pomieszczenia mieszkalne z lat 50. i 60. XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Dzieje Rolnictwa w Polsce
Permanent exhibition
Historia miasta Ciechanowca
Permanent exhibition
Kolekcja uli
Permanent exhibition
Kompleks kościelny ze wsi Boguty-Pianki - dzwonnica z XIX w.
Permanent exhibition
Wnętrze kuźni
Permanent exhibition
Wiejskie rzemiosła drzewne
Permanent exhibition
Obróbka włókna
Permanent exhibition
Przemiany w gospodarstwie domowym kobiety wiejskiej w 1. połowie XX wieku
Permanent exhibition
Las i gospodarka leśna
Permanent exhibition
Ekspozycja kieratów
Permanent exhibition
Muzeum Chleba
Permanent exhibition
Urządzenia młynarskie, żarna, stępy, miary, wagi
Permanent exhibition
Wiatrak „koźlak”
Permanent exhibition
profesor Kazimierz Drewnowski
Permanent exhibition
Wiatrak „koźlak”
Permanent exhibition
Tradycje zielarskie
Permanent exhibition
Morze w malarstwie europejskim
Permanent exhibition
Kruche piękno Dalekiego Wschodu
Permanent exhibition
Pamiątki kolonialne - sztuka Czarnego Lądu
Permanent exhibition
Początki mechanizacji rolnictwa
Permanent exhibition
Narzędzia i instrumenty używane w leśnictwie
Permanent exhibition
Rybołówstwo słodkowodne
Permanent exhibition
Salonik Rodu Ciechanowieckich
Permanent exhibition
Salonik prof. Ignacego Pieńkowskiego
Permanent exhibition
Sernica dworska (sernik, lesica)
Permanent exhibition
Mieszkanie średniozamożnej rodziny wielopokoleniowej
Permanent exhibition
Transport wiejski
Permanent exhibition
Wnętrza zabytkowe
Permanent exhibition
Dorobek ks. Krzysztofa Kluka
Permanent exhibition
Wiatrak koźlak z Niemyj Nowych
Permanent exhibition
Budynek szkoły
Permanent exhibition
Sypialnia księdza
Permanent exhibition
Produkcja oleju, garncarstwo ludowe
Permanent exhibition
Rymarstwo i szewstwo
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Warsztaty stolarskie
Permanent exhibition
Pokój gościnny plebana
Permanent exhibition
Kolekcja minerałów
Permanent exhibition
Wyposażenie domu wiejskiego z lat 50. XX wieku